Rocky still isn't himself. He has eaten a lot. He looks very uncomfortable. Maybe we are just over-reacting..
His attitude has changed a lot in a week. When we brought him home, he was biting a lot. within 72 hours, no more bites, LOADS of chirping and monkey noises. He would jump/fly to us and just wanted to be held.
Now, the last 48 hours, he has eaten a lot. No chirping or monkey noises, when we try to get him to step up, he nips at us, to tell us no. No biting at least, but he is making it known he doesn't want to step up.
We are concerned about him and will probably call the vet in the morning if he is still the same. He looks off balance as a result to the weight in his crop. His droppings were mostly liquid before, but now they are pretty solid, and big.<br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2009/12/04 13:22