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  1. Thanks for your reply. We will try and have them come everyday. We thought about bringing him over somewhere else, but he is very comfortable at home. He is a big scardy bird. If anyone else is having this issue, I found my solution. I am placing a laptop in the area and using scheduled tasks to power on, play music files, then power off when done at the time of my choosing. To use scheduled tasks to power on and off a computer, look here.. http://www.ehow.com/how_5931146_scheduled-task-turn-computer.html Thank. Any other advice is appreciated still.
  2. Have any of you found a good solution to have a tv or radio come on via timer for a specified amount of time, say a few hours a night? We will be away from the house for a few days coming up and would like some noise to come on for our parrot. We have someone checking in on him, but it might not be everyday. Any ideas, suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
  3. Not a problem. I will keep this updated as it progresses.
  4. Well, the vet said he had a little skin infection. also said his skin looked very dry. I am going to give him nightly showers for a bit. We do not use shampoo ro anything and let him air dry. She had him in a towel and he was knawing on it. On the sides of his mouth, it got very red, even a slight bit of blood, but it stopped quickly after he didnt have the towel to knaw on. Anyway, she prescribed baytril and even said we could try childrens benadryl .5 ounces for him. Hope he gets better. Any ideas to keep him moist? She said to hold off on aloe for a couple weeks to see if the medicine helps.
  5. Will do. The vet appointment is in less than an hour so I can update you then. Thanks for the input!
  6. So here is my concern. The last week or so, I've noticed Rocky, using his talons to itch his tongue. At first I thought it was just grooming himself so I let it go for a few. Well, this is basically non-stop. And if you have him perch on your hand, then he uses his beak to itch his tongue, moving his tongue outside the beak. We are going to take him to the vet as we are concerned, but any ideas? or has anyone had anything similar? The front of his tongue is the normal black color, but back in there it looks a little red. Thanks for any input. -pepsico
  7. Figured I would post a couple pictures of the littly bugger. Just took these about 5 minutes ago. Compliments of Rocky http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/9742/img2732small.jpg http://img22.imageshack.us/i/img2723small.jpg/ EDIT: I can't understand posting pictures to this site. So here are the links.<br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/29 01:04
  8. UPDATE Well, I called and checked with a vet and they said just to keep an eye on him. If he has any symptoms to get him in. It has been almost 2 days now, and he is fine. So I am hoping he stays good. I will keep a close eye on him still. Thanks for the advice everyone. I was worried about the little guy.
  9. Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/27 02:38 Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/27 02:39<br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/27 02:45
  10. Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/27 02:30 <br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/27 02:40
  11. Advice needed.. Our CAG was on his cage, when my cell rang. It was about to run out of power, so I went and charged it in the other room, When I came back to the room I found our parrot on our kitchen chair chipping off pieces.. I am concerned for him. Should I seek help? He seems to be fine, but I worry about metal / lead poisoning. I don't know if he "ate" any of it Hopefully I am overreacting.<br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2010/01/27 02:43
  12. pepsico

    Over Eating?

    UPDATE We took him to the vet. He was stretching his neck and kept opening his beak up in addition to the other things. On Tuesday, he weighed in at 418 grams. On Friday his weight was 540 grams. They did a gram stain test and determined he has a bacterial infection. It was positive in his beak and his stool. They prescribed a pro-biotic (Bene-Bac), and a antibiotic called Baytril. They said that should help him feel better. They explained that the infection could have been limiting the speed of his crop digestion and he wasn't getting the nutrients he needed, so he would keep eating. They told us to ration his food, and only feed him when his crop is down. So right now, that's about 1/3 cup a day of pellets and seed. We hope he makes a quick recovery.
  13. pepsico

    Over Eating?

    We cannot weigh him, due to the fact that we don't yet have a scale. I will be ordering one though. We can get him to eventually step up, he really doesn't want to though. I am just worried of his sudden change in attitude. We have only had him 9 days, so maybe he is going through some adjustment phases. He seems to distant while just a couple days ago he was overly friendly. I will be calling the vet when they open. Ill keep you posted. Thanks for your help.
  14. pepsico

    Over Eating?

    UPDATE Rocky still isn't himself. He has eaten a lot. He looks very uncomfortable. Maybe we are just over-reacting.. His attitude has changed a lot in a week. When we brought him home, he was biting a lot. within 72 hours, no more bites, LOADS of chirping and monkey noises. He would jump/fly to us and just wanted to be held. Now, the last 48 hours, he has eaten a lot. No chirping or monkey noises, when we try to get him to step up, he nips at us, to tell us no. No biting at least, but he is making it known he doesn't want to step up. We are concerned about him and will probably call the vet in the morning if he is still the same. He looks off balance as a result to the weight in his crop. His droppings were mostly liquid before, but now they are pretty solid, and big.<br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2009/12/04 13:22
  15. pepsico

    Over Eating?

    We just got Rocky a week ago, and things have been going great. He loves carrots, mac and cheese (a little amount) Broccoli, and such. We feed him Zupreem FruitBlend, which is what the breeder fed him. He is 14 weeks old. My concern is this. For about a week, the cup or 2 of Zupreem lasted him. He hardly seemed to touch his Zupreem. I hadn't had to refill it. Until today. We keep a live webcam so we can watch him while away at work. He ate pretty much all day. When we came home, the wife made some pasta, which he had a small portion of and then he went right back to the newly refilled Zupreem food. I took him out of his cage and put him on top and I swear he looked like "Popeye" with his chest (crop) way out. We put him back in his cage and he immediately went back to eating Zupreem. We are a little nervous about him overeating. I did some searches but could not find much. Should be limit his food? Or will he stop when he has had enough. Concerned new owner. He is eating as we speak.
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