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  1. We (my fiancé and I) have had Ollie (3yo CAG) for 2.5 years now. He is amazing and has been nothing but wonderful! Anything Ollie enjoys doing with my fiancé, he equally enjoys doing with me. Ollie is truly a two person bird! Here's my question, Ollie, if it's not sleep time, is usually in his cage for <5hrs a day, but we feel he's bored inside his cage for that time (though he has plenty of toys and is next to a window). So we were thinking of getting an umbrella cockatoo, one because we love those little guys and two to keep Mr. Ollie (he loves to be called Mr.Ollie) entertained when we are not home. What are everyone's thoughts on keeping two parrots? Thanks!
  2. So cute! That last one I just imagine Spock saying "Hmm...interesting texture...*om nom nom*"
  3. Actually, I noticed this happened to our grey a couple of weeks ago as well. He eats carrots too, and hasn't been acting any different than usual. Looking at his foot now the orange is gone (it looks a little lighter than his other foot but I don't see a reason to be concerned about it) and he's still as silly and happy as ever. My guess is it's probably just stained from holding the carrots. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  4. Hahahaha! <3 A farm of Greys would be interesting, that's for sure! Ollie can contribute some very pig-like noises to that bunch!
  5. Thank you for all of the support! I haven't been updating much lately, busy with work and all that, but right now I've got a few minutes. Everything in the food department is going great. He's holding around 12.9oz. Also, Ollie loooovveeesss cardboard and the color red! (Anyone else notice they go crazy over red things?) And I want to thank everyone for their advice in the "The Nursery" section, as it's helping me out a lot. I'm going to be trying out those toy tips! It's great getting to know Ollie, and he is such a sweetheart. I'll get Justin to take another video soon. They're pretty funny together.
  6. Hey guys, it's Candace here! We've had our baby for a week and two days now and we just wanted to let you guys know it's going great. The vet says he's healthy and we had his nails trimmed a bit. (Though we aren't going back to that guy - long story short he cut one of Ollie's left nails a little too short and we had to stop him from bleeding while on the road back home. Don't worry Ollie is perfectly fine though! He didn't freak out about it and was actually back to normal within 10-15 minutes of leaving the vet.) I update this at least every 2-3 days: http://ollie-oxenfree.livejournal.com/ The pictures are at the above link as well, but I'll attach them to the forums for easy viewings. I caught Ollie napping upstairs after his dinner. Hee hee!
  7. Mika is just adorable!! He looks like he's already doing great! We just got our Grey a few days ago too and it's good to see someone else as happy as we are! Congratulations on your new companion and please keep us updated!
  8. Hey fellow Grey lovers! This is Candace letting you know that I posted a video of Ollie and myself on Youtube as well today, along with a blog to keep track of our new life with our baby! The blog is currently under construction but should be up and running tomorrow sometime. Thank you so much for all of the support! We're both a little nervous (especially me - I have never cared for a bird before), but we are trying our very best to take good care of him. Currently we're having some trouble getting him to eat the medium RoudyBush pellets. He is still eating vegetables (so far carrots and apples - still lookin' for those organic grapes!) and seed though. We felt Ollie's crop before putting him to bed and he was plenty full. Justin and I are going to try the method of getting the pellets a little soggy and warm before putting them in Ollie's bowl tomorrow. We'll let you know how it turns out! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpMTUU6cv6w Blog: http://ollie-oxenfree.livejournal.com/
  9. judygram wrote: We'll try for every or every other weekend. He's already taking a liking to Spongebob hahaha more about it in the diary.
  10. Hey guys and gals! Thanks for the responses and support! We'll be keeping a text and video diary posted on the forums every month or so. Check back for an update! Justin Candace and Ollie
  11. After a month of anticipation, our first Congo African Grey (Ollie) came home with us! The first few minutes were not as bad as I had imagined. Ollie came out of his traveler cage as soon as we opened the door. He hopped up onto the top of the cage and wanted to be held. We held him while introducing him to the living room. He seemed very inquisitive of everything! We showed him the kitchen, dining area, and the play stand on top of his cage (which he immediately perched). A bit of his favorite treats went into the play stand bowl after which he preceded to scarf it down with vigor. After a few hours of constant attention and handling, we tried to put him into his new giant cage! He was reluctant at first but warmed up to the idea quickly. All this time he was making the classic chirping noise of a baby CAG. He wanted more attention when we placed the bedtime sheet over his cage but he soon quieted and fell asleep. This morning he was Mr. Talk-active (not actual words just lots of chirping) telling us how great his night went and how he was glad to see us. We placed him on the scale (13g) and fed him a few organic Fuji apples... he loved em... then we made this video together! Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23haGUe5w9Y Currently, he's eating and watching himself on youtube... He's a SuPeRsTaR ;-) Justin Candace and Ollie
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