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  1. Thanks Lyn, Yeah Micheal was a troubled little soul. I was told he'd never see the inside of a cage again and that he could go back to his job of cage surfing and meowing back at the cat along with individual attention. I hope he does.. He was just terrified of everything! He did soo well here tho. Gained weight and was looking really healthy. His feathers grew back in pink! Someday I'll have another grey, but for now I have a fantastic bunch of birds here to love.. Rhonnie,Hannah,Linkin and Verbal
  2. Thanks Pat..... I tried that and she found a wrinkle in my skin with her beak and pinched. It didn't draw blood or anything so it definately merits repeating. I think she's just a little too fresh in the family and a tad scared. I know she has to miss her owners.. Bill was able to get over his fear of her big beak tho yesterday. He noticed the two bites she gave me where harmless enough and gave her a couple grapes (oh she just loves grapes! She throws her head back and sucks all the juice out. She makes them look like they taste like heaven.)and then he fed her some tiny peanut peices. I told him she would probably tongue him as well and not to move his hand and he was rock steady. She tongued him a bit and took the peanut. So far she really loves peanuts as treats. I think Hannah will come along fine as she is here longer, We are pretty tenacious about loving our birds and Now Bill is getting into them hard to. He holds linkin and verbal everyday. I'm tickled he is getting along with Hannah cause he couldn't hold Ceasar or Micheal. Thank you for any and all info Pat!! Rhonnie N Hannah (hey these people aren't too bad)
  3. Thanks Tyco'sMom and greywings. She did go for my hand last night and I pushed into it instead of yanking away and she bit lightly then let go. Not to say it didn't hurt. The pressure is alot more than the Greys but she didn't use the tip of her beak which was pretty cool. Thanks for the info. Any tips on teaching her to step up? Rhonnie N Hannah (whats Step Up?)
  4. Thanks Guys.. I think she is beautiful. Still miss ceasar tho. Yesterday she came out of her cage when I opened the door and she set on top playing with Linkin. She would try and get away tho if I came near prefering to "cage surf" but I did get her to take some peanuts and a couple of cherries. She's a pretty good bird. Hugs, Rhonnie N Hannah
  5. Here is a picture of Big Girl Hannah.. Hugs, Rhonnie N Hannah (hey whats that flashy thing?)
  6. Well, its been a trying past few days. Micheal's rescue woman missed him terribly and he missed her. The lady contacted me about getting Micheal/Cosmo back. Micheal was coming along slowly but with his severe fear of me and everyone of us, we decided to give him back to her and we adopted Hannah. Blue and Gold macaw. A 2 year old who was hand fed and her owners lost their house and were living in their car forcing them to sell Hannah. She is still missing them terribly but she will take treats from me and stretch out her neck to get them. She does not scream, she sorta grunts occaisionally and tries to say Hannah. Ok I know NOTHING about Macaws. HELP!! I don't want her to develope bad habits and she is a quick learner. I've been bit all over by a African grey and watching Hannah make short work out of walnuts is scary to me. I know its gonna take nerves of steel to train her to step up. She really doesn't know how to be handled and will nail you. Yesterday she taste tested my fingers with her tongue and I'm taking it as a good sign she didn't nail down.. Should I go slow with her as I did ceasar and Micheal? She seems like she wants to learn and be close but she is also new here.. Thanks a bunch, Rhonnie
  7. Well today is a new day and I'm feeling so much better now than I did when I lost Ceasar. Cosmo who's new name is Micheal (thats about all he says) is coming along a tiny bit at a time. He would not let me get him out of his cage and I cannot stand seeing a bird caged 24/7. Soooo I made the top of his cage where I can take it off. Micheal then climbs out and visits with Verbal and Linkin. he allowed me to carry him over to the back of my computer chair with only 2 bites that really weren't all that bad. he then sat there while I typed. We are trying this over and over again until he realizes I'm no Ogre. he still screams but is not flipping on his back like he did before. Its taking a slow but repetitive action to get this bird to trust me in the least. I think he's going to take longer than Ceasar did to gain his trust. He watches Linkin and Verbal interact with me and he twists his head this way and that, studying them as if to say "hey what are you doing fellow birds?" LOL Linkin doesn't care for Verbal, Verbal is indifferent to both big birds and Micheal wants to get to know both of them. His interest in the other birds, especially when we are holding them gives me alot of hope.. Micheal will take treats from me but then he throws it so we are going along at a snails pace. Just thought I'd drop in and tell everyone how Micheal is progressing. Hugs and Love, Rhonnie N Micheal
  8. OMG Micheal had me in hysterics a minte ago. His feed that was sent with him consisted of sunflower seeds, unshelled peanuts and captain crunch and lucky charms cereal. I stood there with him growling and heres what happened Growlllyumyumyum. He currantly has his head buried in peaches staring at me like I'm the Great provider. I think we have a chance yet. Rhonnie N Micheal
  9. Cosmo, now named Micheal, is home. He does not say cosmo he says micheal. I said "cosmo?" he said "Micheal" I may have bit off more than I can chew with this bird but he did accept a walnut half from me, which he immediately dropped, but he also took a french fry and didn't drop it. Let me tell you what I was told..... 22 years ago the country of Africa gave Micheal Jackson alot of wild animals for his Neverland ranch. Cosmo/aka Micheal was one of them. 9 years ago when Neverland ranch was closed, Cosmo/Micheal was driven to rescue from Neverland ranch. The woman kept him for 9 years and didn't handle him. He came with his rope toy (one of those that hang from the cieling that he is really attached to. He hasn't been in a cage for the 9 years she had him. I'm sitting here listening to Micheal Jackson songs and he says Micheal? Micheal? Thank God for Imeem. Now I admit MJ music calms this bird. They say he sings and dances to it, but they also said he'd come with trimmed nails and filed beak cause I didn't want to traumatise him straight off befor ehe trusted me and his nails are a mile long, his beak is two miles long and he looks like a plucked chicken. That was blamed on a few macaws scaribng him to death so he supposedly plucked but quit when the macaws left. Anyways, I put on Imeem so it played while I type and I've gotten up a number of times to just stand with my arm over the cage. I don't leave until he quits groling and screaming. I just ignore him and once he calms down I walk back to the computer. In between these episodes I offered him a peeled walnut and on another time a french fry. he dropped the walnut but ate the french fry. He also is catching on to when I lean on the cage I'm not out to get him. I'm afraid Micheal was a wildborn baby and never really trusted anyone. I'm going to need some serious help with him. He is alot smaller than Ceasar was but actually looks to be in bad shape. Like doesn't have the glossy feathers of a healthy bird. Tommorow we will go to the vet and see whats up. Hugs, Rhonnie N Micheal
  10. Thanks guys. Yep I figure this fellow has years of bad luggage he's acrrying. What I don't understand is he was at the rescue for 9 years and not worked with? HMMMMMMMMM Jesse's mommy got ahold of me after all this time and she still wants me to take Jesse. I can't do it right now with all my birds being new. Its unfair to them so if anyone knows anyone all the woman wants for her is a plane ticket to you. Its 280$ She's 8 months old,hand tamed real sweet says goodmorning and I love you and loads of other things. She sounds charming but Linkin and Cosmo and Little verbal gotta come first. Thanks again, Rhonnie Thanks again
  11. Well, still no sign of Ceasar and the lady who had Jesse didn't get back with me. I've adopted a 22 year old CAG from Emerald Birds rescue. He needs working with but I've got time. I opted for this male instead of a sweetie female. I figured he'd need rescueing before she would. His name is Cosmo but thats a temporary name. He says Micheal alot so that might end up being his name. He is due to arrive tommorow or thursday..Will send pictures soon as I get him. He supposedly doesn't bite but instead he screams and flops over onto his back. Looks like I got myself into another handful of bird LOL Bill is doing good, his liver enzymes are up and they want to discuss his test results on the 4th. I'll keep you up to date.. Blessed Be! Rhonnie
  12. Limkin is the Eclectus Parrot Bill bought me. He is 7 years old and very charming. He talks a bit but mostly Honks like a little tricycle horn.. Verbal likes him but he doesn't care for verbal.. Bummer.. Anyhow, heres Linkin Rhonnie
  13. I am just scared the weather was too cold for him outside. I'm super bummed.... The eclectus, Linkin is a real snuggle bird who loves Bill to death. So he's happy but I still am miserable. I got online yesterday and talked to a girl in alaska, she lost her daughter 3 weeks ago and she had a bird 8 months old female, who is outgoing,tame and talking that she just wants shipping for because every time she looks at the bird it reminds her of her daughter. She asked for references and I gave her this forum and poodlovers forum so she can ask ya'll directly. I'll never do something so stupid like I did with Ceasar again! I hope if she does log in to this forum ya'll will give me a Ok reference. I know its asking alot, but thank you in advance. I know this bird will not replace my Ceasar but, like She said , it will fill the empty hole in my heart... I'm still not eating or sleeping because my grieving. Maybe this bird needs me as much as I do it... Hugs, Rhonnie Bill, Linkin and Verbal.
  14. The good news is Bills test didn't show anything bad.. Horrible news is I'm heatbroken. Ceasar flew alright, right out the front door. I was coming down the hallway and when I got to the door Bill was bringing in a large box. and both front doors were open, Ceasar got scared and poof, he was gone out the door. He's been hanging out in the trees behind us I think because the neighbor told me the tree was ringing like a phone. That's Ceasars favorite call. I've got his cage outside with fresh food in it everyday in case he see's it and decides free life isn't worth losing the one you love. I've got flyers out everywhere the pet stores and animal control looking,I can't walk the hills looking for him but Bill and Aeriel have been walking thru there.I've got newspaper ads and I've done everything in my power to get him to come to me. I'm sure he's llost and confused.. I feel like I've died. That bird was my world.. Bill decided he'd get me another bird and brung home a eclectus parrot named Linkin (actually Lincoln but I like linkin better.) He's no Ceasar thats for sure. First thing I did was clipped his wing. I'LL NEVER BE A FLIGHTED BIRDS PET EVER AGAIN! I highly reccomend you guys that want flighted birds THINK AGAIN........ .......................................... Thru tears, Rhonnie N Linkin (hey I'm a good snuggly bird, whats wrong with me? )
  15. Sonya is not family but she is daughter in laws best friend. they exchange babysitting times so sometimes her girls are with my son and his kids and sometimes the grandbabies will be with Sonya and able to still visit Lola Thanks Guys for you concerns and helping me thru all this. Rhonnie N Ceasar
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