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Everything posted by janica

  1. Hi all. Just want you all to know that Coco is now 5 weeks old. We are doing GREAT she still eats 5 meals every 4 hours so one of these days she will be eating me out of the house ! ! ! LOL She loves to sit on a towel on my lap on the couch and then I have to stroke her all the time I have posted a few extra fotos but will put some more on. . . LOTS OF LOVE Janica and COCO
  2. Hi all. . Just want to thank each and every one that has help me and Coco so far! She is doing very well and I can see her greowing day by day! I would like to know ehat would my doings be for week 4 ? what is the do's and donts for week 4? She is nou 4 weeks old. . . .
  3. Thank you very much for your msg. . . I do have one question. I stay in south africa, it is currently summer and very hot, coco is in a box with towels do I still have to cover him I am just scared he might get to hot can I leave him open???
  4. Hi there Thank you for your reply . . . I am getting a bit tired of hearing the same thing over and over " you should never have got the bird at such a young age". Instead please rather assist me in what to do. I am from south africa so I am going to answer you in our terms. 1. Do you know how much to feed the baby? 2. Do you know the correct formula temperature? 3. What formula are you using? 4. Has it been to see a vet? You might also want to keep the radio on for the little thing during the day, and talk to it whenever you can. 1.I am feeding her 5 times a day 30 -35ml every 4 hours. 2. I give the formula at a temperature of between 39celcius to 40celcius. 3. I am using AVI plus hand rearing formula for parrots 4. I have not yet been to a vet that would happen on monday. The TV is on all day but I am with the baby the whole day every day we talk and I give her scratches as I think se is already spoiled in someway it really seems like she is asking to be scratched. LOL She stays in a box at this stage with wood shavings and a towel in the bottom. I have a soft toy with her and also a towel to cuddle her and keep warm. I think she seems happy and she is doing all the birdie things flapping wings and believe it or not but having a conversation in her own way. . . Please let me know if the info I gave you is correct. . . Janica and Coco
  5. Thanks again, do I have the veggies and fruit now already and do I offer it to him
  6. This is what she looks like after a week
  7. Thanks, I am so scared of over feeding but I see at night she doesnt eat as strong as she would in the day. . . Also she flaps alot! ! ! ! At night she will be restless after feeding until i pat her head but what I dont understand is she makes a funny noise after feeding like a puppy not the crying type. . . and then she will settle in and sleep. . . Well all I can do is to give all my love and attention now and have friends like you to help me through. . . . Except for the cheerios is there anything else I should know at 4 weeks. . . ???? or do or look out for???
  8. Thanks dave. I have put a soft toy in there is a towel on the bottom but will change to what you said. . . Tell me more about the droppings and also when do i introduce solids like the cheerio's One more question Before feeding she like stretches and opens her mouth and so on, is that coz she knows its nearly feeding time? also after feedings she makes sounds during and after little bit restlees after night feedings and then goes to sleep
  9. Thank you so much for all the advice. . MUCH APPRECIATED ! ! ! ! I have done alot of researched before taking the bird, believe in me i have got a file on baby greys to give any persone a fright of research that I have done. . . At the end of the day I am trying to see how many of the same answers I am getting on my questions. I have got a pretty good idea of what to do but like most people I am sure I still doubt myself here and there. Because I love this grey so much I only want the best for him so every little movement he makes I question. . . I am also keeping a diary of his weight gain each day and it average between 14 to 20 grams a day. So far I think myself and Coco is doing good and with the answers I got it seems like the research I gathered is correct. Once again thank you for all the concern and advice and support. Regards, Janica and Coco. . . . .
  10. I got an African grey almost 4 weeks old. Need all the advice I can get. I am hand rearing him . . I would like to know: When do we put him in a cage? when do I start weaning and how? He stays in a box now with wood shavings (Pine) can I take him out during the day to stretch? When can I start introducing bath time? All advice and extra advice please mail me on j.duplessis@telkomsa.net
  11. Nope I only got her sunday so this sunday will be a week that I have Coco she will be 4 weeks
  12. Thank you I hope I can get all I need here. . . I want to give the best treatment and care that I can /. . Janica and Coco
  13. I got an African grey almost 4 weeks old. Need all the advice I can get. I am hand rearing him . . I would like to know: When do we put him in a cage? when do I start weaning and how? He stays in a box now with wood shavings (Pine) can I take him out during the day to stretch? When can I start introducing bath time? All advice and extra advice please mail me on j.duplessis@telkomsa.net
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