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  1. hey all, Silvester seems to be getting better. his poop is almost back to normal and he is responding better. his activity level is also improving. i called the other vet that i was directed to but it turned out he has no experience in avian pets as well. seems my luck in finding a vet is not getting any better. i called a friend back home and i got an overseas phone number for a vet. i will try that tom. on another note, i have another question. when i got silvester last year his wings were clipped badly. over the months he plucked some of the short bad feathers out and was able to grow new ones. one of his wings is almost complete now but the other has few clipped feathers that are not improving. is there a way to help the wings grow back. i had spent some time with him trying to teach him to fly short distances, and now is not afraid to fly small distances at home. However his landing still sucks so i avoid letting him fly un supervised. i also noticed that when he does fly he usually pants as if he has been doing heavy activity.. is that normal? i did some research and found out that AG's can fly long distances, so i found the panting a bit weird. i just wanna thank you all. you support was really fantastic all through this rough period.i feel like i am rediscovering Silvester again with all the info and tips available here.
  2. All, Thanx for the feedback. Silvester has shown some signs of improvement. his activity level is better and he started grooming his feathers again. his appetite didn't change throughout last week. i noticed also that his poop is not smelly anymore and the actual diarrhea is intermittent with normal poop; i guess this should be a good sign. the only problem remaining is the frequent screaming, although he is generally calm; he even said a couple of words which is also an improvement. I am still checking around for a local vet which is very hard to find in Nigeria but, and to be honest the vet i called was a bit shady. i have been directed to another one and i will go check him out today. will keep you posted thnx again
  3. i looked around and found a local vet who advised i should give Silvester Amixycillin- colistin combination. i checked the web and i found out that Amoxicillin is usually given to cats and dogs and its very unusual to be given to birds unless they were bitten by a cat ( which is not the case) .. ( i forgot to mention that i have a BS in nursing). anyway- before i get the meds; i was wondering if anyone has a previous experience with such antibiotics with their greys please advise
  4. Hello, I have a CAG who is about 2 years old. i traveled for 2 weeks during which a friend of mine was taking care of him. however, the parrot was transferred to my friends house for a couple of days. when i came back, i noticed the Silvester ( my parrot) was not talking any more and he had smelly and brownish watery poop. his appetite did not change, however, he was drinking a of water and was a bit restless, screaming frequently even in my presence, which was not the norm. this situation has been going on for a week now. the poop seems to be polyuria more that diarrhea; however i cant confirm. i am in Nigeria and i don't know any vets around. your help is highly appreciated Thank you
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