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Everything posted by 1sydneybird

  1. OH, I watched that earlier this morning!! Syd does do that also with me. Ive decided that when Syd is out, that I cover Roxys cage until I figure out what to do next. His aggression towards me when he is near Roxy is unacceptable to me.
  2. I once had a pair of cordon bleu finches, and remember their mating dance. I was watching Sydney (male TAG do not have a female) and thought,OMG!!! Sydney ripped apart one of his toys to get the sisal rope out, and shredded it into a ball...then carried it around the cage looking for a place to put it!!! Is this why when he is around Roxy (also male) he lets Roxy preen him until feathers are pulled out, and gets aggressive with me??? He HAS done a little dance for me, as well as regurgitated. ACK!!!!! Is this my "lightbulb moment"??? haha!!
  3. Well, the funny thing is that Roxy does not seem to mind that Syd is on his cage. Syd is the one that gets REALLY nasty when he is on ROXYS cage. I did try, last night to let them both out. Syd flew over to Roxys cage (I was standing on alert with gloves on) and Syd tried to bite Roxys NECK!!! I freaked out. WHAAA. It makes me scared and sad!!
  4. Hi All, I need some advice from you all!!! Sydney (TAG) has been flying over to Roxys (Quaker) cage. At first it was cute and harmless, but Syd has bit Rox through the cage bar (nipped his foot) When Syd is over there, he gets VERY aggressive towards anyone near the cage, and starts screaming, waving his head and trying to bite us. When I show him the perch to step onto, he attacks it. OK, The obvious is to not let syd over there, right? SHould I move one of their cages away, so syd cant get there or see Rox? They are both flighted. When I cut Roxys flight feathers, he really trashes the rest of his feathers by falling all over the place. WHY the aggressiveness? It is so uncharacteristic of him. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!
  5. Roxy picked at his for quite some time, determined little guy!! Syd is MUCH more picky. I have a hard time getting him to eat any cooked or raw fruits and veggies, except for sugar snap peas.
  6. Sydney is "officially" a boy!!!!! I knew it, ahhhhh, my baby boy!
  7. That is SO exciting!!! Cant wait for the next episode!!
  8. Im waiting not so patiently!! LOL!! I should know today!!!:ohmy:
  9. well, the only reason it worked is because of your generous help!! Thannks again :kiss:
  10. OMG, their reaction was hysterical. Totally excited, then complete disgust. Threw it on the floor.:blink:
  11. Good Lord, I live in Northern WI, and outside, in the winter, it is not unusual to be -20. We have a woodstove also in the living room, and a heater near the FIDS. Humidifiers and air purifiers run rampant, too. The heated perch is a GREAT idea. I have seen them, but really never thought of it before. With all this stuff plugged in, I am sure we will blow a fuse.
  12. My boys LOVE peas. So, I am sitting on the couch, munching what I feel to be the best snack ever invented, and they are looking at me like "UM, we would like some peas, please" Can they eat them?
  13. Well, I will find out today or tomorrow if Syd is actually a boy!! The "Baby" I am thinking of homing is actually a boy, and we thought she was a girl. SO, my question is, with more than one, do opposite sex pairs get along better than same sex? Is boy/boy better or worse than girl/girl? (that sounds really weird, sorry ):blink: Thanks!!!!
  14. Of COURSE he is handsome haha. I actually call him Syd, or Syddi. I know, its silly I typically only call him Sydney when he is being naughty. :silly:
  15. HAHA, well, guess what?? Baby (potential adoption) is a MALE!!! So, if Syd really is a male, no worries with the breeding, LOL!!! I should find out tomorrow or Thurs.
  16. I need to still get a better photo, I am a picky momma !!!
  17. Yippeeee!! I feel like an expert now. There is my handsome boy!!!
  18. haha, here is one small pic of syd for my avatar. Ill try more in a bit.:laugh:
  19. Please see my new post "re: is this OK"??? Help!!
  20. My first instinct was to get a cockateil. Off to Petco I went. I was not impressed!!! One little guy, though, stood out, he was a 12 week old Quaker. I asked to take him out of the cage, and he layed upside down in my hand for literally 1/2 hour while I walked around the store. I was smitten, and he is now 4. I found Sydney (TAG) on craigslist. I had NEVER even been on craigslist!! He was 8 and being re-homed by a Vet student that had rehomed him from a negligent situation. We talked for about a month, then I went to pick him up (5 hours away) It was love at first site. The owner said I was the first person that he stepped up to that had visited. He has been my little lovie ever since. My experience BLEW AWAY my expectations!!!!
  21. OK, I will get some photos up with the help of my kids OK, this freaked me out. Syd is the most gentle soul. Today, when he was on Roxys cage, he made a sound that he typically does, which is like "Whhaaaaaa" then did this weird dance thing while hanging on the cage the TRIED TO BITE ME!!! What the heck? He did this like 3 times before I showed him the perch to step onto. He stepped right up on my finger after that. BUT, this freaked me out in regards to getting our potential new Baby. Was he being aggressive and territorial around Roxy? Will he react this way if he bonds with another TAG? He was almost openiing his mouth for Roxy, like a mamma bird does for feeding her babies, and Rox was having his beak in Syds mouth, like he was eating. Is this WEIRD?
  22. Well, this is really new for them. Ive had Syd for 8 months, and although I had introduced them before, I was too worried to let them touch. Sydney started calling Roxy from his cage saying "Roxy, Roxy" and last night I let them preen one another, it was SO cute. Then, this morning, when Syd was out, he flew right over to Roxys cage and they started beaking, (although it looked like licking each other, my hubby was disgusted) I still wont trust them, but its kinda cool!
  23. I called avianbiotech and they said 3 is OK. IF, for some reason it is not enough, there is no charge to send in more. That would give me a bit for Syd to forget about the towel, seeming I just also trimmed his nails a few days ago!!:blush:
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