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  1. how everyone had a good new year 11/01/2014 parrots are doing fine cock bird gets better with each day he loves to watch you eat your dinner and try nick the veg now but have to tell him NO lol also loves to annoy the dogs lol the hen bird no improvement I think shes just happy to sit on top of the cage and do her own thing so I to push her to do anythink brought them loads new toys and some nesting stuff as they where taking intrest in there nest box so I thought just see what happens
  2. im in no rush I got years lmao I hope and he only let you walk around with him and stuff if you can get him off the cage but nothing grapes don't sort out
  3. 18/12/2013 hen bird no improvement but the cock bird wow well first off he now come off the cage to get food off you if your sat down on the sofa he likes flying around the house and sitting with the dogs also he walked on my hand and sat there why I walked around the house not bad ey
  4. 29/11/2013 update well as you would all think progress as slowed down now they know have a nest box just incase but atm there moulting all over the place, they both do actly talk say quite a few words but you have to be out the room so they think there in the house on there own to hear them talk but really good they also always out of the cage now and eating loads food atm due to the moulting ofcourse I still try to pet them when they allow me to so not to stress them out as I have said before there never be silly tame but atleast there ok some times and they go back in the cage now when asked so that's a result they ofcourse are starting to like different fruits now as well as there seeds I do still spray them with a bottle of water now and again to get them to groom and keep the dust down
  5. 15/11/2013 cock bird improved a little more I got a HELLO out of him still dosnt like being touched but that's ok and the hen bird as been singing a lot lately and she gos in and out of the cage when they feel like it now also sprayed them with water today to give them a bath cock bird didn't mind the hen bird didn't like it but they do need a bath once in a while gave them a hand treat after spraying them to reward them for not biting me to bits lol
  6. shame the hen bird wont go back in the cage ? anyone got any tips there not tame so ??
  7. here we go all my greys first time out of there cage Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  8. well they both have come out the cage tonight and eating and drinking and singing and feeding each other again also the cock bird desided to have a flight test around the room hen bird not had a flight test but maybe she have one soon god knows how im get them back in the cage lol the joys im going to have
  9. and now I have them a new home well now for the progress cock bird in all honestly still allows me to pet him now and again and the hen bird has started to sing more and make all different sort of sounds they both seem happy always sleeping on 1 leg and pruning one and other and feeding eachother. and they both will take food from your hand. as for what im looking from them not a lot to be honest im quite happy I have a couple Africa greys after so long in wanting them so anything is a pluss, as for breeding I guess I may take a chick off them if they do lay for me, but i do need to install a nest box into there cage first tho, as my misses would like a cuddle tame parrot so I guess getting a chick off them for free isn't a bad idea - but ill see how they get on first I have brought them 6 toys so far some good food and they getting fruit every other day the cock bird was plucking his neck by the looks of things before I got him but since I have been talking to him and trying to keep them happy his feathers seem to be coming back slowly so touch wood it keeps progressing that way
  10. hello as I was saying I would do updates 13/11/2013 well first off I shall show what the bloke came around with the parrots in and expected to to keep them in
  11. well today i was told I could tell how old my birds are by the last 2 numbers on the ring is this true ?? if so the cock bird was born in 2006 and the hen bird born 2001 they olddddddd lol well either way the hen been allowing the cock bird to have sex, but if she dose lay I think I may remove these eggs.
  12. they have no names my 4year old some wants to call the cock bird ( birdie ) lol but they will need names and photos will come once there out of the cage there in because it makes me look bad, people might think im keeping them into throught my own choice and I am not but as I say new cage be here tomorrow I hope and then ill get some fruits In and toys for them, hopful there start to come out of the cage them and have a little play but atm I think there looking to breed
  13. I know it take time, im just glad I have a pair after so ment years of talking about it and the (bloke said they have had eggs and chicks) atm there both cleaning each other and the cock bird is feeding the hen bird . just been out to to cut some tree branches just been cleaning the bark off one of them as im going to make a stand of out it some I have cleaned it and treated it and also got some to go in there new cage . also brought some more toys for there new cage so I can change them around once a week so there not playing with the same toys for weeks on end
  14. well a couple of us where talking about the 2 greys I got on my welcome page for I thought id make a post on it today so we can talk about it in one thread well first off I got the parrots on thrusday they came from a lad around my ages witch is 25 he admitted to me he only got them to breed off and make cash and was keeping them in a aviary all year around and told me hen bird dose not like human contact at all and the cock bird when he got him was semi tame, but started to go wild for being in his aviary i got these birds as i have been looking for one for ages but i got the both of them for £700 i wont lie that's what i paid for the pair of them.. so for the improvement since thrusday 7th November to sunday the 10th November, well truth be told as you would expect there only a small improvement if any.... the cock bird that was semi tame will now allow anyone to hand feed him and pet him on the head for around 1 min at a time any longer then that and he gets annoyed.. but its progress... hen bird will now whistle to you when you whistle to her and she will take food out of your hand if you keep whistling and move slowly to her as its sunday im hoping my cage comes tomorrow that i brought for them as atm there in a bam budgie cage that the bloke came with them in feel real bad for them
  15. yeah micro chipping cheapso ill get that done
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