Good morning to you all. I was asked to introduce myself...sorry I missed doing that when I joined. I am a first time CAG owner. Neo came to me at 7wks old and has been handfed by myself and Ken. He is now 15 wks and what a personality. Ken is my partner in crime when it comes to bird owning. When I met him several yrs ago, he had rescued 4 quakers & 2 macaws with the addition of owning a military macaw. We still have the rescues..and had added a few who have now gone over the rainbow bridge . But we have added since then a gouldian finch, 2 parakeets, and a precious too named Abby. Ken brought Neo home just for me...and I immediately fell in love with the lil guy. I love all of our feathered friends but I have to say Neo stole my heart. He is a real sweetheart and a lil stinker at the same time Thank you for allowing me too join, I am learning more and more each day thru you guys and from my Neo.Have a gr8 day.