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Everything posted by kisses0071

  1. what is the best organic pellets and where do you buy them???
  2. #12 christmas elves and
  3. sometime i may right now work is getting in the way lol
  4. I am blessed by the love of the man who allows me to indulge in the animals and works side by side to take care of them all and am blessed that I am able to give each one a happy healthy life. We have some animals that would have litterally died if they had not wondered over to find Ken. Each day that I get to come home after working the "salt mill" and see all of them to include Ken ..is a true blessing everyday. And if I posted all that we do share our life with...it would probably make your head spin...but I do love it!
  5. lol..Ken and I have such a system I don't really see them as alot of pets until I write it all down Our house and yard are immaculate...you wouldn't realize we have as much as we do by visiting..for the care time it takes...he and I get up each morning at 5 am (I commute a long distance for work) after taking care of the "babies" and making my morning coffee..I hit the shower at about 5:35am. We love all of our animals and take such pride and joy in them that I guess we don't see it as a chore. It's like taking care of family Now the weekly cleanings are a different story lol but when all are clean and happy we are.
  6. 3 quakers age unknown-rescues 2 yellow callored macaws age unknown-rescues 2 pheasants 6 yrs old 6 ducks- 4 months old to 6yrs old gouldian finch-3 yrs old 2 parakeets-2 yrs old Umbrella too-5 yrs old Cag- 15 wks old and those are just the feathered friends
  7. I have a CAG that's now 15 wks old. I have not clipped him...think thats to young anyway. I had been kicking around the decision to clip or not. As I said HAD, I can't do it! Just as I have a 6 yr old tabby cat that I can't for the life of me have her declawed, even tho she sometimes kneads my comforter when she is settling in for the night and drives me to distraction when she does it. It's just a cats thing lol. I love seeing Neo take flight. It leaves me in aw to see my baby from 7wks old do this. So Ken and I decided to train him to come to us when he takes his little jaunts...it's working
  8. Good morning to you all. I was asked to introduce myself...sorry I missed doing that when I joined. I am a first time CAG owner. Neo came to me at 7wks old and has been handfed by myself and Ken. He is now 15 wks and what a personality. Ken is my partner in crime when it comes to bird owning. When I met him several yrs ago, he had rescued 4 quakers & 2 macaws with the addition of owning a military macaw. We still have the rescues..and had added a few who have now gone over the rainbow bridge . But we have added since then a gouldian finch, 2 parakeets, and a precious too named Abby. Ken brought Neo home just for me...and I immediately fell in love with the lil guy. I love all of our feathered friends but I have to say Neo stole my heart. He is a real sweetheart and a lil stinker at the same time Thank you for allowing me too join, I am learning more and more each day thru you guys and from my Neo.Have a gr8 day.
  9. Thats what I thought...sounded strange to me also. Thx
  10. I have a question and wonder if there is any truth to this. I have read on different forums that you can tell a sex of a CAG by the shape of its lower beak.. U shape meaning male and V shape meaning female...is this true?
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