I feel that how an animal reacts to things is all in what they are introduced to. I have also heard that Greys don't like change but thought that if change happens all the time, they will accept it as the norm. Knowing how my family is and how things change for us all the time I thought I would introduce Rose to change right away. I don't want every little thing to stress her out so I change the layout of her cage every week when I do a big clean. I rearrange things on the outside of her cage often too. Each day we do different things, sometimes she hangs out on her cage, others she is on her play stand in the family room, or the kitchen, or the dining room. Most of the time I am home and she is out of her cage, sometimes I am not and she has to stay in her cage. I've even been taking her for rides in the car when I pick the kids up from school. I am trying to keep her accustomed to change especially since I never know when my hubby's job will need us to move again. She does not start the day with any expectations. Which with my lifestyle is best since I never know where the day will take me.
Last night I decided right before bed time to put a baby blanket in the corner for her to sleep on. Thought about it after that it might have made her uncomfortable to have something new in her sleeping corner and felt bad thinking that she would not sleep well. I lifted her cover a little to take a look and make sure she was Okay and found her curled up on it fast asleep. It seems that change does not bother her one bit.