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  1. Ziggy has been with us for one now. He comes out of the cage when the door is opened. Most of the times he will go back in when we come near him. Sometimes he will come on our hand. If I reach in the cage, he climbs away and may try to bite. What I don't get is when he is out and on our hand, he will go to anyone. He will climb on our shoulder allow us to pet him scratch his head and neck. He is super friendly to everyone. He never bites when out of the cage. I know one week in a new home is not long, but is there anything we can do to have him get on our hand while in the cage. I will start doing some training soon, but I wanted him to make the new home adjustment first. He seems really comfortable here when out of the cage. Post edited by: Mitchjr, at: 2009/09/08 03:21<br><br>Post edited by: Mitchjr, at: 2009/09/08 03:23
  2. As a new Grey owner, I was very close to buying the training videos from Chet. A good friend of mine has a Grey and bought a copy of Chet's tricks video from a a bird class that his mother attends. I converted this video so I can watch it on my ipod. They claimed that the birds they used were never trained before. That seemed a little unreal, but they did show some neat tricks. They do however offer a full refund if you are unhappy. I was wondering if anybody here did buy and get a refund from them. I see some random made videos on ebay for sale, but they seem homemade. What are some better video sources for training and teaching your bird to talk ?
  3. Thanks for all of the help. I have been busy getting my grey used to his new home. His name is ziggy and I did post a picture in the welcome area. I did make a perch out of the maple and he is fine with it.
  4. Well after many weeks of homework, I finally brought home my new Bird. He is 4 years old and needed a new home due to the owners new work schedule. Before I decided to purchase him, I made a few trips to see him with my children. He went to me and my girls with no problem. He allowed us hold him, scratch his head and pass him on to each other. He was very well taken care of and seemed to be a good choice for us. This is our first Grey and we are excited to welcome him into our home. He burps, laughs, barks, says good bye and a few more things that we cant make out just yet. He has been home for about 4 hours and I am just allowing him to adjust to his new cage. I am sitting in the room typing, but I am giving him time to adjust. We are excite to work with him. I have been watching videos and reading books and this forum. I have got some great tips and ideas, but my one big question is this. His feeding schedule was that he was fed around 5:00 and the food that was not eaten after several hours, was taken out of the cage. He was given fruits and other snacks during the day, but the food bowls were not kept filled. I want to keep the schedule, but my wife wants to keep food (pellets) in the cage. What are you thoughts on this ? Post edited by: Mitchjr, at: 2009/08/30 23:52<br><br>Post edited by: Mitchjr, at: 2009/08/30 23:54
  5. Well I will be bringing home a CAG today. He is 4 years old and very friendly with me and my children. We spent some time with him in his old home to try to make his transition easier. I did get a new cage for him and the perch that comes with the cage is nothing more than a maple dowel rod. Would I be able to make my own perches from some maple branches???
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