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snakeopus started following Hot Peppers? and Bismark: Negative or Positive Reinforcement?
Hey all! Quick question: Sometimes (and its happening with more frequency), Bismark does not want to get off my shoulder and onto his cage. His resistance has increased a lot over the past couple of weeks, to the point where he'll crawl to the middle of my back and lean as far away from my hand as he can without falling. He does nip some, but he seems to avoid it as much as he can. However, it comes to the point where I have to decide between two options: a) the towel, which he hates and squeals some when I use it (negative reinforcement) or b) put something interesting on top of his cage which he then willingly steps up onto my hand for (and i can't seem to do it fast enough for him!). Bismark doesn't act like this most of the time, but his resistant attitude is showing up more and more. I don't know if being stern and using the towel is the best route, or distracting him with something else is the right route. Basically, I don't want to be mean if I don't have to (and I'm always very gentle and quiet when using the towel), but at the same time I don't want to be too lenient and a 'pushover.' Thanks for your input in advance! I only have a couple pictures this time - no videos....Finals this week and next so I'm really busy. I took a couple pix of Bismark's new 'tree' in the living room which he loves....and loves to shred toys all over the carpet..ha....The other picture is Bismark's new way of 'helping' me clean his cage - he pulls the newspaper down from his playtop when he's not yelling at or throwing things at he's a character! Cheers! Adam + Bismark
I have not tried cooking/steaming any veggies yet. I always offer fresh and raw... I've seen material online about special casseroles-like things you can bake for them - I'll def give it a try someday....Right now I'm trying to get him to eat more pellets and less seeds... :-\
Hey all... Had a quick question about your bird's diet.....I've offered Bismark just about everything from the produce section of the grocery store, and have narrowed down some of his favorite foods.....He doesn't seem to be a fan of fruit (except apples - seedless of course) - pretty much just tosses it out of his cage....He LOVES corn on the cob; eats all the kernels and then shreds the cob - it's unfortunate that, to my understanding, corn is essentially junk food....His faves are beats, broccoli, green beans, and sweet potatoes (sometimes). However: he LOVES hot peppers....Hot peppers of any kind! Habanero, jalapeno, cayenne, chile, serrano, mirasol, etc etc. The Harris Teeter near my house has a large selection of fresh peppers, and I've gotten into the habit of buying 3 - 4 different kinds a week and offering them to him almost every day (along with other veggies)... Peppers are good for them right? Any harm in feeding them to Bismark on a consistent basis? Are there any other greys out there who like to spice things up? .....If Bizzy gets anywhere close to my face after eating one of those the smell makes my eyes water haha
Again, I must apologize that it has been a long time since I've last posted....Bismark and I are doing very well...He's most certainly growing/maturing (about a year old - weighs 13.75 ounces). So I was doing the daily cleaning routine - replacing the newspaper in the trays and around the cage, vacuuming, etc....Bismark always gets excited when I'm cleaning, and climbs to the bottom of his cage while talking and whistling at me.....I'm assuming he's giving me encouragement and expressing his gratitude that I clean up after him every day ;-) ;-)....Well today I was vacuuming and bent over in front of his cage when I felt something land on my head...I had put a box of blocks in his cage the day before, and what do you know he pegged me with one of them....When I looked up at him in shock he laughed, and said: "step up step up." I couldn't believe the nerve, and went back to vacuuming; reassuring myself that I wasn't Bismark's servant - we are equal roommates. Then I felt another block hit me....That little bugger! I couldn't help but laugh when he kept telling me to step up while throwing blocks at me.... Just thought I'd share that little story....Bismark and I have such a good time....We seem to have a good "life rhythm," and he seems like a real happy bird....He's really vocal, been learning to fly as his flight feathers have been growing in, and still social with other people... Hope everyone is doing well! I included a couple recent pics and a video clip from two days ago... - Adam n Bizzy
This may make you guys laugh.....I snuck Bismark into the family Christmas mom had no idea he was on my shoulder until recipients started commenting on the feathered addition to the family :lol: The family: (from left) Mom, younger (but taller) brother, nephew, step brother, sister, bismark, niece, me <br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2010/02/17 05:12
Thank you all for your nice comments! Bismark's an awesome bird and quite fascinating....I feel like I learn something or notice something new about Bismark every day. Oh, and I won't stray away from the community that long again ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2010/02/16 03:39
Hey all! Yeah it has been a long time since I've posted up here. Life has just been extremely with school, work, looking for a new job, etc...The only free time I have I spend with Bismark...We will spending Valentines Day together haha... Bismark has doing great...He has most certainly been going through changes - his red tail is almost all grown in! His eyes are yellow now, not sure if they're completely turned yet...I don't think he has been molting, but he has a good amount of feathers growing in that are still in their sheaths (mostly notice them on his head and neck where I pet him). I bought him a little travel cage, and have made it a point to take him out from time to time...We spent almost a week at my mom's for Christmas - and he loved it! Still doesn't like the dogs though...I've taken him to a couple friends' houses, and he's always been a good sport...I have to admit though, it's taking some learning to take a parrot out! It's tricky!! His attitude has been changing too....He seems more confident, and nips a lot more now....Like if he suspects I'm going to put him somewhere he does not want to go he'll reach down and start biting the hand he is sitting on. He has not truly clamped down on me yet, but sometimes it takes all my courage to not flinch when he does that! Bismark is also truly starting to talk....He switches up what he says weekly it seems, but it's so funny to hear random words in his odd voice...Right now though he's been obsessed with making this maniacal laugh that sounds like a monkey.... Anywho, enough from me....Below I attached some recent pictures, and some from Christmas....Wow it's been a long time since I've posted....Also some recent videos.... Bismark and I Christmas Day A second after the picture above - am I good or what? :-) My dear sister and a 'deer in the headlights' Bizzy Bismark and I spent several days at my mom's house, and he grew to love this lamp.... I am forced to share my meals...He loves granola! Like I said, what is mine is also Bismark's.. Remember how I said that Bismark was scared to sit on the hanging perches? Well he got over that.. Yeah, he got over that fear... Now he just shows off... His poor clipped wings :-( Bismark's pad - he LOVES that rope perch on the outside - soon to come: legit play gym for downstairs - I built him one with vet-wrapped PVC he uses now, but it's kind of ratty looking... Bismark's closet - 1) drawers (full of toys, cleaning supplies, first aid kit, etc) 2) file box with his medical records and stuff 3) food box 4) basket with treats 5) dedicated trash can (that needs to be emptied) 6) you can't see it, but his travel cage is in there 7) MOST IMPORTANT: Dewalt Shop Vac - spent over $100 for it, but it's been worth every penny. Videos: This is the first and only video clip I have where I caught him talking...It's a little hard to hear him because the webcam I have sucks, but in the first couple of seconds you'll hear him say: "Oh boy!" Took this video of his crazy monkey laugh haha it's creepy sometimes when he does it out of blue...
Bismark's wings were clipped from the breeder, although not that bad. I will not be clipping them when his flight feathers grow in. The perches are not too large of a diameter for him, and I included a picture of them below. They are hung with picture frame wire, and because the ends are sharp, I looped the wire so both ends are at the top where he cannot get hurt. However, if I find him somehow climbing up that high I'll come up with a new plan. The position the one loopy perch is in now is now how it will always be - on paper the idea seemed good but after execution I realized it's not in the best spot. Once Bismark starts climbing on it I'll make adjustments. He's not afraid of the perches anymore, and has started gnawing on one and watches it swing. It'll be a while before he starts climbing though. Below is a link to a video I took this morning of Bizzy dancing - he's learned to do it on command when he's in the mood. The quality is bad - I need a better webcam - but you can get the gist of it.
So today I picked up two driftwood-looking perches on the way home from work. The plan was to hang them next/above Bismark's playtop to increase the size of his domain. Well I got them up, and hung a new toy up there too. As I suspected, he was a little taken aback when I got his cage back in its spot - but that's where the toy comes into play - his curiosity overcame the fear and he really wanted to get at it (see I'm learning! B)) So I held him up to the toy and he fiddled with it for a while - then I slowly moved him into place and he stepped onto perch. Suffice it to say, Bismark would be SOL out in the wild hanging out in a tree with the flock. He was really shaky, and seemed to have trouble keeping his balance. I took him off the perch after 5 seconds and he retreated to my shoulder. I took the perches down and placed him near his cage so he can check em out and get comfortable. Now did he have trouble sitting on it because the rest of the perches in his life are solidly in place? Is it because he isn't flighted yet? Or because he's still young? How does one teach his/her little feathered friend how to sit on the big-boy perches? Unfortunately teaching him by example is out of the question as the ceiling anchors are only rated for 75 lbs and I'm 90 lbs over balance isn't anything to write home about either.. Below Bizzy is introduced to snow, and he could care less haha. Also, me trying to strike a pose while he tears up my wardrobe :pinch:
she and jillybeanz - I followed your advice and bought two quicklinks. Problem solved and no ugly/guilt inducing padlocks haha
So in recent days I have noticed peculiar events...I would come home from work and the small door to his cage would be open...There's only one simple latch on it, so I began locking it with a very thick zip-tie... ...after that, things went back to normal for a while...Then I came home one time last week and the front door to his cage was open...I figured that I didn't latch it properly, as there are two locks on the front door (one simple latch, the other a more complicated "parrot proof latch"). Then it happened again...and again...Bismark has figured out how to open the two latch door to his cage!! I honestly do not know how he does it, nor have i caught him in the act on camera. So tomorrow I am going to Home Depot and purchasing two padlocks for his cage - I am afraid he will chew through the zip-tie after he figures out he cannot unlock the front door. I hate how the padlocks will make his cage look utilitarian and prison-like, but Bizzy has left me no choice. However! I am thinking of putting the keys to the padlocks on a string very close to the locks - to give Bismark the opportunity to figure out how to put a key in the lock ;-) Anywho, hope everyone is having a good night! We had a blizzard here in northern Virginia - over two feet of snow in front of my house! Below I attached a picture of Bismark last night sleeping on my desk while I browsed the web and whatnot.
Haha Bizzy is something else...To answer the questions: I've had Bismark for about fourth months now - and his wings were already clipped when I got him. I don't think he was clipped that bad, however, as he can flutter a significant distance. His favorite route is from his play top to my bed, then from my bed to the floor. I do not plan on clipping him after his new flight feathers grow in. But yes, I would have to say that we get along "greyt" hehe. One concern I have, and have been reading a lot about, is what will happen when he matures. I get the impression that's when the "honeymoon" stage is over. Bismark's now around ten months old.
Just five minutes ago, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. While I was walking in, I heard Bismark calling for me - to him me walking into the bathroom is the same as me walking out of the house. So I'm in the bathroom for about 45 seconds, then I hear a tapping on the door. The INSTANT I open the door, in scampers/runs/hops a bundle of grey feathers. Bismark runs right up to me, stands on my bare foot - wings quivering waiting for me to pick him up. I put him on my shoulder, go sit on the bed for a minute, and talk to him about how I need personal moments every now and again but I'm flattered none-the-less. All the while he's cooing and chuckling, then begins to preen himself. He willingly gets back onto his playtop, then starts gabbering and talking to himself. I couldn't be a happier and stunned newbie grey owner....Bismark continues to blow me away with the depth of his emotions and attitudes...A week or two after I got him, I said having him is like having a girlfriend - and tonight I couldn't agree more...
However Bismark has promised to fix everything he's broken
Just a couple things I had lying around that Bismark has ruined...You can't really tell, but the keyless entry remote has no buttons - and it's for my company vehicle :ohmy: Here he is right after tearing the lens shutter assembly off the digital camera in the picture above ....and finally the culprit at this very moment - throwing every toy out of his toy container (which I bolted to the file cabinet so after he emptied it, it wouldn't fall over...again :whistle: )<br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2009/12/16 02:34