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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. Enzo


    Hi Guys & Gals How do i atleast try n control her pooing on the carpet. Sofa's n my clothes my wife is really getting annoyed now.. lol i'vr even offered to clean the whole carpet lols.. Was wondering if you guys knew of a carpet cleaner or something that helps clean the poop up and not leave a mark?? Their are stain marks everywere she has pooped.. Someone reccomended using clear vinegar to kill what little odour you have have and more importantly remove the stain is that something someone could shed some light on?? Many Thanks Jay
  2. Thankyou for the comments guys taken on board and will be executed aswell.. Slight concern i have her feathers above her head have fallen out now she did knock her head when she was flying and knocking into the window ,mirror n wall cud that be the cause of her feathers getting knocked out? She is about 13 weeks old now.. Finally are green chillies good for them everyone keeps tellin me to give her green chillies but only if you guys advice that they are good for them. Thanks In Advance Jay
  3. Hi All Hope your all well Hurray i plucked up the courage to put my hand in her cage and stroke her head/beak although she did sqwuak me and try to nip me but i was stern with my words..... NO NO BITING NO NO.. Gae her a few almonds and jelly bites from my hand, Was the best feeling ever getting that close to her and then she flew out the knocked into the windows and mirror (again) i went down to her level and tryed to coax her onto my arm/finger but no she flew around pooped on my mums cream sofa's (OUCH) infact pooped almost everywere she went, Is their a some kind of disinfectant or something that can do a good job of cleaning their poop up?? I have tryed everything i can think of to get her on my arm/Finger but nothing works.. Finally i had move her cage closer to were she was and climb on the curtain rail and persuade her a little to come down and into her cage.. PLEASE HELP??? Thanks in advance Jay
  4. Thanks for the comments chimaysmommy.. The tooth pick is the only thing i thought of at the time and it seemed to work lol. all does seem well until the nephews n nieces come they can get noisey and i don't think she quite likes it she starts climbing the cage and jumping around i have to keep telling the kids to be quiet because i persume she gets frightened withall the noise. I would honestley be lost without you guys many thnaks. Regards Jay
  5. Finally with intense trying and trying angel finally had some formula via a tooth pick lol i have fed her twice and she seems fine. Am i ok to keep feeding the formula via tooth pick until i gain her confidence or should i stop the formula now? she is fully weaned now. Thanks Jay
  6. HI All Think i have had a bit of a break through with my Angel, She for the 1st time in 3 days has had abit of the formula the breeder gave me but still only through the cage via a tooth pick.. It is ok to do it with the tooth pick?? Regards Jay
  7. Thanks for the advice danmcq.. i just want her to feel at home give her the love and attention she deserves but like you said it will take time and i will have to give her plenty of that..
  8. Hi I understand exactly what you mean now chimaysmommy about her flying into the window and approaching her standing up it doesn't help me being 6 ft 2 either. I'v had her for a few days, She is fully weaned and eating herself but i was advised by the breeder to give her some formula to bond with her but i can't get anywhere near her i have been advised to leave her in her cage until she settles down.
  9. Hi Hope your well Thanks to the reply.. I dont mean the bird smells when she does her business it tends smelly. Just thought i should open her cage at the top which i did and she flew straight into the window as i approached her she flew straight across the room into the patio doors and so on until i had to corner her and pick her up for which she started squaking and trying to bite me.. but i did manage to get her back in her cage wher now she is calm hus sat on her perch.. Am i doing something wrong? Regards Jay
  10. Hi Few Questions hope you guys dont mind.. 1.Is it ok to spray angel with water whilst she is in the cage? (to freshen up) Or shud i wait till i can handle her first? 2.Should i let her out to flap her wings even though i'm not able to handle her just yet? 3.When she chirpz do i take that as she wants to interact? Or what does she mean when she does that? 4.Finally is their any air freshner that i can spray in the room that is parrot friendly as you all will know it can get a bit smelly in the room.. (I am a bit of a clean freak... lol) Thanks in advance Jay
  11. My name is jay.. I live in england and bought my CAG yesterday evening as some of you will know due to my harassing you lol.. I have named her Angel 12 wks old.. Just been having a few teething problems but then that is normal.. No doubt you wonderful people will be their to help me along the way. Regards Jay P.s No Pics as of yet jus wanna let her settle in 1st before i start flashing the cam.
  12. Enzo

    Keeps biting

    Thankyou very much for that.. I think i'v pestered you enough for today, really appreciate all the help no doubt i will be back asking more annoying questions. Many Thanks Once again, Speak to you soon Best Regards Enzo:)
  13. Enzo

    Keeps biting

    As soon as i approach the cage she give's out this almighty growl her beak opens up and she's ready to attack. Should i leave her to her own devices for a few days?? Just talk to her from a distance so she doesn't feel lonely? And then try again hopefully by then she should feel more at home. Thanks
  14. Enzo

    Keeps biting

    She just makes the noise in general their no paticular time of when she does it.. As i write this msg (thankfully) she has finally started eating and drinking water since yesterday evening. I just really really hope that in time i can begin to handle her is their anything in particular i need to do to begin to handle/pet her etc?? Regards
  15. Enzo

    Keeps biting

    Thanks for the advic danmcqe will take it on board.. she does make the odd noise now and again and also does alot of climbing around the cage do i take that as she's getting familiar with her surroundings?? Thanks in advance
  16. Enzo

    Keeps biting

    Hi Thanks for the tips, Her name is angel.. I'll introduce my self on the welcome forum.. She is fully weaned. She's not had any food since i bought her yesterday evening.. Should i bother her and try feeding her? Thanks in advance
  17. Hi All I'm a a newbsie, just bought the grey home this evening she's 12 weeks old.. I was told by the breeder to feed her by hand a few times so she gets use to me but the min i put her in her cage i can't go anywere near her as she's always attempting to bite me and makes that aggresive noise.... Please Help.
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