Hi All
Hope your all well
Hurray i plucked up the courage to put my hand in her cage and stroke her head/beak although she did sqwuak me and try to nip me but i was stern with my words.....
NO NO BITING NO NO.. Gae her a few almonds and jelly bites from my hand, Was the best feeling ever getting that close to her and then she flew out the knocked into the windows and mirror (again) i went down to her level and tryed to coax her onto my arm/finger but no she flew around pooped on my mums cream sofa's (OUCH) infact pooped almost everywere she went, Is their a some kind of disinfectant or something that can do a good job of cleaning their poop up??
I have tryed everything i can think of to get her on my arm/Finger but nothing works.. Finally i had move her cage closer to were she was and climb on the curtain rail and persuade her a little to come down and into her cage..
Thanks in advance