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Everything posted by as1720

  1. I ushualy burn scented oils from bath and body works this time of year but with a new parrot in the house im not sure if its safe or not? They are slatkin & Co. Home fragance oils. No ingrediants or anything on the bottles. I just burn them over a tea light thingy. Anyways if any one knows if these are safe or not please let me know!
  2. I couldnt get that site to work? I need to find a vet In Tacoma WA area. Is it just me having an issue?
  3. Yes my old congo left a scar so i know its just so hard not too! This guy is as they say in the horse world bomb proof.
  4. OK So not 100% on the eclectus yet we will know for sure in the morning. Here are a couple pictures we took. Tango REALLY likes the camera! And giving me kisses! He took his first flight while we were there too! He makes the cutest sqeaky wheel sound! I am SOOO in love!
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome! Sadly i forgot my camera! But Elaina at beakers let me use her camera so we took a bunch of pictures, just have to wait to get them. We also have decided we are going to go ahead and try to purchase a baby eclectis from them now, the have the SWEETEST baby and we just have fallen in love with him over all our visits with Tango. I will post pictures as soon as they are sent to me! We wil hopefully be going back soon because they may be adopting a puppy i will be fostering. Did i mention that? I foster puppies too.
  6. I make perches and i have a way of cleaning them i back them in the oven for 2 hours at 140. Kills the bugs and what not. Just wonding i would like to use drift wood, would baking it kill all the possible yucky stuff that could be on it? Or would bleaching and then rinsing a couple times be safe? Is there any way to make drift wood safe?
  7. Well i Live in Tacoma, WA. I am a stay at home mom, we currently have two dogs and American Bulldog and a Papillon, a cat, 2 pet rats and 4 pet snakes. We are adding a baby Timneh to the bunch! Its a boy his name is Tango and he will be here in the begining or middle september he is being rasied by Beakers Parrot Place! I had a Congo growing up and as much as i loved him he wasnt vary nice so we decided to go with a Timneh and plan on adding a male sloman island eclectus in a couple months. We go and see him once a week and i will be going to see him today So i will bring back some more pictures when i get back! These are pictures Beakers took.
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