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Everything posted by LuvThoseGreys

  1. I'd nip the nibbling in the bud right now! It will turn into biting, when he nibbles give him a toy to nibble on, not you're fingers or the kids fingers.
  2. The baby I have left here is trying very hard to talk...she does get off her cage and come looking for me. Does'nt do the head bobbing or squaking anymore. I'm sure you'res will stop doing that soon if not already. Keep me posted.
  3. I'd say she is weaning herself and she is old enough...Feel her crop to make sure she has food in it. If she does I would'nt worry about the hand feedings.
  4. I agree put the perches low, he'll gets the hang of it...sometimes it takes them awhile to figure it out. He is kinda young yet.
  5. What ever kind of ducks they are, they're both males. Maybe a cross between a mallard and swedish duck?
  6. Looks like she really settled in with no problems at all...I'm so glad. Spoiled much?!..LOL
  7. I buy my Zupreem in the 40 lb. bags and store it in plastic totes. It stay fresh and worm free! The bag you bought may have been sitting at the store too long. Just like if you have an old bag of flour or nuts it will get those worms. I doubt very much if they are harmful to the birds as they would more than likely eat them in the wild! But I would'nt want mine eating that either, I would return it to the place you got it from.
  8. Mine do the same things...glad it's not my hand they're chewing on!LOL And they scream and yell at them too!
  9. Mine also like to tear up the empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls, I also buy popsicle sticks at the craft store and they love straws!
  10. OMG! I know this is an old post and you probably have the answer to you're ques. I own both and I much prefer the Timneh..they are much more laid abck and not as "snotty" as the Congo, food is the same for both.
  11. I used to raise the GCC they are very sweet birds...however if you DO get one I would'nt allow to interact without close super vision if at all. And the colors are not hybrids just mutations of the GCC. A hybrid would be if you crossed them with another conure... say like a maroon belly, just as if you were to cross a Congo & a Timneh.
  12. I have a 5 yr. old and a 30 yr. old CAG.If I did'nt know them you would not be able to tell which is the youngest! They both are extremely active! And don't shut up or calm down til bed time!
  13. I also got a huge box of samples from "Pretty Bird"
  14. You may also want to offer the cooked beans, rice and pasta. I buy a bag of the dry bean soup mix, cook it throw out the flavor packet! Then I rinse the bean mix really good in cold water and drain add cooked brown rice and cooked whole wheat pasta. I divide it into containers that will feed my birds for 2 days and freeze it. That way I'm only cooking once a month. All my birds love this!
  15. Those are my pets....I have'nt named the breeders, they really could care less...LOL As long as they are feed and clean! Actually Rosie is my Scarlet Macaw, Kiwi is my Quaker and Shadow is my Blue Crown Conure...Cowboy and Dakota are CAG's.
  16. Mine are Cowboy, Dakota, Kiwi, Rosie & Shadow.
  17. babies usually do beg alot....but I do feed them when the crop is empty. at this age i would still be feeding 4 times a day. once they are given food to pick at then you can decrease the feedings, don't rush it!
  18. 7 weeks sounds kinda young to be weaning itself....have you felt it's crop to see if it is eating? Maybe it's got enough food and just is'nt hungry. But mine would usually eat even if they were full, little pigs!
  19. I'm so glad you're home and settled, I've been watching this for an hour now to see if you would post how it went on the way home. Sounds like he/she made the trip well. May you have many years of fun with this new baby......Oh and I miss her already!
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome, the bird in the Avatar is my very 1st baby that my pr. gave me...she went to a super nice family in lower MI. I've had birds for over 20 yrs. But I'm always looking to learn more about them!
  21. Alrighty, I just learned of this Forum from some people that just purchased a baby Timneh from me, I have'nt got to look around to much yet but I really think I'll enjoy it. I am a small hobby breeder, I just have a few prs. that give me a few beautiful babies a few times a yr. Which I hand feed and try to find excellent homes for, So far I think I've done pretty well as the people that have bought my babies seem to be really great people! I also have my "Pet" greys, a Quaker and a Scarlet Macaw...All are my Fids and I love them very much!
  22. This may sound silly but every one that I have had that does the scratching like that is a female....Must be like a nesting instinct or something.
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