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  1. Sorry you feel that way and felt you needed to drop my reputation that's okay, My help is still and always will be there for you if ever you need it, Sincerely Jay d

  2. Talon, then perhaps, one should ask before commenting in such a fashion...I don't feel I have to provide all the facts when I am posting a photo for my friends and family. No offense, but my opinion. Thank you for the kind compliments of our greys...every grey owner is blessed. We have given our 8 year old male a beautiful home and a loving environment. In a short time, this abused grey who use to bite and shy away from people, has become a wonderful companion. We have a ways to go, but he is truly a happy grey and has adjusted to his new home. Thanks to everyone for their compliments.
  3. Yes, right now, their wings have been clipped too short...not by me though. We battled a split chest for awhile because one of our greys was not able to glide to the ground. I am not trying to start another debate on clipped wings...I take my birds outside on occassion, I have ceiling fans and sometimes kids running in and out of the doors...a flighted bird would not work in our household.
  4. I can assure everyone the birds are safe. JAYD, no offense taken, you have always been a respected member of this forum and someone I have always looked to for answers to questions I may have had. I always try to avoid conflict and I didn't appreciate the comments in your second post and would have much rather appreciated a private message. One can never have too much humility and I always keep in mind I can learn from others. I may have read your comments and taken them personal, but I felt it was an attack on my love and care for my greys...as I stated before, they are our children and their safety is always my concern, but like my greys, we enjoy being outside and that SOMETIMES means they get to come out of their cage...especially for a photo shoot! And yes, they are under a solid, covered patio. GREYS RULE!
  5. JAYD, Your unsolicited, condescending 2nd post was not needed. I didn't ask for your opinion. You have absolutely know idea what you are talking about in regards to my photo... I don't have to justify anything to anyone, however, JAYD, for your ignorance, there is absolutely ZERO wind or BREEZE, there is a cover on the pool and predators? The birds are under a solid patio cover...and predator in the background? Check your eyes...Who the heck are you trying to impress? I think some people feel better about themselves when trying to impress others by speaking about something they know nothing about or don't have any of the facts. Can it be dangerous to have your bird outside? Absolutely, but I'm not worried about my birds ending up over the fence...my neighbors don't have dogs or anything that could hurt them, but I don't take my birds outside if there is ANY breeze anyways. I take the necessary precautions to keep them safe as I would my with my children and grand children. In fact, our greys are our children now... Comments like yours is the main reason why I really don't care to ever post anything in any forum...there is always someone that feels compelled to provide their opinion...You don't want to be a party poop...then shut your mouth. If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it....I had a lot of respect for you up until now...you have always provided insightful advice to people who were asking...I wasn't asking. Maybe you figured you were helping others. I don't know, but you 2nd post really pissed me off! I don't have thin skin I just have zero tolerance for your pompous attitude. If it offends people that I take my birds outside unharnessed, too bad. But I certainly will not sit back while someone takes cheap shots at me when I post a photo and video for my friends and family to see who live out of state. My only apologies are to them and for having to witness me write this post in response to you. This is a public forum and everyone has a right to their opiionion, but give me a break, some people need to get off of theri high-horse and drop the self-righteous attitude that is so common in many forums. Not everything needs to be criticized or turned into a debate, but then again, I guess it helps some peoples egos and feeling of acceptance. I have raised birds as pets and as breeders for over 25 years, but one thing I always remember and I think JAYD has no clue about, and that is humility and knowing when and when not to open your trap. How about the people that allow their birds to fly free...Inside or outside...well, I have my opinions on that, but that is a whole other debate...and this thread is not the place for any of it. Maybe I made the mistake of posting in the wrong place and that would be my mistake, but I never said I was a computer or forum person. I think I have said enough... Well, one last thing, I do have the luckiest birds around...but I also feel that I am the luckiest Parront around because I have 3 of the best greys out there! I'm kidding, there are no bad greys out there, they are all the best!
  6. he loves to "Get His Hands Up" so to speak! pushing the roof up.... my wife taught him that....
  7. Great advice! Patience is a virtue....for both grey and parront... Thanks Dave for the friendly advice for all of us.
  8. http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq185/jhendrix48/IMAG0105.jpg[/img]"] 3 stooges! Huckleberry (top 8 yr old male); Wyatt (middle 1 1/2 yr old female) and Fergie (right 1 yr old female) one big happy flock!
  9. Hopefully this worked...My wife is singing while Huckleberry is dancing...Funny how every parront thinks their fids are the best huh? "]http://[/url]
  10. We added a 3rd grey to our family...His name is Huckleberry! Funny thing, I think it was fate, because I wanted to name one of the other 2 greys Huckleberry, but my wife and daughter picked the names. So my wife was out looking at greys and she came across an 8 yr old male up for adoption...his previous Parronts had named him Huckleberry! My wife was set on buying another baby, but she couldn't resist and we knew it was fate. Huckleberry needed a loving home and that is exactly what he got. Our other 2 greys welcomed him with open wings and after several weeks together, I can report our greys and their parronts couldn't be happier! Like all on this forum, our greys are our life...We rush home from work and they are always happy to see us...Thank you all for letting me share this and our love for our Fids. Huckleberry loves to dance, so as soon as I learn how to upload the video, we will post some of his dancing...he's got some great moves!
  11. Going on day 5 and Wyatt is well on her way to recovering! She is very happy and certainly back to normal. Her wound is healing very nicely...thanks for all of the support from everyone.
  12. Absolutely! They are family...just like when our daughter gets sick...thx for karma!
  13. This morning one of our greys jumped from her perch and landed pretty hard on her keel bone, tearing the skin on her keel. Looked pretty nasty! Wife was hysterical..Wyatt was a little shaken up too, but still wanted to eat breakfast. She didn't eat as much as normal, but understandable since she just had her bell rung! She didn't mind me palpating her and only had an issue when I neared her wound site. There are few avian vets in our immediate area and even fewer on a Saturday, however, my wife made a few phone calls and was extremely fortunate to contact a local vet that had and Avian Specialist in today...she took Wyatt in to see him. Great doctor and handled our loved one with great care. He checked her wound site and put both our minds at ease when he sent us home with a few different antibiotics and reassurance that Wyatt's wound would be just fine in 2 weeks. We really lucked out with the specialist being in the office and that Wyatt wasn't more seriously injured. I researched many posts on this forum and saw some that weren't as fortunate...again, we were lucky, but after reading some of those posts while my wife was looking for a vet, I was a little scared for Wyatt...and didn't want to repeat some of the things to my wife and cause her more panic...the most important thing is we got Wyatt to the doctor as soon as possible and that was key in putting our minds at ease. Lessons learned...know where your nearest Avian Vet is located, their hours of operation, 24 hour emergency or not, Don't panic, trust your instincts, trust your vet and take what you read on this forum as advice and remember that every situation and grey is different and each situation may be handled differently depending on the veterinarian. Our grey was treated with a antibiotics...but please don't think this is the fix all for all these types of injuries...just take your loved ones to the vet as soon as possible. Wyatt has been home all day and back to her normal goofy self interacting just fine with our other grey, Fergie! She gave us scare though... Take care all...
  14. OOOPs...I moved the photo in photo bucket...sorry
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