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  1. Thanks everyone for their thoughts. My darling Omar seems to have recovered like a trooper. He's singing and talking constantly But he really scared me. I know it's common to lose blood feathers but he lost so many in one night, I'm kind of suprised this hasn't happened to more people.
  2. My Grey was being kept a a Vet's office for a week while I was out of town, the day before I was to come back I got a call saying he had a night fright and 5 blood feathers came out along with others so the total amount of feathers were 16. He lost a ton of blood, its been a few days since we have been home and he just doesn't seem interested in food or water. I'm not sure if he is slowly recovering from the shock and then the readjustment of being home or something else...We will be going back in next week to do bloodwork to make sure he's recovering. Omar is NOT a picker or a plucker, it's just one of those odd things that happened....Has this happened to anyone?
  3. one of my favorite pics so far, his first day and he was sooooo tired. I think he has quickly learned that Chicago is not a quiet place to take a nap....
  4. Iphone does not take the most clear pics. sorry about that!
  5. Hey everyone, Omar made it in one piece, I wish I could have taken him myself from California, but had too many things going on here and my breeder said not a problem as she ships all the time. It turned out to be a 7 hour flight with a stop in ATL thanks to Delta...he seemed very done of his travels on the car ride back into the city. Got him home and he came right out his box and straight to my hand. First day was good, he was very quiet and checking everything out. Yesterday he was such a love, just wanted to be held all day and chirped if I left the room( the pic I included was from yesterday when he crawled up my chest and demanded I rub his head for an hour). Today he is not really wanting to be held and turned his back on me during his naps (which he never did in the 2 days) which made a little sad. But my mom said Greys have these little moods, so if you all can reasure me that will make me feel better. He seems extremely picky in food and of course that worries me, he barely touches his pellets which my breeder said he eats fine with no problems. I give him fresh fruits/veggies and he picks but not really eating. So I chose to continue his night feeding with formula so I know he's getting nutrients. I was also posting on "Coming home tomorrow!", and I mentioned there that I live in such a busy area I don't know how he can nap. Everytime he closes his eyes about 5 sec later it's either sirens or trucks doing reverse or the EL. I'm sure very soon he will be making all those sounds. btw, how long does it take for them to really know their name?
  6. eating a snack. My breeder sent along some formula and i mixed it together last night and he was soooooo excited to see it and got in his little position and he knew exactly where the spoon should be and down it went. He went to bed a happy bird, I think...
  7. Iphone pics are not that clear, but this is within forst hour of him home, he was so tired!
  8. Ok,good to know. thanks. I feel kinda bad for him though, he was in such a quiet area and now the city life. He barely has his little eyes closed 1 min and then there is something to wake him up. Everytime the El goes by it wakes him up, or the sirens,or the trashman, or the towtrucks. ugh. I know he's gonna pick up something and I'm sure I'll hear it forever. But the first 24 hours with Omar, he is extremely quiet. The only sound he's made was when I uncovered him this morning and he let out a big shreak. I was like wow, and he did it again when I took him out of the cage.
  9. so far Omar has been napping here and there, also eating like crazy and preening himself all the time. I hope this is a normal thing for the first few days. This is my first Grey and such a newbie. I can't relate him to any of the other birds I've had, so if anyone can just let me know if these things are ok. I know, I worry too much...
  10. Thanks for your kind words everyone. I know I worried too much about my baby. But he made it in one piece and now he's home, very sleepy after such adventure
  11. Hey everyone, I'm Allison. Full time college student and I've wanted a Grey since I was like 10, and it's actually happening...tomorrow. I read this greyforums.net for years but never signed up because I didn't have one, well I guess now it's time to be apart of the group My breeder is in California(where I grew up) and have gone home and visited my baby grey many times during this summer. Baby has been DNA sexed and it's a Boy!!!! Omar is his name. I am so worried about him coming on the plane, all the extra stress and the long flight. Has anyone had their bird shipped to you? I was having such a hard time finding a CAG in the IL/WI/IN area that I gave up and did a nationwide-search and found a wonderful breeder in my hometown. Omar was hatched May 2, 2009 and coming home Aug 18, 2009. He's a very sweet boy, and I look forward to having my constant little buddy with me....I'll have more photos of Omar in the next few days..
  12. I waited years to finally have a grey and it's finally happening. He's coming home tomorrow. how are most greys the first few hours/days at home? I mean I have read so many articles on what to expect and what to do/not to do. Just can't believe it's my turn tomorrow...anyone have some experiences they can share with me?
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