Hey everyone,
Omar made it in one piece, I wish I could have taken him myself from California, but had too many things going on here and my breeder said not a problem as she ships all the time. It turned out to be a 7 hour flight with a stop in ATL thanks to Delta...he seemed very done of his travels on the car ride back into the city. Got him home and he came right out his box and straight to my hand. First day was good, he was very quiet and checking everything out. Yesterday he was such a love, just wanted to be held all day and chirped if I left the room( the pic I included was from yesterday when he crawled up my chest and demanded I rub his head for an hour). Today he is not really wanting to be held and turned his back on me during his naps (which he never did in the 2 days) which made a little sad. But my mom said Greys have these little moods, so if you all can reasure me that will make me feel better.
He seems extremely picky in food and of course that worries me, he barely touches his pellets which my breeder said he eats fine with no problems. I give him fresh fruits/veggies and he picks but not really eating. So I chose to continue his night feeding with formula so I know he's getting nutrients.
I was also posting on "Coming home tomorrow!", and I mentioned there that I live in such a busy area I don't know how he can nap. Everytime he closes his eyes about 5 sec later it's either sirens or trucks doing reverse or the EL. I'm sure very soon he will be making all those sounds.
btw, how long does it take for them to really know their name?