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Everything posted by babygirl

  1. I finally have added my two much sought after retired greys to my family. They are Francois and Andorra. We renamed them. (they were referred to as set 2 by the last owner). :angry: People should at least give them names. We got them off of kijiji.com from a woman who used to breed greys, quakers, and amazons. She is in the process of selling off all of her breeding "stock" as she calls them and we just happened to get the last two. Francois and Andorra have not produced fertile eggs for her in years, so nobody wanted them, but we sure did! The woman wants to do some traveling before moving into an assisted living center (which doesn't allow parrots), so she was eager to get rid of Francois and Andorra (set 2). We got quite a deal being that they are not tame. We bought a big cage for them and they are in our finished basement in the greatroom at the moment. The aviary is only in the beginning stages, but the plan is to just roll the cage out to the aviary for daytime sunlight and fresh air and then roll them back to spend their nights in the greatroom. As far as their history: we know that they we are their fifth (and hopefully last) home. The woman we bought them from bought them from another person who bred them (she said in filthy birdmill conditions) and apparantly he had got them from another couple who bred them for a while, so on and so on. They are at least 25 years old and we are happy to have them as our new family members. We will consider them to be our pets even though we might not ever be able to actually pet them. They are so adorable - cuddled next to each other sleeping after their busy, stressful night of traveling two hours to their new "forever" home. We just found out that they love pine nuts. It was our lure to get them to venture into their new cage.
  2. Thanks Dave and Char for suggestions. I am content knowing that I will not be handling my untamed greys. I can deal with that. They have lots of retired breeding greys and other parrots for sale on kijiji.com so I will probably adopt a pare from there. I just found it weird that the humane society won't even accept parrots into their shelters stating that parrots don't make good pets. Don't worry Dave I will not be searching rescues for a retired pare. It is not where I get them that matters. It is just that that is what my husband and I have decided on. Instead I will adopt from a private individual who has them up for sale.
  3. Don't worry ~ "those people" are no longer considered friends ~ they are now considered to be "the vanished ones." B) They are not sorely missed.
  4. Let us know what if anything the authorities do. :angry: Talk about being mean to birds.
  5. My husband would go crazy if I bred them. He is totally against breeding any kind of animal except if it is a food source. He is really the one who has pushed for the retired breeding grey pare and I respect that. He intends to build them an avairy where they can live out their remaining years free from the pressures of "breeding for the profit of another" as he likes to say it. :dry: I have come to realize that my future birds will more than likely not be able to be handled and I have come to terms with that. I have enough to handle as it is. My enjoyment will come in just watching them enjoy their lives. I realize that most parrots for the most part are really only handleable in the beginning, but as they get older they tend to have hormonal issues and thus the reason for the constant rehoming that goes on. So eventually most parrots will end up being more independent and perhaps more bitey as time goes on. Of course, most sellers of parrots are negligent in passing this fact on to prospective buyers because they have their bottom line to consider, but not to fear more people are willing to take on untamed parrots and appreciate them for what they are (longlived, sensitive creatures with strong beaks) and not for what they want them to be (forever cuddly babies).<br><br>Post edited by: babygirl, at: 2009/08/16 15:35
  6. I been trying to find a pare of retired breeding greys to give a real forever home to and have recently found out that the Humane Society will not accept any parrots into their shelters, because they say that parrots don't make good pets. Is this fact or fiction? This is one of the sources; http://www.worldparrotmission.org/About.asp
  7. Those people are the kind of people that come over once and make their few snide comments, but then seem to vanish into thin air :lol: I do give them fair warning, but when they are made aware that the birds (and dogs) are treated as family members and "those people" still continue to speak of them in a less than tender tone then I just direct them to the fact that the door is there for a reason and it would be in their best interest to use it and they needs to use it fast because a woman only has so much patience for only so much foolishness. :evil:
  8. babygirl

    Sony-My Cat

    We are so very happy for you!
  9. it is true parrots are euthanized and soon the fear is is that it will become commonplace as with dogs and cats. some sites for those interested- http://www.theangryparrot.org/puppy_and_parrot_mills.htm http://arkdoc.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=85 some people have their pet parrots destroyed because they pluck or have other "bad" behaviors http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Philosophy/Morality/Speciesism/ParrotBehavior.htm
  10. my husband said he wants to make an outdoor aviary for my (our) grays. where can we get our supplies? he really seems into it and i dont want to send him on a bunch of rabbit trails trying to find the right supplies. they will be spending their nights inside, and hopefully on nice days they will be in their aviary.
  11. great karma post. more people should adopt untamed birds because otherwise they would have to be put to sleep. there clearly are not enough shelters or santuarys for them. B)
  12. I feel what ur saying. When those kind of people would come over and see my five parakeets (now all deceased ) flying around I would just shrug off their ugliness by showing them the door. :ohmy: i am sure i will get a lot of sarcastic remarks when I get my untamed retired breeder grays who will lunge at them when they dare to approach their cage. B) If it is too much for them to handle then they should spend their time elsewhere.<br><br>Post edited by: babygirl, at: 2009/08/12 06:15
  13. I am thinking about getting a retired breeding pare from off of kijiji.com. There are a bunch of breeding pares for sale. i will treat them as pets without handling unless they want to be handled. i will keep checking with rescuethebirds.org to see if they have any retired breeders up for adoption as sometimes they get pares of them.
  14. babygirl


    It is sad, because most people shouldnt have birds. but the pet industry is huge and if people can make money off of selling birds they will continue to do it. they might give new buyers a few pointers on how to take care of their new bird, but it seems they will sell them to anyone who has the money. :angry: it is all about being greedy and the birds suffer for it.
  15. that is great when birds are affectionate like that but i wouldnt want to have one under the covers with me at night because i might roll over on her and squish her to death so i will stick with my dogs for that. it wouldnt break my heart to have a noncuddly bird but it does make me sad to see animals neglected by being treated as disposalbe so a breeder pare is what i want.
  16. babygirl

    Sony-My Cat

    Your kitty is in my prayers. I hope she pulls through.
  17. the more i expand my search the more i know i want to have a set of retired breeder greys. i think it is always better to have two birds if possible but i know when they are not compatible it does more harm than good so i want two that are already a pare. i am not looking to handle them much if at all. i would never get any pet for that reason. that to me seems selfish, weird, and needy.<br><br>Post edited by: babygirl, at: 2009/08/11 06:37
  18. what a great avairy that guy has made for his birds. how sweet the male bird protecting the female bird -something that is hard to find in the human race. birds must be kinder or something. The stuff i have found online shows breeding parrots in small cages away from a family setting and they seem to be neglected. i think that is why they dont like people. i went to kijiji and have seen that alot of people want to sell their breeding pared parrots. i have two small lap dogs that love sleeping under the covers with me so i am not in need of the cuddle factor from a parrot. it is not the reason for me wanting a parrot. i just want to give one or two a better life free from the demands of breeding. i know how hard being pregnant is because i have 2 kids of my own. i wud guess i female parrot loses a lot of vitamins and stuff when she lays her eggs so i wud like to be able to over a convelescent type setting for a pare of breeders where they can just enjoy being birds. i have been bit lots of times by parrots (my friends have them and they all bite and they are not breeders) so i xpect that and not handling them much at all is fine by me.
  19. thanks every body for the greyt welcome this is a super great site. i am gathering information like crazy. (i thinks my brain is fixing to burst)!!!! i hope to soon join the ranks of happy gray owners. i am trying to narrow my search and am pretty set on getting a pre-pared pare. :laugh:
  20. where else can you get a good deal on cages?
  21. i would like to say that this is a really good site.
  22. i have been told that breeder grays dont make good pets. but people have them otherwise where do all the baby grays come from. are they abused by their owners or what makes them bad pets? i have decided on adopting a pare of grays and i might adopt an old breeding pare. i think they deserve to be treated with kindness and love too. please help with good advice.
  23. thank you Char for the information. i think i might see about adopting through www.rescuethebirds.org What do you think? is it a good one?
  24. Hello, i am Linnea and i am contemplating adopting an African Gray from a bird shelter. I have never owned a parrot before but i used have parakeets and now i feel i am ready for a parrot but i want to here from other parrot owners before going through with an adoption. i dont want to traumatize a bird by getting one and then turn around and return her.
  25. what is a good bird shelter in Chicago? by good i mean they have parrots and not just parakeets. i will travel outside of 100 mile range for one bird and will travel withing 200 mile range for two birds who are in need of adoption. thank you.
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