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Everything posted by dianemelissa

  1. hi he does step up but growls then settles ,but as soon as u move her growls how long will this go on for?
  3. hi everyone i got my baby nearly 2 weeks ago and she is lovely and my mum was made up with her she decided to get on and she went to pick him up today the problem is he keeps growling at her .wat advice could u all give so i can pass it on .would my mum just keep handling him little and often ?also he has been biting all advice would be really helpful thanks all
  4. hi gill ,my baby should be home next week i really cant wait no more haha i went to c them on monday and 1 of them is already trying to say hello its so funny they will be 12 weeks on thursday ,the breeder just wants them to drink a bit better on there own as they are still getting 1 feed at nite.as soon as i bring her own i will take pics and put them on here ..speak to u soon
  5. iam getting used to this site ...its great isnt it:blush:
  6. hi how much does it cost do get the dna congrats on u little girl!!!!!!!!!!wats her name:laugh:
  7. i love all the different names .i love ruby we was gonna call ours that but the little baby next door is called ruby ...yeh i do love the name winnie little grandma name lol.. infact my grandma was called winnie thats why we like it and my daughters middle name is winnie. ill be getting my baby from anytime now up to 2 weeks at the most ..were not getting the bird sexed i dont think it really matters unless u want to breed them ....i cant wait:cheer: :silly: :woohoo:
  8. wat is ur baby called just curious on wat everyone has called or is gonna call there babies mine will be called roco or winnie ..not sure weater we want a girl one or boy one yet:woohoo:
  9. iam going to get my baby anytime up to 2 weeks and i just cant wait .i go and c the babies every week its just the wait thats killin me iam all excited lol its like waiting for a baby to be born:woohoo:
  10. thanks for the welcome!!!were is the nursey room so i can go and read the names we have got are roco or winnie depending on which one we get as the one i want looks like a girl and the one my daughter wants looks like a boy lol if u no wat i mean there just have a different look .. i have done nothing but read and do loads of reseach about these birds i just cant wait to get him here now thanks {Feel-good-000200B9}
  11. :cheer: hello everybody my name is diane and iam awaiting my baby grey to come home between now and 2 weeks and i just got wait it really is like waiting for the baby to be born lol .just wondering has anyone got any hints and tips for me as i would be very grateful for all ur advice as i have never had a parrot b4 ... in my profile pic thats my baby with his brothers/sisters speak to u all soon:P
  12. lol ive just noticed that aswell ..the question was asked in 2005 ..shouldnt they be deleted after that amount of time lol
  13. hi iam just waiting to get my baby hell be ready in two weeks i have read lots of books and stuff on the internet bout greys 1.u can actullay potty train them but in does take time and patience they say u will start to notice wen ur bird is gonna poop as they usally tilt tail up wen they tilt tail u have to hold the end of tail gently and say something like wait then put them werever u want them to poop and then give a command to poop they will get used to this and then go ther wen they wan to poop but it will take time 2.as fully weaned u can introduce him to a variety of food/treats eg fruit /veg tastes of different food just remeber never give chocolate/avocdo/coffee/tea/uncooked potato/pear/or anything with salt....u can buy all the dried fruits eg banana/mangos raisian/fig or seeds eg/pumkin pips etc etc 3.there is great wooden perches on ebay i purchased one and also a table top stand all made with safe wood excellent for the greys feet as it differs in size..also very cheap i cant think of wat other questions u have but id love to keep in touch as we are both new to this baby african world speak to u soon diane
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