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Everything posted by greystar
hello everyone, sorry 4 being away but u know how it is when moving houses. I took Star to the vet, he asured me that Star was in good shape but i need to include more veggies, even though Star is a picky eater. As for putting Star in his cafe, it has worked out great since i started clicker trainning, its like magic. I even put some of his favourite treats as ranaz, pointed out. He get sooooo excited , plus i spend like 15 minutes once i put him in the cage talking to him cuddling and scratching him, till the little baby falls asleep....
thank dave, but i guess i did not clear out what i was worried about, in my post were his shivering and not eating as he normally used to.. thats all and i also have a new owner's guide to afican greys but it doesnt mention the above factors. thanks again
Hi everyone, i have a problem and i really need help. Star, who is now 7 months old has been acting strange for a week , when he wants to be let out he makes so much noise and keeps climbing to the top of the cage, he never used to do that b4. Also he hates when its his bedtime to be put make in it's a war, sometimes he wins and stays outside. I feel he really wants to be near me now than ever ( and i feel da same, he is my baby :kiss: ) but even when its time for his nap, i had to bring his cage into my room so he feels safe. is this normal? Also he stated being vocal he throws some words, which i cant make out, he also and whistles when he sees me to get my attention, but at the same time he doesnt eat as he did when i first brought him home, he has his seeds but i also try to give him fruits and vegetables.. is that normal,, i mean do greys go through this phase? i searched online but found nothing that could help me, he does have his toys i play with him ( since he always nest to me )but sometimes he will pluck his feathers i dont know , i try to stop him by talking to him or distracting him with a toy. I feel so depressed i dont know why he would start going at his feathers, i know it's a bad sign that the birf is unhappy? but its that the main reason. Star hs stared to scratch himself alot , i mean more thanever, i do bath him 3 times a week if i can, since he hates bath time and its war, i am still using a light spray bottle to bathe him... However, i stopped bathing him coz he started shivering 2 days ago... although i dont have an a/c or a fan this normal..... I really need so advice... dont wanna loose my bird, plzzz
how can i tell the difference if Star is cleaning himself like my canary or plucking? i mean it's true that i dont see any feathers inside or outside his cage, , but i am afried that even if it's cleaning, can it lead to plucking? does plucking happen even if the bird is happy, i mean not depressed or sick coz some sites say that? when i see Star cleaning away, i sometimes distract him my scratching his cute little head or talking to him
sooooooooo cute, i guess ur soooooooooooooooooo proud of Ecko. I can't wait till Star says he name or even his first word, lately he kindaa mumbles some things in a low deep voice, everytime he is alone, he says what i believe is a HELLO, and i was sooo overwhelmed.
Star really needs a bath...and he is scratching and i know he would feel great after one...but he hats water, i tried to bring a large bowel and pou his toys in but noooooo way . i tried a the spary bottle but not just spray it in the air gently avoiding his face while he is in his cage, so it falls on his body, but he runs away.... i really want him to have fun during bath time, do i use the spray even if he moves away, but i am scared he would start to fear me ... can i add any kind of oil drops or something to stop the scratching?
luvparrots, i cant wait for that day, i would maybe shead some tears coz my baby said his first words and that would be the happiest day in my life... even if its not now . But do greys talk at such an early age? Star doesnt even whistle but when i talk to him he kidda replies back with those low squeaky calls, i tell my mother as he is replying or answering back... and it's soooooooooooo cute
thanks grey lovers, it was cute , he did it twice then he kidda paused and countinued to play with his toys.... it was cute, now that i know its love but before it worried me ) Are they suposed to do anything different? i mean Star did not eat what he reguritated
hiiii, i have a quick question...( as always )... i was playing with Star outside his cage and sudenly he started to shake this head from side to side...and then regurgiated twice, it's the first time he did this.... i know its a sign of love as i read on the forum but should i be worried he will not choke or something P.s Does this mean Star has accepted me as a member of his flock , ( i am the only one who interacts with him ) thanks.
thanks She, i really hope so, i though that might be the case, but Star, makes an effort when he does these sounds, as if he is trying to push everything he has to make these sounds, as i said like a person who has a sore throat would sound.... did you baby do the same?
My baby started replacing his low squeaky call sounds with ones like a person who has lost his voice or has a sore throat... and i am worried to death..... is this normal for a 6 month baby grey... i havent noticed any change in his eating or playing behaviour. should i be freaking our right now? i dont want anything bad to happen to my baby.... i really need advice plz thanks
Thanks Azzie for the information. Does Cleo come close to the cage when you are near? if so does this mean she wants to play? does she whistle coz star doesn't do anything except the squeaky calls? thanks
Hello everyone, i have a few questions which came from observing my 6 month grey, Star. i would really need help if anyone has experienced the same thing... 1 ) I have had him over a week now, and when he first came he was screaming like crazy, when my family and i enter the room or leave, even while he was eating...i posted that question and i was told that it was normal for babies to do so in a new place. But now the screams ahd loud calls have stopped and instead, there is a a low pitched call, when i talk to him or play with him in his cage. Is this normal , if so why did he stop those screams and replaced them with low ones? 2 ) today i noticed while my sister was wiping the tv near his cage, he started to open his beak and moves away from that side of the cage. I have seen him do this with all my family, however when i come near him he starts the same way, then he comes close and lowers his head and gets a scratch( the cutest thing in the world to me ). i guess coz maybe this is because i am the only one who plays and interacts with him all the time, i dont know if i am wrong about this. 3 ) Today, as well, star started making these short low squeaky calls or noise whenever i come to his cage, play or feed him, i thought he might me entering his mimicing stage, ( i hope he is )but when i ask a friend of mine, she said that he is too young!! Although i did a lot of search on the net which all narrow down that greys differ depending on the environmentthat they are in . can someone tell me why is Star making those squeaky calls. 4) during the evening Star was getting violent in his cage, he was on the floor of his cage and going at the paper below his cage, he was moving in every direction... you might say this is normal but it's the first time he does this... i tried hand feed him his favourite seeds , he was calm and then started again... i felt helpless..i know he is trying to tell me something but i thought maybe coz i did not let hom out of his cage for two days, since we are still working on the step up command..... he has toys in his cage but he was going at the paper, it was if as he was angrey or mad.... please if anyone has experienced any of this things can you tell me if they are noormal and what did you do ?
thanks judygram, i tried to push him on the chest, he either bites or shifts away. Do u push your finger towards the back, coz thats's what i do... If i want him to come out of his cage do i leave the door open and try to place some of his favourite treats infont of the cage?
Hi everyone, i am back ...with some questions and i really need your advice. Star,who is six months old and has been with me for nearly a week, doesnt want me to pick him up from his cage... and goes crazy when i try to put him back... I only took him four times if i remember correctly, but i dont think we made any progess... and that has got me down... i have tried to teach him the step up , but i think he doesn't understand.... he doesn't move his feet.. i have to go and place my fingers under his feet while he is in his cage... but he either nibbles my fingers or moves aside..... I know i am doing something wrong... i have read the posts on stand up... but nothing seems to work.. do i teach Star, the step up while he is in his cage? or outside? Do i use my fingers while he is in the cage or use a stick ? Would clicker trainning be useful? Can you please tell me how you taught ur grey the step up and how long do you need to practice with yoy baby? how do i know that Star has had enough and wants to call it a day? Thanks...
Hi there, i am facing the same thing with my Star, who is only 6 months old. I have had him for about 6 days now. He makes small short cries but i am trying my best to understand him. I sometimes come near his cage to assure him its ok , touch him, play with his toys ..but he still keeps on with his calls. Believe it or not even when he is eating, i recorded his cries as he was eating and uploaded them here, are these sounds normal in babies? However when he was left alone in a room he became so quiet and calm, but the moment i went to see him, he started again.... i feel so down not knowing what he wants, :unsure: I really need to know that he is ok and all baby grays do this. thanks
hi Gorndt , welcome to the forum... I am new myself and i had a lot of questions about my six month grey , Star, but thanks to the grey lovers here i learnt alot... I cant thank them enough...:blush:
hi caitb2007 , star is six months old, and after his crash landing ( since its his first time ) he doent let me bring hom out of his cage even if i have his favourite treat. I even leave his treat infont of his cage, assuming he is scared of me , coz of what happened but still he wont go out of his cage... How can i get him out of his cage?, Star has only been with me 4 days and a half. How did Ecko try his frist flying steps? what do you do ? do you just let him out on his own will or do you do the step up? Thanks
thanks Jane08 , i felt relieved :laugh: , but if Star does it again i should just remain calm , but i guess i am just scared he might hurt himslef... when do they normally get the hang of flying ?
a few hours ago i was gettingt Star out of his cage and placed him outside the cage, beside me. Anyway, i just moved a little away from him, Suddenly he flew up towards me and decided to change direction, went up and hit the wall and flew towards the glass garden door and landed. I managed to convince him back to the cage with some oranges. i examined him , to see if there was any bleeding but thank God there wasn't any. I really dont want him to do this again, fly and bang his head. I called my vet he said, best thing is wing clipping , but i am believe that all birds should fly and i dont want Star to have a bad experience, too. I really need help, Star understands the step up command on my arm ,but i have to tempt him with oranges with my free one, is this right? Can you gret lovers help, has this happened to you with your babies? thanks
Star, is six months old and i have been introducing new fruits and vegtables and just watching what he loves and so on. My question is how can i nake sure he is getting health blanced meals at his age? However i do keep the seeds there, just in case if he gets hungery or i am not around,. How do i know he has got enough and is not hungry for more, since he keeps calling but i noticed that the calls and sometimes screams suddenly get lower but they are still there . The second question is how do i bathe Star, and make it a enjoyable experience for him, and build a possitive behavior towards it? I also want to know, when do greys normally begin to vocalize sounds around them? I have a male yellow dutch canary and whenever he starts chirping, Star listens carefully, he becomes so and quiet, does this mean that he is trying to pick up from my canary? should i keep them together in the same room? I know i seem to be asking alot but i really wanna make Star happy, peaceful and loved Thank to all of you
Thanks judygram for the link , it really helped alot. And here's the moment you all have been waiting for ( including meself ) , Star's first pics
Thank you all for your advice in which i cant wait to apply on my baby, Star. Here are two pics i took of Star today, He is sooooo cute .....
I recently got a six month baby gray , Star, and he was hand feed. He is so clam and allows me to stroke him and feed him some of his seeds, although he gives me a firm easy bite, which is not painful at all. The thing that i cant understand is that first, he keeps on calling and screaming, whenever i come in the room or leave , and sometimes i walk to his cage to asure him that it's ok but i try not to do so whenever he creams. Even if there are people in the room he will still do the same thing but as soon as he sees me he moves to the side of the cage where he is close to me. does this mean he knows i am his mummy, even if its been lke to days, he is always in my room, watches me on he computer on the phone even when i sleep he has to be near me by moving to the closet part of the cage and keeps on calling and creaming. The second thing is that yesterday i tried to get him out of his cage, i have a bit of difficulty but i managed to get him on the cage, however he was still screaming , sometimes when i stroke him , he stops but not always. When i tried to bring him down again i made him stand on my fingers but he was trying to go at them , gentally i know for sure he was not ttrying to attack, so i put my free hand next to his head, and he held on to it. What seemd like a gentel bite suddnly became stronger and stronger, it really hurt but i kept calm and not to show that he was getting my attention by doing this. can is this normal? i really what Star to be happy and loved but i still dont know why he screams and i dont his bitting to continue as he grows i really need all the help i can get thanks. p.s Star has lots of toys and plenty of food and water. brought up
Hi there to all, i am kinda new here but i have been reading alot of different things on greys before getting my own. I brought, star, a 6 month baby grey two days ago. Star really has turned my world upside down. He gets all my attention, especially when i walk into a room, he starts making his wild screams, and he recognizes me even if the my room was full of people. But i really dont now what to do when he starts screaming, sometimes i go and rub him or talk to him, give him kisses he becomes calm and quiet just like a baby would. But, the moment i turn my back he starts again. I hope i am not doing anything wrong, but i really want to make star happy and loved. Thank you