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Status Updates posted by katana600

  1. Thanks for bringing Sako and letting us get to know you. Great introduction.

  2. Welcome home! Your reunion with Maggie is going to be a delicate balance and a joy to discover all over again.

  3. Your posts are positive and have great advice. Brutus is a lucky guy and a great helper in the kitchen too. Thanks for being part of our forum.

  4. Your kindness and intuitive posts are a pleasure to read. You are an asset to the forum community. So sorry for you to lose Marden, nothing will be the same but you will find a loving tribute to him to honor the joy he brought to your life and it will ease your grief a little at a time.

  5. Your life with Isaac embodies all the best qualities of a life shared with a treasured companion.

  6. You are a great addition to our forum. Inara is leading a charmed life and you make a good family. Thanks for joining us and contributing to making our forum a friendly place to learn more about our exquisite companions.

  7. You and Cosmos are a welcome addition to the grey forum, I love reading about your experiences.

  8. You are a brave and compassionate woman to take in two greys at a time knowing you have a lot to overcome with them. Congratulations on your new additions, it will be worth pouring your heart into these little feather fluffs.

  9. You are living a charmed life for Casper to come into your life and thrive from the first. He has really connected with you and I think it could be because you are a wizard with the camera and he is the perfect photogenic diva. Thanks for joining us.

  10. The patience you show with Spencer, the tenderness with Anya and the love of family come through in your posts. You are such a good addition to our forum family.

  11. Your posts are so uplifting and positive and it is great to be a part of your life through the forum.

  12. You always leave such uplifting, positive comments, I had to come look at your profile. I love all the pictures of the haven you created for yourself with all you lovely little characters. That owl makes me laugh every time it peers into my eyes. LOL. Thanks.

  13. Well would you look at that, you have been a big part of my life from the beginning and this is the first time I thought to come here to look you up and here is your picture. Thanks for being such a warm and kind person to all of our forum members.

  14. Thanks for the friend request, I enjoy your posts and the picture of you with your cat. This has been such a great forum to meet new people and see the love and care they have for their two-legged feathered friends and all creatures in general.

  15. My baby died last year, he was seven months old and I only had him for seven weeks. It was heartbreaking. I am really sorry for your loss, if it helps to talk, I am here to be understanding.

  16. Lyn is one of those people you would love to have as a next door neighbor. Her love of all living creatures is evident in the posts and she is encouraging and pleasant, I am blessed to have gotten to know her through this forum.

  17. Hooray, you have found your way through getting a grey baby and a human baby and still had time to look on the forum. I am very impressed and would love to know how your family is getting along.

  18. Don't worry, be happy. Babe number 7... but who is counting?

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