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Everything posted by Ragga

  1. Ragga is 8 months old, he's a Timneh, I've heard they tend to talk sooner than CAGs. He is so funny, he also does the Adams family theme song (well whistle it).
  2. Ragga has been saying his name a lot, and kinda rambling in dif voices. None of which I can really understand, but this morning he said his fist very clear sentence "Ragga what are you doing? Come here!" Hahaha funny how he chose that to be his first. it was in a males voice, clear as day. So cool!!
  3. That makes a lot more sense. I guess I wanted more of a place where they'll have more fun, like a disneyland for birds . But at the same time I'd also like them with me while I'm watching tv or what not. Well There goes my semi "normal" living room
  4. Hi everyone, I have a few questions about a "bird room". I know a lot of you have one, and I have seen many pictures of them. I just bought a house, and one of the rooms will be designated "bird room". Now I know what I will have in it; ropes, toys, cages, gyms,ect...but how long and how often do you allow time in the bird room?do you have them in there while your home? when my birds are a way from me they start to call. However it would be a little nice to have a semi "normal" living room w/o gyms and cages. I will leave one or two hanging gyms so they could be with me in the living room. I just want to know how everyone uses their bird room. Thank you for you time Stef
  5. I decided to get my Ragga from a breeder, states away. The reason, or reasons; first because i know this breeder well and had many friends get birds from her. I know she is also well known for you Red Fronted Macaws, which is what i originally wanted, perhaps still will get one at a later time . I didn't have to worrie about knowing if Ragga would b e well socialized, healthy and loved. Another reason there are not many breeders right near me that i could find, other than bird stores that i knew i didn't want my parrot from. You ask how did it all turn out, well Ragga is such a sweet baby, i couldn't love him more. He likes everyone he meets (i know he's just a baby so that could very well change). I just happen to put a deposit on the Timnehs before any one else so i got first pick. She sent me pics every week, told me about each ones individual personalities, and told me which were her favs =)). I ended up choosing Ragga because one, he was a VERY good flyer, the breeder said he only crashed one time and on his second flight he was already going around corners and flying gracefully to her. He was also the only Boy out of both Timneh clutches, i sort of was wanting a boy more than a girl. Anyway looong story but this is why i choose my Ragga!
  6. Ragga


    birdsnways.com and click on the macaw forum. its more of a chat type, but its a very good site with lots of nice people that know a lot about Macaws.
  7. Raposa, I got my TAG from Wendy too!
  8. Ragga

    Ragga's home!

    he rather play with his toys than eat . . .
  9. Ragga

    Ragga's home!

    update. . Ragga is still not supper cuddly but he is letting me pet and hug him more and more. His favorite thing to do is to fly to my head and sit on top of my hair and pull it lol:laugh: he also likes to rub his beak along my neck. he started to cry a lot last night, i got super scared something was wrong, well that he was hungry and crying for formula. In 2 days he's lost 16 grams. So i steamed some yams and mashed them and gave it to him on a spoon. He continued to cry this morning.The breeder told me the weight loss isn't to bad but the crying is something to be concern about. i have taken a billion pic already. I wont bore you with to many haha.
  10. Ragga

    Ragga's home!

    Thank you everyone! That's what I wanted to here . I got him from a breeder that I know is very good, I have a few friends who has birds from her. This is why I chose to get a bird out of state. Today he is MUCH better, still independent, which I like, he is very sweet just not to cuddly. I know Greys are not cuddly in more cases than not so I don't expect to much of that. I thank you again for respnding. I think a lot of my confusion was merley my excitement of finally having him home. I want nothing but the best for Ragga! I'm just a nerves new paront! LOL!!!
  11. Ragga is home today, he is even more beautiful in person. I have a few questions though. I have read a lot about the home coming, I know it can take him a while before he's comfortable. However, physically he seems ok, he's already grinding his beak and playing with his toys, but he doesn't really want anything to do with me. When he flys to my head I use that moment to pet him and he just flys away from me. I have read other posts on here and most people say how their grey is very cuddly and wants to be on them. I understand every Grey is dif but I just need to know if anyone else's Grey was the same? By the way, I have never meet him before he's from TX and I'm in CA.
  12. I'm sure Wayne will end up giving us our gyms. Has he told you to do this? Just curious.
  13. Hi, I have a yellowsided gcc. The mutations you asked about are actually not hybrids at all, they are mutations that happen naturally in the wild. Breeders will breed for color definition but even if you breed a yellowsided with a normal, it is still a green cheek. This does not effect their personalities. Just as with Greys its based upon individuals.
  14. woops only one showed, anyway Ragga is the one on the left in the last pic.
  15. hi again, I hope this works. this is my baby Ragga!!! <br><br>Post edited by: Ragga, at: 2009/08/04 08:40
  16. Has she tried to call him to speak with him in person? I know on his web page, he explains his financial hardship. I'd much rather just get my gyms ( bought more than one ). Than get my money back. However, I REALLY hope it doesn't take much longer. I feel so bad for your friend. I know he makes great products, it's just to bad this could discourage people from ever buying from him again.
  17. Lovethatgrey, do you know if your friend has recieved there gym yet? Just wondering b/c I too bought a gym in April and have not yet gotten it. I did tell Wayne I was in no rush, but at the same time I don't want to wait 6 months.
  18. Hello babypiggy, in the materials you listed it said 3 suction cups but I only see space for 2. Would you explain were the 3rd one goes I really want to make one!
  19. Hello luvpsrrots, I do have a name, Ragga my user name:) ( pronounced raw ga) I have some pics they are in my email, I will have to find out how to post from there. He was born May 8th the breeder said he should be home appox 1st or 2nd week of Sep. I can hardly wait!!
  20. Hello my name is Stefani I have been a lurker for a while now, but I decided to come out and introduce myself. I am currently awaiting my baby Timneh. I am more than excited about his homecoming. I am new to the larger parrots, however I have for approx 4 years been on many dif forums and have done loads of research. My life is shared with 2 dogs 2 cats and a green cheek conure. I hope to talk and learn more here. Thanks Stef
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