I found where to put the signature but it says that this information is not viewable in profile.
He did come out on his own the other day and stayed out for a couple hours. Most of my tiels are rescues and have cage bound issues so it's nothing I haven't dealt with before, just not with such a big bird.
All of my birds are adopted except for Dino, Ellie and Bugsy. They were a very unexpected clutch from Moe and Chloe when they laid eggs a week after I got them. Other than that the keets I got at the humane society, Zeke is 6, Sophie is 12, Moe and Chloe I have no idea but guessing older cuz Moe is going blind:( , Dino, Ellie and Bugsy are 1 1/2 and Monty is 11. Mindy I adopted from a rescue and is probably around 6-7 so yes, it's a zoo here! I just moved into a 2 bedroom place so the birds finally have their own room which is very helpful. They still have free roam of the house and I like to keep all my birds flighted if possible. I just finished their room a couple weeks ago and have plenty of play areas to keep themselves occupied. Plus I work from home so everyone is out all day long.