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  1. thanks for the info i feel very fortunate that everybody is so helpful and willing to share their knowledge. Our Greys name is Cory
  2. my 22 year old grey we adopted has a bad attitude he puts his head down for me to pet him then he always tries to bite me i give him treats sometimes he will take the treat and sometimes he drops the treat and quickly tries to bite me when i walk up to the cage sometimes he avoids me and walks to the back and other times he talks to me but then sometimes he tries to bite at my face he puffs up shakes his head back and forth acting like he is crazy i dont know if he is trying to tell me to leave himalone or not because when i stay away from him he talks a lot and flutters his wings like he is begging me to spend time with him he seems to be getting meaner and when i am on the floor with my Beagle he climbs down his cage walks over and tries to bite my dog and i dont know why i guess he is jealous or something we love him a lot but he has been to the vet he is in good health he has toys but he seems to be playing mean with them he gets a great diet better than we do has a large cage and is always alowed to come out to go on top untill night time what do you recomend please help with our meany lol:(
  3. we hope your new family member is OK. i cant understand how people can treat their bird or any living thing as bad as they do i wish we could adopt a lot more birds but unfortunately we can only afford the vet bills for the family we have. if i were a vet between me and my wife our house would be a zoo lol
  4. true we just feel bad for mistreated birds well we are happy to say our Cory is in perfect health the vet visit went great we are so happy for him he is great
  5. yes sorry his name is Cory.
  6. :cheer: we got are new Family member,a 22 year old Congo named Cory. I absolutely love him he is great. he likes me already he puts his head down a little and flutters his wings for me. he is great we are taking him to the vet Monday to have his foot looked at. it don't look good, it was suggested that he might have a club foot.we were told it was broken 12 years ago. i hope we can get him all better fast we love him already. Post edited by: Pfccamp, at: 2009/07/26 15:50<br><br>Post edited by: Pfccamp, at: 2009/07/29 20:46
  7. we got are new Family member I absolutely love him he is great. he likes me already he puts his head down a little and flutters his wings for me. he is great we are taking him to the vet Monday to have his foot looked at. it don't look good, it was suggested that he might have a club foot.<br><br>Post edited by: Pfccamp, at: 2009/07/29 20:47
  8. we got are new Family member I absolutely love him he is great. he likes me already he puts his head down a little and flutters his wings for me. he is great we are taking him to the vet Monday to have his foot looked at. it don't look good, it was suggested that he might have a club foot. i hope we can get him all better fast we love him already.<br><br>Post edited by: Pfccamp, at: 2009/07/29 20:45
  9. thanks as soon as we can we will post pictures as you can see the only picture i had available was from the military 3 years ago lol. we cant wait to get our new family member just hope i can keep my wife from spoiling him so much that he only likes her lol. She has done that with our Conure and our Beagle for that matter our son Keagan too lol. by the way what is the Karma thing for thanks<br><br>Post edited by: Pfccamp, at: 2009/07/24 15:33
  10. Hi my name is Larry and my Wife's name is Christina. We have a six year old son his name is Keagan.We have a beautiful three year old Sun Conure his name is Beavis although some times he acts more like a butt head lol. Tomorrow we are adopting a 22 year old African Grey Congo from a rescue here in Michigan.we are very excited to welcome our new family member.I would just like to say thank you to everyone on this site everyone has been very nice and helpful. we are glad we found this site.
  11. Thanks we only hope to give him a great home. This site is great lots of very nice and help full peopleon here glad we found it
  12. thanks a lot i am sure that I will have lots more questions in the future lol
  13. thanks Dave we were told that our Grey was with the same owner for his whole life a 60 year old man the rescue also told me that he talks alot but that if you reach to get him to step up he puts his head down and some times tries to bite. They also said at one time he broke his leg that he favors it. we hope we can make him really happy
  14. thank you I just hope we can make up for what ever he has been through
  15. We are adopting a 22 year old Congo this Saturday from a rescue in Michigan. We are very excited we cant wait to welcome our new family member. my question is what steps should i take to make sure he loves and trusts his new family . we have done a lot of research on greys but i want to know from people with real experience thanks a lot<br><br>Post edited by: Pfccamp, at: 2009/07/24 00:11
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