Hey my names claire, and the mental love of ma life is loui. hes 16months old ive raised him since he hatched. altogether raised 6 african greys and kinda tamed 4 wild ones. I also hand raise 4 senegals- was busy lol
I also breed and show miniture long haired dachshunds,have a german shepherd and teach dog training but the bigest challenge yet has been loui.
Thats me jus bein bad hes a really sweet loving bird(when he wants to or wants somethin) hes a wee chatter box said his first word at 3 months old. at the moment hes learnin how much is that doggy in the window but can only get to the end of the first verse. which he repeats 20 or more times a day.
He laughes at himself and gives the dogs into trouble esp daisey as she has a liking for the food he chucks out his cage for her If he knows u dont like him good luck trying to get him off ur shoulder, my friend doesnt like them flying and he takes great pleasure in flying over her and laughing as he does it. strangley he likes doing th[/color]e dishes too. [/color]