Hi all,
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Morgan, and just brought home my baby CAG, Maggie, around a month ago. She's about 5 months old now.
She's my first real bird (I'm not counting the chickens I had for years), but I've wanted an African Grey for almost a decade. I've done a lot of reading on them, since I know they're not necessarily the easiest choice for a first bird, but I'm sure I'll still have plenty of questions.
As for Maggie, she's (fortunately!) not at all neurotic or paranoid as far as I've ever seen. She's taken almost every situation she's been in completely in stride, and I've never seen her afraid of a new toy or anything. She's kind of aloof and reserved though... she always wants to step up to come out of her cage, but other than that, doesn't really initiate contact. If my boyfriend and I are talking and she feels left out, she'll try to join in the conversation with baby babble, but she'd generally rather hang out on top of her cage or on her playstand (just hanging out though, not really playing) than with me. I don't mind if she's not the most playful of birds, but I just hope it's not something I'm doing that makes her not want to play.
She's out of her cage most of the day, as I work from home most of the time (only 15 hours a week at my "real" job). Basically whenever I'm home, she's out of her cage. She also gets plenty of one-on-one attention - I absolutely don't just sit there ignoring her all day!
Let's see, what else... she can say a few words ("Hello," "Hi," "No," "Pretty bird," "How are you?", "Cat," and "Muammar" (that's the name of one of our cats)). She loves seeing herself in the mirror - she actually regurgitated for herself yesterday! Should've named her Narcissus, I guess. She's clipped, but loves to practice flying short distances anyway - the only time she climbs off her cage by herself is to get onto the bookcase a few feet away and fly back to her cage.
Anyway, that's quite long enough for an introduction! My boyfriend, Maggie, and I are actually on vacation right now (she loves looking out the hotel window!), so I don't have pictures at the moment, but will definitely post some when I get back.