I am thinking it is a boredom thing. She is alone in her room if I'm not home. I have boxes of toys for her but I notice they are mostly the non-destructible kind. I try to leave whichever she has in her cage for her to be comfortable with them cause when I give her something new, well you guy know how greys are.... She has a large ball with a small ball inside she won't touch , and it's been 3 months in her cage. I give her wood and pop stick toys too but maybe she's bored with them. She's healthy and I cook her birdie food and freeze it. The recipe changes every month or so to include beans, rice, barley, quinoa, pasta and vegetables but she hasn't been eating it as well for the last couple of weeks. I give her Harrison's course in her other bowl. She loves bananas and strawberries, carrots ect. I think I need to purchase some foraging toys and maybe a travel cage. I never take her out of the house because she's not clipped and I don't really want to take away her ability to fly around the house. Maybe if I took her with me more she wouldn't be bored. I haven't had her to a vet, but she seems so healthy that it seems a waste of time... with the money that would cost I could buy a ton of new toys for her. How do you feel about the vet check, Is it vital? I feel kinda guilty about it but I work in health care and don't think Docs an experts at anything and half the time they are wrong about things. And she doesn't look sick at all and if she did I'd have already done that. She talks plenty and is in a good mood most of the time. Long post but I'd appreciate any feedback.