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  1. Yes, MJ has been feisty all along. I am giving her lots of attention but part of that was getting her out of her cage every morning and sitting with me while I had my tea, and being with me during the day. I guess it's just too soon for her to just be normal. I just hope she is willing to step up again soon.
  2. I'm hoping one of the pros here can help me. My grey MJ has been with me for over 2 years and she is temperamental. I get a good bite from her every 2 months or so. She has let me give her head scritches but no body touching. But now I feel she is really mad with me. A week ago I was blessed to acquire the sweetest most affectionate grey on the planet. He needed to be re-homed and I am in a position to take care of 2 grays. I have a separate bedroom for my birds and their cages are in the same room. So they see each-other and have been outside their cages in the living room with me. My problem is that MJ will no longer step up. She gets all big bad bird with me, puffs up and will bite me if I try to pick her up. I feed her first, I greet her first and talk to her a lot. My new grey travels all over the house with me and sits on my shoulder with his beak pressed up against my face. He won't land anywhere but on me or the couch. So is this a aggressive behavior from MJ just jealousy and will it pass? My new grey needs affection and attention and I'm thrilled that he trusts me and is so sweet. But MJ is being impossible. I'm afraid she'll start to pluck or get more aggressive. What can I do?
  3. ouch... Don't bite. My Mj had heard me say that and now she says it too.
  4. Mj has just started to like my feet more than me. It's cute and sort of funny but I put her on her perch in my bedroom when I'm having my tea in the morning. She talks for a while and has her morning cookie. After a while she flys to my bed to explore the blankets then she goes to my feet and wants to be head scratched by my toes. I think I'm jealous!!!n lol.:rolleyes:
  5. Wow. Thank guys. I was starting to feel like a bad birdie mom but these ideas are really great. I have a plastic travel carrier that I don't like so I hardly use it. Today I think it will get used for the last time for a trip to the parrot emporium for a new travel cage. And a toy bucket.... You guys are the best.
  6. Her cage is HUGE. It had to be put together in her room because its too big to fit thru the door. It's a cage for two with a divider that I never put it it. She has a smaller cage in the living room that might fit thru the door. I just might try that next sunny day. great idea. thanks
  7. I forgot to mention that She seem terrified of the sink and tub so I spray her sometimes. My apartment is very bright but her room is not, and as I said I don't take her out. Maybe an outdoor cage. I'm just afraid she'll escape. They are so smart and occasionally she lets herself out of her cage. Thanks guys.
  8. I am thinking it is a boredom thing. She is alone in her room if I'm not home. I have boxes of toys for her but I notice they are mostly the non-destructible kind. I try to leave whichever she has in her cage for her to be comfortable with them cause when I give her something new, well you guy know how greys are.... She has a large ball with a small ball inside she won't touch , and it's been 3 months in her cage. I give her wood and pop stick toys too but maybe she's bored with them. She's healthy and I cook her birdie food and freeze it. The recipe changes every month or so to include beans, rice, barley, quinoa, pasta and vegetables but she hasn't been eating it as well for the last couple of weeks. I give her Harrison's course in her other bowl. She loves bananas and strawberries, carrots ect. I think I need to purchase some foraging toys and maybe a travel cage. I never take her out of the house because she's not clipped and I don't really want to take away her ability to fly around the house. Maybe if I took her with me more she wouldn't be bored. I haven't had her to a vet, but she seems so healthy that it seems a waste of time... with the money that would cost I could buy a ton of new toys for her. How do you feel about the vet check, Is it vital? I feel kinda guilty about it but I work in health care and don't think Docs an experts at anything and half the time they are wrong about things. And she doesn't look sick at all and if she did I'd have already done that. She talks plenty and is in a good mood most of the time. Long post but I'd appreciate any feedback.
  9. My girl's name is MJ. I seem to always call her "my girl". She's my one and only, no other pets and I love her to pieces, except for the 30 seconds after she occasionally puts a hole somewhere on my fingers, about maybe once a month. lol. She is 3yrs old next december. I never felt a need to ask for advice till now. But I read all the input you wise folks put out there. I'm grateful for this forum as it helps me avoid some common mishaps. My problem is just starting 2 weeks ago my girl's wings are starting to look ragged. I thought at first it was just a fluke but its at least twice as bad today as it was a week ago. I am really scared she is chewing on her wings. Not the tips but about an inch below her shoulders. What is the best thing I can so to STOP this before it becomes chronic? She doesn't seem to do anything when she is the same room as me, but she must be when I'm at work or out of the house. She is out of her cage about 6 hours a day unless I'm at work. I read a while back about a hanging gym that is supposed to prevent feather chewing but I'm sure she is only up to no good when I'm not around to supervise her out of cage time. I'm afraid there is no "right" answer but any suggestions would be appreciated.
  10. This helps alot. Thanks so much for your responses. I'll post if I end up with this one. With all the money I spend on my girl .... I just want to get the something I won't regret.
  11. Does anyone own this gym? Any reviews? http://www.parrotplayworld.com/centurian.html
  12. Would love someone to give some info on this subject... I have big pine cones in my yard.. I'm just afraid there too sticky.
  13. My Grey is 2 years old. I try to respect her comfort level and still move forward with her. Lately she won't take food or treats from my hand. She lowers her head, and tries to nip. I don't get it. She is not the least bit affectionate but is better with my husband. She seems to like men more than woman. What else can I do?
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