He's been here 2 hours now...he came right to me...his 'old' owner left about an hour ago and he doesn't want to be away from me. He climbed up on my shoulder (I was leary) but it was good. I got some pics but have to take them to wally world to get uploaded. I will try to do that soon. I was sitting on the floor and he was walking around and wouldn't go far away from me, after a couple minutes he would come back to me and climb up on my leg...words can't decribe the feeling.
He is now in his cage for the second time. I put him in it for about 5 minutes, he didn't move an inch from where he stepped down. He now has climbed onto the big purch and has poked at his toy once or twice (lol just heard the bell so he poked it again). He's got to be exhausted his bed time is around 930 (its 1242 now). I know its past mine.
I think I am going to go talk to him for a little while, close the door, and try to get some sleep.
Will keep you updated.
{Feel-good-000200BB}{Feel-bad-0002006A} tears of joy<br><br>Post edited by: YummYumm09, at: 2009/08/02 06:46