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Everything posted by chinsNdobermans

  1. Thanks guys! I figure the grey is a long ways in my future, but because I do not plan to own other birds beforehand, the more research and experience I can get interacting with other peoples' birds, the better! Probably won't get one until the two-legged child is a teenager, at the earliest... but I love looking at all of your photos!
  2. Hello everyone, I haven't been on in a couple of years! Had a baby in 2011, and have been finishing my Master's degree as well as serving as president and director of "Enchanted Mountain Bully Breed Rescue". However, I am still hoping to someday have a grey in my life. When my toddler is older. Glad to be back!
  3. Look at them! How adorable are they??
  4. This just proves that a CAG is perfect for my household - I let the birds waste the paper and let the chins chew the roll! haha Loved the video.
  5. I love the name Darius but I'm biased - one of my favorite chinchillas has that name! He's gorgeous, and so big! Even my hubby thinks he's good lookin.
  6. I'm not saying they aren't a responsibility but any pet is. I think it is a good idea to have a plan in place for your pets in the event of your death at all times - because you just never know.
  7. The parrot's potential life span is what started my interest in adding one to my family!
  8. Hey, I think chinchilla toys are pretty cool! Go ahead and use them for the birds, I know I probably would if I had one! I make my own these days though, too expensive to buy them when you have as many as I do! :lol:
  9. I bet I could find you guys some of those toys pretty easily, seeing how they're for chinchillas!
  10. How strange that they love watching the fish! I would never have thought that they would.
  11. How lucky for Riley! And how nice of you to let it happen. B)
  12. Thanks, they're my babies! Each and every one of them (and there are a lot of chinchillas!).
  13. Yes that is a chin turd in the first picture (Sidnoie's). It is an inevitable truth of chinchilla photo taking - the best shot you get will automatically have a turd or two in it! (Chins poo constantly so it's bound to happen!) If I still had Photoshop I'd get rid of it but I don't so I guess I'll live with it! :side: Victoria (aka Queen Victoria, Miss Vikki) is a hellion. She's hubby's baby - Tyler is a mama's boy and Victoria caught Mike's eye the second we walked into the SPCA. But she's a sweetie.
  14. And a few of the chinchillas (It is impossible to show them all but I'll share the more photogenic ones): Sidonie: Ophelia: Xenophilius: Pandora: Caleb: Darius:
  15. Because I get to see all of your beautiful birds on a regular basis, I thought I'd share my babies (dogs, cats and a few of the chinchillas) with all of you in return. First up, the dogs and cats: Lizz, my beagle/toy fox terrier mix, born January 5, 1999: Blazer, my chihuahua/boston terrier mix, born December 25, 2002: Tyler, our fat, ~2 year old DSH: Victoria, our 8 month old DSH: B)
  16. My husband actually watched that one with me - that's the sign of an engaging birdie speaker! :woohoo:
  17. Is Kaytee considered appropriate as bird feed? I know with chinchillas it is considered to be the sin of all sins to feed them Kaytee (which doesn't bother me, it would be too expensive to feed 30 of them that anyway!) but birds don't just live on that "staple" food. So is Kaytee okay, along with the fruits and other foods you are supposed to give?
  18. Thanks guys. Hubby is giving in slowly but it will be awhile before we get a CAG. I can wait, gives me time to research, research, research!
  19. Well, I am getting way ahead of myself in looking at bird cages, considering I don't have hubby's full approval yet, but I was looking at parrot cages the other night ( ). Do CAGs have a preference for playtop vs no playtop? Is it more of an individual bird thing? I saw one I liked that had a playtop with a door that could be opened or closed depending on whether or not the bird was supposed to be confined to the cage. I liked it! But obviously I don't want fork out the big bucks for a nice cage and not have a CAG approved one!
  20. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to even start looking at breeders!
  21. I read an article on "Planned Parrothood" about homeowner's insurance in NY possibly being influenced by the possession of an "exotic" bird on the premises. Now, I'm used to hearing about homeowner's insurance and dogs (being a Doberman, Pit Bull, GSD lover) but have never heard anything about birds. Is there any truth to this?
  22. I just want the animals to be able to be in the same room and ignore each other, really. :laugh:
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