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Everything posted by mi4dub

  1. ThanX! i meant to say while i am out of the house. i interact with him constantly but i thought it will be a good idea to pop it in while i am at school.
  2. I just popped in Baby Einstein DVD for Jasper to watch. I figured it will be better than some of the cable network programs. It helps kids learn to tell shape, read, talk and all that good stuff. Do you guys think it's a good idea or is there a particular tv station or a dvd your bird likes?
  3. he is making little progress. i can get him out of the cage first thing in the morning but if he is playing on his stand, he don't want to be bothered. he is taking better to my gf at the moment. she learned not to wear an ear ring when holding him. lol it was pretty funny. he is making little more noises each day so that's a progress. one question, how much is he suppose to eat? i have seen him eat but at the end of the day it looks like the same amount is left on the bowl. do i leave the bowl full or just little bit? if i leave it full, do i change it out with fresh bowl everyday?
  4. day 1 has come to close. played with him lots. he likes this little wheel toy with bell inside. He has not made any noise most of the day. then there was slight talking/yapping at around sundown. no kidding when people say its like taking care of 2yr old kid...lol but it was great! he wasn't eating much today but that could be associated with new environment? he is on a same diet as his previous home. stepping up command works 75% of times. when he is ready to step up he basically offers his feet. biting occurs about 24.9% of times. .1% ear biting, luckily i was not the recipient of that one. i have learned to lay off of him a little when he start to bite. few minutes he is ready to hop back on my hand. his nails are super long... my arm is looking like i went for 12 rounds with a cat. lol I can't get that issue resolved until Monday. thinking about clipping the wings just for the time being until he is fully settled in. Not sure if this is normal but i found 1-2 inch long feather not sure if that is normal or he pulled them out. That was the only feather on the floor. he has no bald spots. that sums up the day... a lot of lovin on the first day. i think one of my dog is little jelous... but she will adapt. On dayII i am hoping he will be little more vocal. comments/suggestions welcome! i am reading the forum and getting a lot of knowledge already.<br><br>Post edited by: mi4dub, at: 2009/07/12 04:50
  5. excuse the noise on the picture. it is off of my phone. i hope i resized to forum specs. let me know if i violated forum policy as i know different forums have different photo posting rules. perhaps i should read <br><br>Post edited by: mi4dub, at: 2009/07/11 22:03
  6. i am in process of uploading some pictures from my phone. i was in a rush last night(just pure joy and excitement) and even misspelled his name. "JASPER" is correct name. thanks for the welcome! pics will be posted in few minutes. enjoy!
  7. Just adopted 1 yr old Grey. They think he is a male. his name is Casper and we decided to keep it the same. he looks bit shy and was approaching 10pm central time so we decided to cover him up for the night. i will post some pictures tomorrow when i get to interact with him. i am sure i will get great deal of knowledge about them here so i will be a frequent visitor. that's my intro...
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