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  1. I've never heard this myth either. I heard that boys tend to be more aggressive than girls and that girls are late bloomers, but just stupid myths. I wanted a girl but I don't know why. Maybe the same reason I want a daughter more than a son, I just do. Plain as that. Fergie is a little over nine months old and hasn't really said anything too clear yet. She's really chatty and mimicks a lot of noise, learned a few tricks like kisses and a hand shake, but as far as talking she says things, we just can't understand them yet. I think she'll be a great talker, but she's just taking her time. Whatever though, talker or not I still love her.
  2. My sun conure religiously sleeps in one of those birdy beds that are shaped like a cylinder. In two years he's never done any damage to it at all or even pooped on it. I bought one for my grey however and she would have nothing to do with it and just wanted to tear it up. I ended up putting a phone book on top of her cage with the pages coming down through the bars kinda like a tent I guess and she loves it. She ALWAYS sleeps in her tent. I thought maybe your greys had specific beds they slept in. I can't post pics but could e-mail them if you wanted them. I'm on my phone when using this site.
  3. My greys kinda wierd about showers still, like my sun conure was. She loves being with me no matter where I'm at but once in the shower she doesn't wanna get wet really. She'll put her beak and one foot in the water. Other than that just splashes off of me get her wet. One time I caught her using her bowl as a bath only a half hour after our shower!!!!! Maybe one day she'll like the water, maybe not. It took my sun conure a full year off almost everyday showers to finally love them. Now showering is his favorite thing to do. I've been letting my grey watch him for about the last week and shes been exploring the water a little more, but not much.
  4. I would have waited for a crow to attack and rang it's neck!!!!!!
  5. I get mine at a local feed and farm store. Like dels. They have every color and it's really cheap. $2.50 for 4" wide and 5 feet unstretched I believe!!!
  6. I get mine at a local feed store. They have every color and it's really cheap. $2.50 for 4" wide and 5 feet unstretched I believe!!!
  7. my babies the same way but she's only 7 weeks old and I've had her since she was 4 weeks old.
  8. My baby is 7 weeks old today. I've been giving her a little veggies and human baby food like green beans and sweet potatoes. After I started giving her a little she doesn't want her formula. But she can't eat on her own. And she doesn't take anything even finely chopped up. Anything remotely solid and she just spits It out. When I put the syringe in her mouth she no longer pumps. She let's just enough food go in her to make a mouth full then pulls her head away and chews it up. I guess this sounds normal but I wanted to make sure. Just a few days ago she was taking 50cc a feeding
  9. I prefer syringe feeding. I've always used a syringe. They both essentially feed your baby but the syringe is a lot faster and less messy. But to each his own. I've raised countless babies and all were syringe fed.
  10. So I've had my baby girl for about a week and everything is going great!! But I've noticed that others pictures of their babies (same age as mine, give or take a week) have a slightly different Color to them. The skin on the face around the eyes and beak is almost white, and the down feathers are white as well. With my grey the skin around the eyes and beak is a dark grey and the down feathers are a medium grey. It's been a few years since I've raised baby greys so I forget. Maybe their cameras just wash out the baby skin??
  11. How exciting. I remember that feeling. I just got my baby a week age tomorrow. Congrats. Tell us how it goes
  12. Thanks guys. I'm gonna go get some tomorrow
  13. I wanted to make a pvc playstand for my grey and it seems everyone puts vet tape on it for traction. What exactly is vet tape and where in the world can I buy it? Thanks guys
  14. Azzie you are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jamal, how did your grey fertilize the egg? Im Impressed and very curious. Maybe I could put some in my birds cage.
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