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Codys Mom

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  1. I think I will go with the aloe vera juice I have some of that , I never really noticed Rockys feathers being dull at least not here at home so I think it's their lighting he is back to his usual self now
  2. when I look at Cody I see a little toddler that wants to be with you no matter what room you are in and he will fly to find you when I look at Rocky I see a beautiful awsome parrot that enjoys being with you every moment of the day , I don't see the devil in any of my parrots I see beautiful creatures with there own personalities who depend on me and my hubby for companionship and their needs
  3. we first started at the bird store to get Rocky a nail trim he loves going to the bird store and saying Hi and Hello to everyone then I had to stop at the bank on the way home so I took him inside with me and they just loved him he got tons of attention and we were there for maybe an hour they got him to say Helo and that was it lol but they told me to bring back anytime , he even got a salt free almond to munch on from the bank mamnager lol she just adored him I picked up some Feather and Shine shampoo at the bird store because I noticed his feathers did look a little dull in the store but maybe it was their lighting not sure anyways according to the directions you use 6 Tablespoons for gallon of water and since we did this in the bathtub I wasn't sure how much to put in so I used 3 Tablespoons in his water but Ia'm not sure this was a goodm idea he got soaking wet then I had to give him a regular shower to rinse it off he seemed a little stressed after this and he did not make a sound which isn't normal for Rocky until I got the vacum cleaner out around 7pm to vacum then he was back to normal my question is should I use this on him or my other birds again? or is this a bad idea? not sure which way to go on this ,any advice will help
  4. http://rutube.ru/tracks/4759754.html?v=ab283eb8d347b3bbc4597057f8e149da&autoStart=true&bmstart=1000
  5. I found one tonight at walmart and it was 8.97 it's made by ACURITE I'am testing now so if it isn't right I can always take it back gonna give it a few days to make sure
  6. well tonight I made him a seperate dish of sweet potatoes , apples , kale and raw carrots to see if he would eat this better and he did he loves sweet potatoes and apples the best so I guess I will just add more sweet potatoes , kale and apples to my mixes just for my Rocky boy
  7. thanks Dan that one looks better then the one I was going to order I will probably order it next week , I usually start up the humidifier in December and run it tthrough the end of march , Michigan gets really dry in the winter but it's really humid here in the spring and summer time
  8. I have a grey and a yellow crown amazon , I have always heard that a yellow crown is a little more clamer then the rest of the amazons but I sure don't see it lol Rocky is all boy lol he loves to climb and chew wood lots of wood and he is vocal 90%of the time and loves his showers Cody our grey is a little more laid back but he does make some noise lol he started talking or at least I though he was going to talk then he quit on me he will say a few words when he wants and he does sound like Rocky some times , Rocky pics up new words very quickly and talks every day so it looks like our amazon is going to out talk our grey , they are both great birds but each have their own personality to me I think amazons are more outgoing and act like little clowns
  9. Rocky just pics at his veggies he eats very little of them , I have been fixing the Higgins Wordly Cuisine and mixing in some green peppers, carrots, cucumbers , sweet potaoes and yellow squash kale and apple he may eat just a small amount and then thats he is done , he eats his pellets real good so I guess as long as he is eating his pellets ,I'am going to make a special bowl of just his favorites next time such foods as sweet potaoes, apple , cucumber , kale and carrots thoose seem to be the only veggies he likes and as far as fruits go he loves apples , blackberries and pomagranites anyone else have any ideas or any good receipes that their amazons like ? I also added some cinnamin to his food tonight because he loves the cinnamin sticks you get the higgins and goldenfeast mixes
  10. it's almost time to get out the Humidifier so I want topurchase a hygrometer I need everyones opinion on this one I found at walmart and I forget is it 40 or 45 percent when you start running the humoidifier? so whats everyones opinion on this one sure can't beat the price and I think it's solar so no batteries needed http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sunbeam-SHG50PDQ-U-Hygrometer/15135864#Specifications
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