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Everything posted by lauren333

  1. lauren333


    what about chives and green onions? Taco loves them and I had no idea they were harmful.
  2. Glad I found this post - Taco has taken to putting his beak under his wing while I am quiet and I was worried that he shouldn't be napping during the day. But true to the above posts....he's usually all over the place!
  3. I can't wait to learn what he likes.....I sure do love this little critter!
  4. Hi there! Yes, Taco and Ecko are very close in age - Taco was hatched on Feb 19th. I've tried some brocolli, bananas, peaches but no luck yet - he seems to be a bit of a millet slut - I know it's not great to give him a constant supply so I limit the amount but he roots around all day looking for pieces. Will try your mix and see what he picks out - I do know he loves hot red peppers and peanuts. Grocery shopping should be fun!
  5. Will post picutres once I figure out how to keep him still for a second.
  6. thanks for all of the advice. He's sitting on my shoulder as I write this and upon further consideration, he might not be screaming at all - I think he just might be trying to find his voice - he seems happy but wow! he's loud. Will try the suggestions you mentioned. and to the parent concerned about bath time....taco loves being sprayed with water - the trick is to hold it to the side and spray up so it falls on him like rain..
  7. Thanks for the quick reply! He seems pretty comfortable here - we hand fed him at the pet store until he could come home and bonded pretty well. He's been home for a couple of months and he never exhibited any uncomfortableness (is that a word?) - he's a pretty cool little guy. I can tell he's playing with me when he screams because he wags his tail and blushes - both signs of happiness I hear). We will try the soft food trick you mentioned. Also, I work out of my home and he lives in my office so we talk all day long - he's really trying to say "hello"...
  8. So glad I found this site! My husband and I have a new baby named Taco and he's 5 months old. He is a constant source of happiness and I look forward to learning more about him! Couple of questions if I may: At what age will he begin to eat "people food"? When will he stop screaming? (he was very good for a few days - purring and cooing - then reverted back to the screaming lately) thanks!
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