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  1. I have had my grey DJ for about 3 months now. He is 14 years old from a previous owner. He is a plucker and I've taken him to his new vet and started giving him foraging oportunities to keep him stimulated. But my main problem now is biting. I want to play with him using my hands badly and even have dreams about it! I have been talking with him and interacting in a positive manner. He does not offer his head for scratches but he does come over out of his cage to chat about good looking birds, make the "sip" sound when I take a sip of coffee, and ask if I want a cup of coffee, along with every squeak and beep in the house. He gently takes food items from my hand etc. This past week I have been pushing him a little to step up. I usually do this in the morning after I change out his food and water and before I give him his warm bird pasta. I know his last owner taught him to step up and I saw him do it. I have learned alot of his body language and know when he is going to bite. I leave the room whenever he displays agressive behavior to me. He is very clear with his body language and never bites out of the blue. Here is the scenario lately: I set up a pearch stand by his cage so that he can get onto it. I stand by that pearch and if he comes over (he does most of the time) I start to try to get him to step up with some treats. He would raise his foot like he got the idea, but then he would put his foot to his mouth. Kindof like when you wave, realize its not ur friend, then act like you were smoothing your hair. Then he bites. Some of the time he charges me head down, beak snaping, so I back away and wait for him to calm down. Then if I introduce my hand and say "step up" he lowers his head in a charging position, snaps his beak and pin holes his eyes. If I don't get his obvious cues at this point he will bite. I leave the room again for awhile and try again when he is better. There has never been a time when I have interacted with him with my hand that he hasn't reacted in this way. Should I aproach him in a different way or at a different time? I am lost on how to proceed. Also, sometimes when he reaches out he does not bite but pinches hard, could this be him trying to get a grip on my hand and I interpret it as agressive?
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