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  1. judygram wrote: i dont let her, but she trys...sometimes she just licks my nail, shes so weird haha
  2. judygram wrote: haha lol...everytime i put her down she craps! its so gross, i try to carry paper around in case about the nail polish, i paint them dark colors, so she tries to eat them at pick at them
  3. danmcq wrote: no, she is actually in the kitchen, the center of the house, and she talks 24/7... her play pen is in my bedroom.. and i move her toys around once a month, and last week i took most of them down or put them in the middle of her cage so she cant bang them around for attention, or i put a towel over the cage and my parents wont help me out because theyre busy too & i'm 17 so she is my responsibility...and i'm not going away for college which is good for her, because if i did she would get no interaction whatsoever. i've really tried most of the biting techniques...some work for a while, but then she gets all bi-polar on me and snaps at my fingers... btw, it took her weeks to get used to my nail polish on me =p thats how afraid she is of new things
  4. Do you know her favorite foods? Let her come out on her own, encourage her while you do homework to come out, give her treats. What do your parents think of her? My parents were not bird people and that just made everything so hard. Kiwi ended up stuck in my room because my parents didn't want bird poop everywhere. Now I live with my open-minded husband, and I can choose to have playstands in different rooms and have my baby out wherever I am. This is very convienient because then instead of sacrificing the things I like, like eating at the dining room table with my husband or watching T.V., Yoshi (my grey) can join in with all these things. her favorite foods are pasta, blueberries, and she loves grapes (but they make her barf them up) i also have been trying to let her eat with me, since shes terrified of food i'm trying to show her that its edible and not to scream at it lol. I'm vegan so she can basically eat all the raw foods i can...i always give her pasta which she devours & i've been giving her oatmeal, but by the end of the meal its so hard to clean up, she throws stuff everywhere. i also have a play stand in my room (which was the top of her cage, but i took it) my grey is a handful!
  5. jessdecutie18 wrote: i want to let her explore the house, but i have so many pets (cats and dogs walking aroun) and i'm afraid she will bite them. And when i let her walk around my bedroom, she poops literally every 10 steps she takes, i guess to mark her territory? lol i don't have the time, really only after 5 pm, but i'm really going to try....my mom wants to take her to work (we have an extra cage) but no one can touch her besides me.
  6. i feel the same way as you jess....i asked for her 2 years ago, and i visited her every single day at the shop until i could take her home...i even took her home earlier than i was allowed to and i fed her the formula...idk what happened.. i am in high school, but i also do track everyday and karate and guitar twice a week! i can't imagine getting a job now, i'm so busy and i guess its my fault shes home alone all day.... from now on i'm going to take her out everyday when i get home and let her chill in my room when i do homework, then eventually i will try to handle her and pet her...maybe this year she will get better. I really hope so, because i'm going to have her like my whole life
  7. judygram wrote: ok, i wont try that.. but there arnt a lot of people here, we have 4 ppl in the house, but we are a loud family. and i also have lots of pets in the house too, idk if that has anything to do with it though
  8. bites is called the sucker punch and usually you can tell that by the direction of the eyes, if they are looking up then a bite is more likely coming. yup, i try to put my hand in a fist but she still seems to find a way to catch the skin, i also need to learn how to trim her beak because i constantly have to take her...even with her beak shaved, it still hurts, shes super strong. she is so un-behaved ...i've tried everyway to train her...i dont want to give her up, being that she wouldnt get a home anyway...because i begged my parents for her, and i loved her when she was a few months old, but now its getting out of control.. can living in a loud house stress her out? my house is so loud and she is starting to pick up curse words!
  9. Joolesgreyuk wrote: no, i did the towel thing once, whenever i wrap her up for a few mins it chills her out...and she doesnt bite when she wants to go in her cage, she starts biting when i take her out, and shes violent for attention, she throws stuff and bangs her toys on the cage really loud, but i cant take her out if she keeps biting...i might have to take away her toys if she keeps having these tantrums
  10. is it impossible now, she's already 2! and shes been attacking me since i bought her as a baby. i'm so fed up with my grey, sometimes i wish i just bought an older macaw. i tried to be lovable with her and pet her, she puts on an act and puts her head down for a scratch, and then she took a HUGE bite at me and didnt let go, she took a big chunk of skin out of the web of my finger and its been hurting me all day =( i try to not yell at her, i just say "no" or "no bite" in a normal tone, but she still attacks me....the only time i can touch her is when shes done getting her nails clipped because shes practically in shock then from being held down in a towel. i know that greys pick one person, and she lets only me hold her, but whenever someone walk near her or talks to her a foot away, she will take it out on me and bite the crap outta me since she cant reach that person she doesnt like... how did she get like this? i see on here all you ppl with great birds, but mine is just a nut case that tries to kill me!
  11. yea, i guess it will only be a dream to get a hyacinth =p when im a little bit older and have my own home i would like one, i would much rather adopt an older one like in it's 40's than get a new born, but they are super hard to find! what do you think about getting a ruby/scarlet macaw? or would that kinda be the same as getting a hyacinth.... i've only seen a hyacinth and scarlet once at a pet shop, but the guy would'nt let me near them =(
  12. that sounds like a great garden! i only have tomatoes, squash, and eggplant. I planted watermelons, but too late into the summer so they probably won't grow fast enough here in jersey. And i get almond butter & most of my food from whole foods.
  13. yea, sorry...thats what i was talking about, the fruit spread...i use it with almond butter (dont eat peanut butter anymore) and i also heard that the parrot bird food you buy from the regular supermarket is bad for them.(ive been feeding her that for a year)....i didnt know that, so thats why i am trying to give her a wider range of a diet by eating my foods with me
  14. ok so she can have tomato sauce, what if its the natural jelly? i know it has sugar, but doesnt all fruit have tons of sugar?
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