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  1. I bought mine off of the Aviator Web site and , Yes , I believe it is a medium. they tell you which size fits each type of parrot. Good Luck to you !!!!
  2. I totally agree it does take time and each parrot is different in how they respond to the harness. I did not try it right away when we got him home because he had a bad flight to start with he was put on a plane at 8am left at a terminal and forgotten and we didnt get him in until midnight so he was not happy by the time we picked him up. he had no food , no water, nothing, so , I took my time with him to earn his trust . He is the greatest pet I have ever had. He is totally awesome.
  3. With my Houdini I started out letting him get used to having my hands on his head over his eyes and under his wings.....we did this a very very long time. then I let him play with the harness I set it up on top of his cage and he played with it so that he could understand it would not hurt him. then I took the last step which was putting the harness over his head. talking to him the whole entire time, loves for me to tickle him under his wings so when it got to putting his wings through I would just say tickle, tickle , tickle be quick and smooth about it.. You want to be gentle with them and not to scare them or make them mad and wanna bite. Now....the worst part and still is...is getting it off..............as long as I take my time be patient and keep talking to him keep his mind busy on something else we get it off smoothly.. Good Luck to you it will be fine...just take your time
  4. Hey Ray is that an edenpure heater that your parrots are perched on????....lOL
  5. I am on my 2nd harness . Houdini and I have an Aviator Harness. I left his old one on top of his cage and well enough said he used it as a chew toy...LOL I just got my second one and we have been working on touching all winter long. he did very well with putting it on , but the taking off part wellll lets just it could have been much better. He was a little upset with me for the rest of the day but by morning we were buddies again thank goodness...lol
  6. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs721.ash1/161739_539395002_1092425_n.jpg ok see if this works ok so let me know if this shows up !! I can see it but can you???
  7. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6014331&id=539395002 Please go look at Houdini's Santa hat I crocheted it is really cute !!!!!!
  8. Hello Everyone !!! I have not been here in awhile so I thought I would stop by so I could tell everyone what Houdini has been up to. Since I was last here Houdini is finally talking...I was soooo worried because I kept thinking I wasnt loving on him enough or playing with him enough or that I was just doing something wrong. It wasnt a month or so after that he started talking. So now this is what he says: Hello Good Bye Peek-a-boo Youuu-whoooo I love you Come on Dakota (Dakota is the grandbaby) and he whistles up a storm sometimes he makes his own whistle then other times he does the sexy whistle, the come here whistle. so he is comming around I am so proud of him. I am glad he is ok because I was worried about that too that maybe he had something wrong with him...I worry alot can ya tell...lol any way he is doing just fine he follows me around the house and he flys to the bath room when he hears the water running he knows its shower time and we take a shower together. He is very cuddly he puts his little head down on my chest and I will scratch his head for him and when I stop he will look up at me and make this really soft chirp noise as to say some more please...lol I love him so much. I was able to take him outside this summer on his harness , but a couple of weeks ago it was atop his cage and he chewed it up...lol so I will need a new one for next summer...lol ;)
  9. ;);)Well Houdini is finally comming around.... I had been playing with my grandbaby that is 11 months old and we were playing with her see and say...We were doing the duck and the duck goes quack quack quack...well guess what ....he started quacking what a hoot. for months I thought he was only gonna whistle because I did work with him every day since I have been home. I wasnt even trying just playing and he picked it up like he had been talking for years. and he is doing the rooster now too....lol and says hello and I love you and thats it so far.;);)
  10. Hello Jillybeanz !~! Hey I wanted to say thank you for such a nice note you sent to me. How can I write to you in private I tried to reply and it wouldnt let me. Any way just wanted to say thank you so much. Yes, I could really relate exactly to what you wrote. Deborah Jackson
  11. Oh, I wont I heard that before I only give him a little bit at a time. he will have one or two little drinks and thats all.
  12. Today again we put Houdini's harness on. He did still nip at me a little bit. I calmy talked with him letting him know we were going outside for some fresh air. actually I think he was really happy with it once we got outside because he started making different whistles. he did fly off my shoulder and landed very softly to the ground it was so awesome. so we had some ice tea together and sat in the shade and listened to all the other birds make their sweet music. Oh he actually let me lay him on his back today to get the harness off. I thought that was really, really good. I love my little guy
  13. Hello Everyone...I just had to say that I dont know what I was so afraid of . I put Houdini's harness on him yesterday and it went very well. I did get gently nipped at when I was putting it on but I think that is to be expected. It wasnt bad really. The worst part was getting it tight around his belly and, he kept getting his feet caught in the harness so I would gently get the harness out of his feet and try to tighten the harness up before he did that again. he sat on my lap and I talked to him the whole time explaining to him what I was doing. And getting his wings lifted up and through the hoops was nothing. and he doesnt like his wings to be touched really. but he didnt mind it yesterday... I was so shocked it went so well. I love it. it is so nice to take him outside with me. and he was pooped out when we came back in and he slept really good last night . I didnt hear him up at 2am crunching on his pellets like I usually do....lol..........;);)
  14. Houdini turned one on April 17th. he is very good, very friendly,whistles alot , plays and sqwauks at his toys, I think he has lost maybe 3 red feathers one big and two smaller looking feathers. I have see a couple of small grey feathers and then the one large one that actually had the big quill. I was kinda shocked and didnt know what to think about that. but other than that he is fine eating good , his poo looks normal, he is very active.
  15. I have a question since I am a newer parrot owner I still have questions every now and then. My question is this. Houdini lost one of his big feathers it is one that had been trimmed and I am just wondering is it normal to lose them once in awhile or not. I know I have seen a couple of red feathers from his tail here and there but it is not every day its been spread apart . so is it ok to see this from time to time or is it something I need to worry about and take him to the vet???
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