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  1. Absolutely stunning scenery. Wish I lived nearer to the sea *dreams away* My local scenery has changed drastically over the past months due to the move from Holland to Sweden. So therefor I choose to show you a bit of both, hope its alright. South of the Netherlands, Limburg: Dalarna, Sweden: (not the best pictures, it doesn't do the nature justice really)
  2. Thanks, He's such a lovely bird. There certainly are pictures worth framing. Simon ( the cat ) was a little interested in the mash we had made, they were always supervised though. We have 2 cats and they are doing well with mika joining the flock, but you never know, cats will still be cats when they get the opportunity.
  3. I always adore these sort of things when they come by in some random chat, they always give me a giggle. Never seen them as parrots though, thank you for sharing.
  4. dain

    the lean

    Mika also leans, though when he notices he wont get his way he simply goes there himself. Preferably with a toy in the beak :laugh:
  5. Our little Mika has been doing great, we've turned into right old grey slaves. Thought I'd share some snapshots of the past week.
  6. He he Yes how dare I play with our new baby ^^ We will most certainly enjoy every single second of him, although have to contain johan to not spoil him from the start... or myself for that matter I know it will just kick us in the bum later on. Atm he's catching up some sleep, since it got quite late last night after all.
  7. Thanks for all the kind messages! Didn't have much time to update last night sorry for that. Everything went extremely well, he's eating drinking playing and cosying down with us. His name is .... MIKA so named after Mika Hakkinnen, which caused some laughs at the breeder. And of course some obligatory pictures, meet mika (isn't he adorable ) And one with Johan (we didn't let him sit there, but it makes the most cutest picture)
  8. thanks you guys, I love the card my mum made. She usually doesn't do animals so it was quite the surprise. Trying to kill the waiting atm by re checking everything, cage play-tree foods. Getting the travelers cage ready, just 3 more hours to go :whistle:
  9. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Tonight's finally the night that our little man is coming home. He's a 4, almost 5, month old timneh. We've known since Saturday that we can pick him up and its going to my nerves. Seriously I don't get how others do it. All these questions go through my mind like am I prepared enough ( NO ) do we have everything in the house that we don't have easy access to, will the trip go well.. the whole shabang basically. He comes from a small but recommended breeder, is dna tested and is already on a good food regime with veggies, pellets, some fruit etc. At 5 we're leaving so got to keep breathing till then The entire family ( both Johan's and mine ) is exited, my mum even made us a little gift to say welcome to the little one, although she's in an other country so all I have right now is an image
  10. Love it! And such a nice view for them aswell ^^
  11. Love the idea, thank you for sharing. No pet smart here but might know where to get them out. Good luck with the new birdy arrival btw
  12. That would be greatly appreciated No worries about the advice, it would be odd not to take it right?
  13. thx for the replies, Char, thank you. Will just have to start over again then or simply discard them since I cant do it tighter then this. I know about the cat, no worries. He got that ball and I just replaced it. got more then plenty of those but thank you for the warning.
  14. heya, Even though we aren't parronts quite yet, I thought I'd share some toys. Most aren't done yet so I wont bother with those that are just idea's. Not the greatest pictures but they give an idea. The only one done. Roughly 50 cm Two close ups. Swing to-be. Far from done, but LOVE the colours. Strange angle on it but roughly 1.20. (braided from 18 meters of sisal) Small foraging toys, also great as cat distraction toys :evil: Two not finished ones, but liked by the cat... ..perhaps a little too much! Mostly I use sisal, as you can see. I drown in that stuff due to someone taking home 500 meters, other then that I got hemp, wooden beads and some baby acryl. Left over java tree bits, and some other woods. I've heard many things about cotton robe, and not quite sure whether or not too use it. Anyone any insight on that? Diana & Johan
  15. As judy said check the vets, also try finding an online store that sells horse equipment. They have loads.
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