Even though we aren't parronts quite yet, I thought I'd share some toys. Most aren't done yet so I wont bother with those that are just idea's. Not the greatest pictures but they give an idea.
The only one done. Roughly 50 cm
Two close ups.
Swing to-be.
Far from done, but LOVE the colours. Strange angle on it but roughly 1.20. (braided from 18 meters of sisal)
Small foraging toys, also great as cat distraction toys :evil:
Two not finished ones, but liked by the cat...
..perhaps a little too much!
Mostly I use sisal, as you can see. I drown in that stuff due to someone taking home 500 meters, other then that I got hemp, wooden beads and some baby acryl. Left over java tree bits, and some other woods.
I've heard many things about cotton robe, and not quite sure whether or not too use it. Anyone any insight on that?
Diana & Johan