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  1. My Cag is about 7 months old. He has always been gentle and friendly to everyone. Recently, he has started the assertion of his will with 'clamping down' with his beak harder and harder. He does this more with other family members now than with me but once in a while tries it on me. I would like advise how to nip this in the bud (bite) before it becomes a real bite or aggession display. He does not really display body language at first, it usually happens after someone has had him step up and he realized that they may be putting him back in his cage or removing him from a 'no' place. Any suggestions on training?
  2. I am curious as to how you trained your grey where 'not to land'. We always say 'no--fan', 'no window', no cords' and tell him 'time out' and put him back in his cage. He has bit into many electrical cords, crewed window sills, door frames and now has discovered the fun on landing on the ceiling fans and chews the wooden blades. Do you think this method will finaly pay off? He knows when he's not being watched for even a second and can make a bee line to the local 'no' place and start chewing. It's very frustrating...
  3. I can't seem to get Zazu to eat his pellets! I give him fresh fruit, veggies, pasta, and 'Power Grain" organic soaked beans at various times throughout the day and this he eats. I have cut back on them as I need him to eat more pellets. Do those of you who feed the extra 'goodies' notice that their greys don't eat the pellets when you do? I still once a while feed him by hand at night the Zupreme Formula that I have fed him since 5 weeks when I feel his weight has gone down too much. As to pellets, I tried a colored 'fruit flavored' type from my breeder, that went okay a first then, no interest. Then Harrison's Coarce, first time moistened and he ate bout 2TBS worth, after that, dry or moiste, no go. Recently I tried Zupreme Spicey... first time moistened, ate it all again, then no go moistened or not. His weight was about 490 grams when he was hand fed several times a day. Then went to 470's when we went to only fed in the evenings, now 460 if I don't feed him his nightly formula and around 474 when I do. It's hard to tell the weight as I always leave dry pellets and I know he does eat the pellets occasionally. Any advise?
  4. Is there any way to train Zazu to stay on his play yard or perch? I have been trying to tell him 'no', and take him back to his play yard but he still keeps flying where he wants to. He loves to chew everything, especially electrical cords, lampshades, buttons on blouses, the rubber around the doors, etc. He has lots of toys, all kinds and I vary them but 'real life' items are much more interesting...????
  5. My CAG Zazu is now 16 weeks. He is flying all over the place and just won't stay where he should. His cage is a no and his playyard is okay for a few minutes but then he's exploring every inch of the house. He has been flying upstairs and sitting on the railing and after several 'crashes' he has learned to fly back downstairs. I have to keep doors closed but he will find a lampshade, lampcord, golf bag, the rubber door seals, buttons on the sleeves of my blouses in my closet, whatever looks like he shouldn't be doing it. I hate to do it but I'm seriously considering getting him clipped.
  6. I was concerned about my Congo, Zazu, (now 14 weeks)flying into windows. His flying was getting better and better but he had a difficult time flying down to a flat surface. He was bumping into windows and glass doors and I was worried about injury. Now, I am happy to report, he has learned to fly 'down' and lands on flat surfaces like a pro. He hasn't hit glass this week. I believe he was always trying to find a perch like place to land. Now the good point is he lands safely onto any surface. The bad point is he can land onto any surface. It is impossilbe to completely parrot proof the house. He finds lamp shades, phone cords (and buttons), and alot of other things. He's getting better at learning what 'no' means and the results of his 'wrong behavior' but he's mischevious.
  7. I am in the process of weaning Zazu (14 week Congo). (He was up to 500 grams this morning, from 464 the morning before, however I leave pellets in his cage and I believe he eats some as soon as he wakes in the morning before the weigh-in). I gave him 2 tbs of Harrisons coarse, slightly moistened this morning and he immediately ate at least half of it. I left some dry in his cage along with the other multi colored pellets in another bowl. He was highly insulted when he realized I was leaving for work without hand feeding him his breakfast. He did eat while I was gone and didn't seem 'crazy hungry'. I will continue his 'nighttime hand feed for a while yet. Does this sound right?
  8. Thanks everyone for your advise and concerns. We bought another cage last week with 3/4" spacing and although Zazu was at first amazed that his head grew that quickly, he now is at least safe. He's content in his new cage but would much prefer to be out as much as possible. Still having some difficulty with him flying into glass doors and windows. Trying to wean him now. He weighed 500 grams this morning 9he's now 14 weeks) He has been slowly climbing in weight and eats some pellets and fresh veggies and fruit.
  9. (Zazu is now almost 14 weeks) This past weekend, after another 'head stuck' adventure, we bought a cage from someone local on Craig's List. It's got 3/4" spaced bars and Zazu was quite surprised that his head had grown so fast that it wouldn't fit thru the bars anymore. The cage is a heavy cast iron, 36" by 28" with an interior of 43" and a flat top. The play-yard my husband built for him fits well on top and he seems more content. He is also now 'flying' very well and lands fairly well. He hovers, swoops and can change directions in mid air. He does still occasionally crash into the glass doors when he can't find an easy place to land. It worries me alot. Sometimes I have yelled out to remind him 'glass!' and he'll reverse in enough time.
  10. Where did you find this cage? It looks great...
  11. My 13 week CAG has been sticking his head out of the bars since I got him at 5 weeks. Now he's gotten bigger and twice now his head has has gotten stuck... I mean not attention getting ploy stuck, but stuck. The cage spacing is 1 1/4" I know, bad but it's a beautiful cage my Amazon lived in for 15 years and had no problems! I am now looking into other cages. I suppose 3/4" would be best. It's either that or adding mesh to the cage. If I get a new one, can't really afford it, I don't know what is too small of a cage. The one I have now is 32" x 24" by 66". Any Ideas or suggestions?<br><br>Post edited by: udannefitz, at: 2009/07/12 19:42
  12. I had an amazon that while we were living in New York, started saying... "zippp.... bye". We realized he was making the sound of our jackets being zipped up as we left saying bye to him. He also perfected every squeak of the floor boards and door's opening just exactly as we started to walk or open the door. He would also yell, "What?" when I called down the stairs to the kids.
  13. How old is Ceaser? Just to compare age/weight. Thanks
  14. Okay, thanks for everyone's advise on flying. Zazu is now 13 weeks... and flying and hovering to change direction. He still occassionally semi-crash lands in a door or table or a window, but he is trying to find a place to land and slows himself down. Landing is still not mastered. I have found that he mostly just wants to be up high, so I raised his play yard and he seems more content to stay on it. He doesn't like being put back in his cage and still sticks his head way out of the bars. I am planning to add some wire mesh to the bars to prevent this. Since I have this great cage that served my smaller Amazon well for 17 years I figure eventually it won't be too big of an opening (1 1/4"). I am having a whole new experience with this grey, he is much more adventurous, inquisitive and mischievous than my Amazon ever was.
  15. Thanks to everyone for their advice. My Amazon could fly and he loved it when my husband would 'throw' him like a football in our old apartment in New York. He would glide for a few seconds, fly a few feet and make a 90 degree turn to go down the hallway landing on the shower curtain rod. My husband would then call him and he'd come back. I'd miss not having Zazu experience flight. I guess I'll try the walking up to the window with him, and maybe some 'stickies' on the windows to remind him. I have to say he hasn't done it again after that first time. I also worry about him getting out. We live in Florida and in the winter doors and windows are often open. Is it possible for a 'slight trim' so that he just can't get enough height to 'get away'?
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