You guys reply so quickly!! Thanks! After reading your replies, I feel so much more confident about my Grey. My main concern was about the the bubble on the back of it's neck. I assumed it was the crop that was visible, but I didn't expect to see it from the top. It just got me paranoid. I feel so much more relieved now that everything seems to be more normal than before.
As for the noises it makes.. when I went to go pick the Grey up, it did make the noises when I came near it. I assumed it was normal behavior from a baby Grey, because it was feeding time. I did hear the growl that you were talking about JungleDreamz. I heard it a few times and the Grey made it when I woke it up by accident or if I came too close to it quickly. I assume that was normal. But, the other noise that it makes is much more high pitched. I sounds similar to a hawk, but not exactly. And it makes two loud noises, pauses, two loud noises, pauses, etc. I figure it wants something, but I have no idea what. It does realize I am about to feed it because when I bring the syringe close to it's home, it will get up and try it's best to run to me, which is really cute. Even after I finish feeding the baby Grey, it still continues to make those noises.
I feel like I am doing something wrong somewhere. Am I not feeding it enough? I am now feeding it 4 times a day with approximately 35-40 mls at a time. Should I change to 5 times a day? Or stay the same?
As for the DNA and name.. I am not too big on wanting to know if it's a male or female just yet. I just want to make sure it grows up healthy for now. I want to name is Zazu so I think I am going to stick with that for now.
About the pictures, I will try my best to put some up within the next few days.
I am going to go to the vet in a little bit, I will definitely keep you guys updated! Thanks again for all the help so fast! : )