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Everything posted by Zazu

  1. he eats about 15-20 mls at each feeding. right now he has the kaytee exact conversion diet in his cage.. i have put in some grapes before and also some carrots. he has picked at them but hasnt really ate them fully. what do you recommend to be the best fruit of veggie for my baby grey right now?
  2. Hey guys, Zazu has gotten really big and all of his feathers have grown in! He is very active now and he walks around his cage all day. He perches and climbs... and I let him out on his play top quite often too. But I have a concern... recently I haven't been able to hand feed him. I am on the same schedule as before... 3 feedings a day, about 6 1/2 to 7 hours in between each feeding. A few days ago, I have noticed he wouldn't eat a lot of the formula that he used to eat before. The first 8 or 9 mLs would be eating at normal pace. Once I refill the syringe, he would slow down his eating and not consume as much. On top of that, he does not open his beak to allow me to feed him. I do have Kaytee Exact conversion diet in his cage and I have noticed him eat it often. Is this normal that he is rejecting his formula or should I be concerned? Once again, he is a TAG that is a little over 9 weeks old. Any suggestions would be helpful.. Thanks Everyone!
  3. Hey guys, Zazu has gotten really big and all of his feathers have grown in! He is very active now and he walks around his cage all day. He perches and climbs... and I let him out on his play top quite often too. But I have a concern... recently I haven't been able to hand feed him. I am on the same schedule as before... 3 feedings a day, about 6 1/2 to 7 hours in between each feeding. A few days ago, I have noticed he wouldn't eat a lot of the formula that he used to eat before. The first 8 or 9 mLs would be eating at normal pace. Once I refill the syringe, he would slow down his eating and not consume as much. On top of that, he does not open his beak to allow me to feed him. I do have Kaytee Exact conversion diet in his cage and I have noticed him eat it often. Is this normal that he is rejecting his formula or should I be concerned? Once again, he is a TAG that is a little over 9 weeks old. Any suggestions would be helpful.. Thanks Everyone!
  4. Zazu

    New Baby Grey..

    Zazu is doing great! His feathers are growing in very fast and it is so exciting to see him grow! One thing that surprised me is that his tail feathers are starting to grow longer and I realized my African Grey is a Timneh. I didn't know if it was a Congo or a Timneh, I failed to ask that question when I got him. I was hoping to see those bright red tail feathers grow in but I guess not... I could also tell by the color of his beak, which isn't pure black. It didn't catch my attention though.. I am kinda bummed about it but I have him for a week now and I love him.. So I have to accept it. Is there a big difference between Timneh's and Congo's? Besides the tail feather being a maroon color and the being a little bit smaller as well as lighter.
  5. Zazu

    New Baby Grey..

    Awesome to hear that it is only his crop!! Man does that take so much pressure off of me!! As for the noises, I read some of your replies and one of you spoke about the temperature I am keeping him in. I believe that's what his problem was! Zazu is so much quieter now that the environment he is in much warmer. I am beginning to get so excited about raising Zazu! I do need to clean him up a bit, there are some food marks on Zazu from the lady that I got it from. Thanks for your help JungleDreamz along with everyone else!
  6. Zazu

    New Baby Grey..

    I got a few pictures! The quality maybe bad because I took them from my cellphone. Hopefully I uploaded them correctly! Post edited by: Zazu, at: 2009/06/24 20:47<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/06/30 22:39
  7. Zazu

    New Baby Grey..

    Wow, You guys reply so quickly!! Thanks! After reading your replies, I feel so much more confident about my Grey. My main concern was about the the bubble on the back of it's neck. I assumed it was the crop that was visible, but I didn't expect to see it from the top. It just got me paranoid. I feel so much more relieved now that everything seems to be more normal than before. As for the noises it makes.. when I went to go pick the Grey up, it did make the noises when I came near it. I assumed it was normal behavior from a baby Grey, because it was feeding time. I did hear the growl that you were talking about JungleDreamz. I heard it a few times and the Grey made it when I woke it up by accident or if I came too close to it quickly. I assume that was normal. But, the other noise that it makes is much more high pitched. I sounds similar to a hawk, but not exactly. And it makes two loud noises, pauses, two loud noises, pauses, etc. I figure it wants something, but I have no idea what. It does realize I am about to feed it because when I bring the syringe close to it's home, it will get up and try it's best to run to me, which is really cute. Even after I finish feeding the baby Grey, it still continues to make those noises. I feel like I am doing something wrong somewhere. Am I not feeding it enough? I am now feeding it 4 times a day with approximately 35-40 mls at a time. Should I change to 5 times a day? Or stay the same? As for the DNA and name.. I am not too big on wanting to know if it's a male or female just yet. I just want to make sure it grows up healthy for now. I want to name is Zazu so I think I am going to stick with that for now. About the pictures, I will try my best to put some up within the next few days. I am going to go to the vet in a little bit, I will definitely keep you guys updated! Thanks again for all the help so fast! : )
  8. Hello, I am new to the forums and I just got my baby grey yesterday. I picked it up from a woman who seemed to care for it a lot who also had a few other birds that she cared for. The Baby Grey is about 6 1/2 weeks old. I am hand feeding the parrot about 4 times a day, about 35 mls of exact hand feeding formula. I know each AGC is different from one another, but I have been comparing mine with others I see on the forums and other websites. Sadly, I see a few things that begin to worry me as an owner. First of all, the baby grey makes a loud noise constantly when ever I enter the room or begin to play with it. If I leave it alone, after about 5 minutes, it becomes quite. The second I look at it, it raises his head and begins to make the noise again. When ever I interact with the bird, it will sit there and make the noise. Another thing, he does have feathers grown in, but not all around it's neck and behind it's neck. I am hoping it is because it's young and they will grow in within the next few weeks. When I feed it, I see this thin layer of skin began to bubble up on the right side of it's back neck and the inside is visible. It really scares me because it feels as if the bird's outer layer was torn open. Or maybe I lost my mind and it's feathers just haven't grown yet, which I hope. I am going to take it to the Vet tomorrow and hopefully I can figure out what's going on. Any helps/suggestions is greatly appreciated. Thanks Everyone.
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