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Posts posted by JJsHoney

  1. When Rene is getting into trouble and he notices that I have started paying attention he looks right at me and says "ssshhhhh" lol but he will also make a sound close to wood hitting metal sound when he See's something he dislikes...

  2. Just got off the phone, and the little one passed away alittle while ago, he stopped even trying to eat this morning, the vet said it was a bacterial infection, and we are waiting for the blood work to come back to def know, I am just devastated and feel horrible at the loss of such a new life. But at least it was comforting to know he slipped away in the loving hands of my cousin and really did know we were all pulling for him.

  3. My cousin called me earlier and told me he just got back from the vets, the baby has lost his feeding response and has lost a bunch of grams today, the have him on instant ounces every hour which he is only taking a few CC's of at a time, and they also gave him a shot of antibiotics and some type of med by syringe, now all that is left to do is pray....

  4. I just got a phone call from my cousin who has the baby and he said we are having some issues, the baby is squawking himself to the point of exhaustion, he is eating normally and pooping on a regular and the poops look normal, when I was there Monday he was eating a full 15cc syringe 3x day we were trying/hoping for 4 but wont take it..the baby will be 4 weeks this Sunday. My cousin has called a few friends who are breeders and put a call into the vet and hopefully he will call in the morning, The people that my cousin talked to suggested to turn down the heat in the incubator and turn up humidity so thats what he did. I'm not sure what the weight is I never thought to ask! sooo has anyone heard or have experienced something similar?? I'm just nervous and really can't stand to loose another baby :(

  5. Every bird will be different, I have a CAG and also have a quaker, whenever the birds are out together they ignore each other completely and I have never had a problem. Many people here have a few birds and will be able to give more advice than I can I have only had Rene since April and have had 0 issues. I am also getting ready to bring home a baby eclectus so in a couple months I will be having the same worries especially with 2 big parrots! Oh and congrats on the baby Buddha!!

  6. Do you keep Kura off of nuts just because of the fat content? I have been doing so much reading I'm starting to get myself confused! I have to start trying to modify my shopping weekly because Rene doesn't eat any of the fresh food I offer, so I have stopped trying.. well all but his oatmeal once a week with cinnamon sticks lol.. I also was told that his favorite food was sweet potato and he would eat it in any form but thats a no go with me... So while i am on the topic, does Kura or Sully eat sweet potatoes?? That seems to be a content in all of the reading that Ekkies LOVE sweet potatoes...

    I also have to start at some point renovating my bird room I have to move my birds upstairs into their own room now that I have another big cage on the way! Any Ekkie fav toy??

  7. Rene does a lot of falling, enough so I was worried about some type of health issue with him, but the vets and I have decided that he just plays really rough and gets distracted lol... I had towels down but he starting shredding those, so I now put a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes on the bottom above the towel and then newspaper and he has left it all alone since.. Oh and I don't have Rene's grate in the bottom I bought his cage second hand and they didn't have it and cannot find one to fit properly.. but at least he only poops in a few spots and those areas he doesn't walk in.

  8. Janet, the more I read on the ekkies the more I see most are just "chill" birds they enjoy their time alone and in the comfort of home, My cousins Ekkies who are this babies parents were very relaxed and preferred the comforts of their cages, the male especially was very quiet and docile. What are you feeding Sully? I have been reading a lot about their digestive tracks and how long they are and to watch vitamin A so they don't end up sick, but I haven't been able to reach a definitive answer on the amount of pellets..

  9. Rene was having a nippy day yesterday, and luckily those are far and few in between now, he would wait until I left the room, start calling for me and just as I was turning the corner he would fly up and land on my head and give me a good hard bite on the shoulder, ear or whatever he could get his beak to before he got tossed back away, he did it a few times until I stopped coming into the room, but then my room was the target needless to say I have to go out and buy a new curtain today ;) He was also very nippy when I was handling things inside his cage (very unlike him) It was just a bad day because last night and this morning he is full of raspberries and kisses for me.

  10. HA! I can't even try to keep a good secret! ooh well!! I have been writing a list of real world questions for Janet, and compiling a list of every other Ekkie owner here ;) Pics will be coming asap, my cell takes bad pics so I am off to ebay to purchase a new camera! This baby has already shown to be the strong, as he outlived his bother/sister, unfortunately the parents were first time parents and only fed one chick instead of both and the breeder didn't have the time to pull the chicks after the first few days.. but once my cousin got to her he pulled both and tried to save the smaller of the 2 but he/she was to far gone :(

    And last night when we met for the first time I was amazed how alert and interested he is by us, he slept on my lap for awhile and I got to feed him his supper.. We have to go over today with a new container of formula so I am hoping to get a chance to take a few better pics ;)

  11. Yep you got it, lol and I was afraid from the bad pic form my cell that no one would be able to tell at all!! and I am 98% positive its def a boy, but the pins are barely open and only 4 on the right wing are showing green, and one above the vent is red, give it another week and we will defentely know!

    I have a million and one questions for you at some point ;) I have been doing a ton of reading and really just need to talk to real people with real birds lol.

  12. Eclectus.jpg

    OK guys here is my very first baby pic! I'm sorry it is horrible but my camera met a horrible death today on the way to meet the baby * I ran it over with my car!!* LOL Well anyways he is 3 weeks old and I'm super excited only a loong 10 more weeks to go hopefully.. So any guesses what my new bundle of Joy is??

  13. I know just how feel about the non bird people my friends think I am just nuts when I tell them how Rene yells at us for his Almonds, well one night my friend was over and she was sitting at the kitchen table all alone and Rene was sitting in his chair and he looked right at her and said "Almond?" she didn't believe she heard him so she ignored him well what a mistake that was he climbed down got right in front of her and yelled "ALMOND!" Ha ha guess who go up and brought him a nut... they are great at training people ;)

  14. Thanks Dave for the reminder I tried this with him when you first posted and he is just to quick for me, I haven't really figured out the best way to keep him with me and actually get him in the sink :) As soon as he see's where I am taking him he bites and freaks out and eventually flys away my fingers can't hold his little feet I guess Hahaha. I also couldnt contain him in the sink, he would pop out from under my arm etc. Well tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to try again and this time hide his face until its to late for him to react..

  15. It feels greyt to be back home :) I have been busy and haven't had time to post or even read.. I have A LOT of catching up do it seems!!

    Well for those who don't know me I am Bonnie and the Grey who rules my roost is Rene, I re homed Rene last April and Rene has blended in to the family just fine ;) Well almost hahaha. Rene still has yet to accept anyone but myself and will only tolerate other people as long as he is tucked away safely in his cage.. Gotta love the one people Grey's!! He also is in horrible feather which according to my vet after a $$$$$Work-up$$$$$ is mostly due to his lack of bathing :( He refuses totally now won't even dunk in his dish anymore. I have tried all the tricks and no luck I misted him today and 2 bottles later and a lot of squawking and growls later I believe he got feet wet HA! So it is still a work in progress.. His favorite thing in the whole world is still an Almond and he yells for one every morning!! So he gets his palm oil dipped almond in the AM and then some seeds in RPO (Red Palm Oil) in the after noon.. He also still isn't eating many veggies but loves Sweet potatoes and cinnamon sticks so he gets a bit of that daily also. I wish I had better news on his eating habits :( Alright thats all for now it feels so good to be back and hopefully I can catch up quick!!


    Oh and I'm going to be adding to my zoo very soon :) But for now I don't want to jinx anything and won't tell until I have the baby in m hands ;)

    I'm soo excited to tell all of you!!

  16. Hey Janet long time no see! I have been gone such a long time I didn't even know you got a Zon, well ive got some reading to do!! I just wanted to pass along this website and these toys Rene LOVES it!! He cannot get the screws off and makes just the right amount of noise when he beats it so it gives him hours of play, it was alittle pricey for me but hes happy and thats all the matters!



  17. Hi everyone!! No I have not fallen of the face of the planet.. I started a new job, and between all my training days, and now extra days (overtime started already! ugh!) My days off have been incredibly busy!! Rene and the rest of the gang are doing fine, Rene misses his mama and makes sure to give me a guilt trip everytime I leave!! I am having trouble finding a good balance for him and me..

    But I hope to get my laptop priviledges at work than you will never get rid of me!! ;)

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