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Everything posted by Spinner

  1. Chelsea, thanks for the awesome pics!
  2. Congrats! Mika - what a great name. Going to be a fast bird with an illustrious life. Thanks for the pics.
  3. Robin, Bonnie & Clyde's cam channel is temporarily being used for the boot web cam in Gonzo & Camilla's nest box. I only have capacity for two feeds on the computer I am using to serve up the video to the web. And since there wasn't activity in Bonnie's nest, I am just using their feed - the new cam plugged into their wires. So 8081 is normally Bonnie & Clyde's cam, and is still labeled that way on the page. But it is currently plugged into the wide angle cam in Gonzo and Camilla's boot area of the nest box. 8082 is still Gonzo and Camilla's cam, but in the tall section of the box. What all this really tells me is that I need a beefier computer so I can have about a half dozen feeds. Oh, and I'm in process of modifying Bonnie's nest box for a future side-mounted cam port. I'm hoping it will give a nice angle to view the babies when Bonnie is planted over them.
  4. Fabulous, a good flight with a safe landing. He looks like a beautiful grey! Congrats.
  5. Three! Chickie three hatched early this morning, about 29 days after being laid. It appears healthy and is enjoying lounging on its siblings. Number four is due in four days from now.
  6. A nice shot of Gonzo & Camilla's fids - two hatched, and two still in the egg. Although they are only three days different in age, the size difference is remarkable. This image is captured from the newly installed high-res wide-angle camera. Both chicks are quite vocal and not at all bashful about letting their dad know it's time to bring in some food.<br><br>Post edited by: Spinner, at: 2009/10/09 05:13
  7. The second chick hatched late morning today and is healthy and moving around (as good as an uncoordinated chick can). It hatched about a day later than expected. If all goes normally, we should see number three in the next day or two. Camilla has been moving the brood towards the boot of the nest box, often out of view of the cam in the top of the box. So, I'm working on setting up my wide-angle cam in the boot. Until I get the new input hardware, I've got it temporarily hooked up to Bonnie & Clyde's cam channel. One real advantage of this cam is that I adjusted the focus for a very short distance, showing everything in great detail. Blew the warranty sticker apart to do it, but the results are worth it. The downside is that the additional IR source of the cam tends to blow out the left of the image in the regular cam. Oh well, trade-offs. As always, enjoy!<br><br>Post edited by: Spinner, at: 2009/10/08 18:57
  8. Honors to you for providing such great care and love for your birds. Congrats on the new addition!
  9. Gonzo and Camilla's first egg hatched in the evening last night! The chick is healthy and moving around. Here's a screen cap from the web cam with both parents and the chick. If you can't make it out, the chick is at the bottom end of the feather right in front of Gonzo's beak. A larger view of the image is available at http://www.beakersaviary.com/images/d/d8/Camillas-First-Hatch-02.jpg The hatching was exactly 28 days from when the first egg was laid.<br><br>Post edited by: Spinner, at: 2009/10/06 14:06
  10. Given a choice, my Greys would eat seeds over anything else. They're like candy to them. Since your bird is so young, I wouldn't change things too quickly as they are in a high-growth stage and can use the higher fat content in seeds. (It would be better to get the higher fat in a high-energy pellet, though). Besides, you don't want your bird losing too much weight right now. I would recommend slowly reducing the seed content as well as introducing new foods, as JillyBeanz recommends. Keep an eye on his/her weight and enjoy a meal with Rocky. I leave veggies in the cage for an hour or two, removing them long before they might spoil.
  11. Never tire of watching a Grey that is loved and interacts to their fullest! You have done such a wonderful job with Emma, and I enjoy the videos. Thanks!
  12. Go Dayo, Go Dayo, Go Dayo! Such fun!
  13. Stick with the pellets. If he's wanting to get fruit and nuts handfed from you, throw in a pellet or two. At four months, he's still experimenting with food, so be sure to keep some variety in there. I'm sure others with younger birds than I will have some recommendations to add.
  14. Awesome! Harvey's really coming into his own.
  15. Thanks for the links. I've been looking for a supplier in the States. Now if I could just get the actual palm nuts for snack time!
  16. Hilarious! They never go for the cheap self-made toys, do they?
  17. I received a question in a PM and thought I'd answer it here, since others may want to know: The webcam image is in black and white because the camera is operating in infrared mode. The box is mostly dark and has no lighting in it to operate the camera in a "normal" mode. The camera has a number of IR LEDs that provide "invisible" light that the camera can pick up. The birds don't see anything and act naturally. Camilla let me clean the lens of the camera (which is accessible from outside the box), and the image is much clearer. You all know how their dust gets over everything Enjoy!
  18. Spinner

    Pretty Bird

    Pretty bird has a lot going for it. First, it's a pellet feed. It has full nutritional needs. And is a good, balanced, low fat food. Some don't care for the colored pellets, but it's not a big deal. Sounds like Coral likes Pretty Bird and is used to it. Your vet can tell you if she is getting the nutrition and fat levels that are good for her. Otherwise, there isn't a reason to change. Regarding the vet, I see on your profile that you are in California. You'll likely have good luck finding a good avian vet in your area. If the breeder is in your area, ask him/her for recommendations.
  19. Pretty Grey! Darwin looks like she's a real ham for the camera. Thank you for sharing!
  20. Thanks for sharing the pics and posting some videos for us! Blue is quite the proper guest - going to his room when told. Thanks again!
  21. Wow, thank you for sharing! Great pictures, and nice to see Koko get out for a road trip.
  22. Here you go: http://www.securepay.com/easyshop/products.asp?id=42&cat=Aviator%20Harness&mMerch_ID=36962 These guys are good to do business with. I buy all my food from them.
  23. Thanks for sharing the video. Yes, Calypso is definitely talking. I have to listen carefully, but I heard her trying to voice out four or five unique words in there. Her words will become more and more clear as she continues to practice. Congrats! And.....more videos! My grey was loving the chatter.
  24. If it's a door I don't need opened often, I just use plastic tie-wraps. The birds usually leave these alone and they can hold a gate or door tightly shut.
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