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Everything posted by ParrotLover

  1. I might try something simliar, its hard to find something that april stands up onto without her being scared lol. Fantastic idea!
  2. Thankyou. Shes like ab est friend to me haha;)
  3. Later on today ill download some videos onto my profile for you to see.
  4. Hiya guys, sorry for the veryyyy slow reply, i forgot to check this thread lol, a bit about april, i have loads of pictures of 100 ill post them in the gallery soon anyway i usually feed april almost every day and give her fresh water, my mum cleans the bottom of her cage but i insist to do it but she always does it lol. Shes 3 years and 2 months old we got her when she was ten weeks old. She is a fabulous talker here is a list of what things shes learnt and says: Jasmine( my name ), Bye, oh man, little girl, april, chicken, hello, is it bedtime, 1..2..3!, you alright, wiiippeeoutt, give me a stroke, put your head down, giz a kiss, dance. Up above are just a few things she says she has a wide vocab. She dances to songs, she'll randomly shout dance to a tune she likes she brilliant, This was a couple of months ago, with her favourite pooh toy This one underneath is her preening on the curtain pole =]. Underneath is a picture of april in her cage on her first day with us, I'll post more stuff, i have a video from the day at the place shes from and other videos when i learn how to download them on here ill post them all .
  5. Ok ill give her some space to do what she likes , i think she prefers to be near her cage and i dont want her to go somewhere she doesnt wat to. Thanks guys.
  6. Yes she has foot toys, she had a cat toy with a bell inside but some how she took it apart, atleast she had fun with it, i also have a ball with a bell in but shes terrified of it, thats the problem shes scared of some things. She doesnt seem interested in anything.
  7. Yeah, if i leave the cage door open she'll come out, shes always been like this, but usually she loves to come out on my hand, maybe she just wants to be near her cage like then where her food and water is. I feel that she doesnt want to come because wherever im taking her she's going to be bored. I'd usually take her to her playstand which is a T stand pretty boring i guess. Ill try make playtime more fun and see if she wants to come out more, what could i do with her to make her enjoy time out oft he cage more? Thanks
  8. Hiya, April seems happy to come out in the morning, like if i just uncover her she'll want to come out but if i have to go out or dont get her out int eh morning then she doesnt want to coem out for the rest of the day, ill ask her to step up she wont bite me but just resist to come out, if i open the cage door she'll happily sit on top of the cage talking. What could be the reason for her not wanting to come out with me? Thanks.
  9. When she flies and bites i just try to quickly put her back on the cage or on the floor. When shes in her favourite place im usually taking her to her playstand to have a poo or to put her in for the night. Sometimes i have to ask her to step up because she needs to go bed or have a poo, if she wont step up do you assume its because she likes what shes doing or where she is?. Thanks.
  10. Ok thankyou, and yes she had toys, she has a rope swing, a rope hanging, a big wood thing with a bell, a plastic colourful toy and another ropey tpe thing with a peice of wood on it. I would buy her some more tpys but she gets scared of them and wont go in her cage, but i will get her some more things. Im going to get her some pur orange juice today if thats orite for her? And i might soak pellets in it. Ill have to let her bite my when she doesnt step up so she knows she cant get round me. Thanks again.
  11. Ok this is an issue i havent yet been able to solve, april my 3 year old cag has always been quite tame with me, she lets me stroke her msot of the time, she likes to watch tv with me, and she asks me for kisses, and if i go out somewhere she'll say bye to me. The issue is, for example if im eating something its more like if im eating something with a spoon then she flies to me and bites me really hard, shes that quick i cant move away, or she'll try and bite the plate/bowl my foods on. ( if i put her in the cage when i eat this doesnt solve anything because i'd like her to be ok with me eating in front of her. ) Also sometimes when i have her out she'll refuse to step up if shes somewhere she really enjoys playing like on the stairs or on the living room carpet and then she'll bite me because i want her to step up, or if im just opening her cage to feed her or stroke her she'll peck me out of the blue. Dont get me wrong shes a brilliant parrot and most of the time shes great for me, its just the issues ive stated that really get in the way. Also sometimes when on her cage, she wont step up even tho she knows how to and she'll go down to the bottom of her cage where the paper is and she'll start ripping it up! I try stop her but nothign works so ive been putting things in the bottom she doesnt like, like little toy fiqures, im thinking i might have to go shopping to get her a few little things to play around with, because when shes out i dotn know what to do with her? Any help is appreciate, Thankyou.
  12. Hiya, im jasmine i'm 14 years old and have an african grey parrot called april whos 3 years and 2 motnhs old. I joined this forum for advice and to help people if they need it, nice to meet you all.
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