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  1. Well got DNA testing back and seems I need to change spelling of name from Sunny to Sonny ha ha....what I was hoping to be a she is actually a he...no matter still love him all the more.
  2. Hi its Dee, I just wanted to thank you guys for the support and advice. Also wanted to update on Sunny...she(we are saying she until she is sexed) is doing great. Has grown so much and is very playful now, she is trying to fly and getting up on perches now. She is also vocalizing but nothing that is recognizable yet. I put new pic on profile, she is 10 weeks old now. She is definately MY BABY!!
  3. Hi and thanks. I do put her back in cage when I notice she is tired, she is on three feedings a day and taking bananas and carrots as wanted. I tried pellets softened she did not care for them right now and vet said stay on the formula and few items I have used for a while longer. Just today she has started vocalizing more not just the sweet cooing she has been doing. Amazes me how she can learn. I will post more photos once I figure out how...lol
  4. Hi all, I have had Sunny a week now, she is 8 weeks old and my first grey. Also have tiels that we have raised in the past. I see so many videos with greys same age but are so much more active than Sunny. How can I get her to be more playful? I have her out of cage for long periods of time several times a day and have toys that I play with and show her to play. She has just started the flapping of wings and still cannot walk real well. But vet says she normal and healthy just needs to get acclimated to her new household. What can I do to help this along. By the way, I love this site...so informative!!!
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