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Everything posted by bry2623

  1. Thanks for a great post! I have been researching AG's for awhile now trying to learn as much as I can about them before I buy one. I found your post to be a wealth of information. Thank you so much.
  2. Wow thanks everyone for your information. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to this thread however I am still trying to learn this web site. I don't mind having a two to three year old baby on my hands in fact I like it. That is a good deal of the reason I began looking into Greys in the first place. As a stay at home parent I will be spending most of my day alone when the kids go back to school I thought a parrot would be a nice family addition.
  3. Thanks for the support, I'm looking forward to the day I don't give smokeing a second thought. Until then buy stock in the company that makes Jolly Rancher candys!
  4. Hello everyone, I am new to the forums so please forgive me if this is listed in the wrong place. I have a few questions as I am planning to buy an African Grey within the next year. First of all there is the question of CAG or TAG. Can a few of you tell me which you chose and why. Male or Female and why? Do you clip your Grey's wings? Why, or why not? How did you go about finding a good AG. breeder? If you had your baby shipped to you did it seem to be a tramatic experiance? Lastly if you could give one piece of advice, to all new bird owners, what would it be? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm new here but I got caught up reading this topic and I just couldn't stop. I quit 8 weeks and 3 days ago. I want to say congrats to all of you who have quit or are quitting. I have smoked for 29 years and quitting is a struggle, however it gets easyer every day! I plan to buy myself an African Grey with the money I save from not smoking.
  6. Hello every one, my name is Brian you may call me Bry, I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place or not. In any event I am a new member who just wants to say hi. I don't have a bird at this time but am looking into getting an African Grey in the next year or so. I have done quite a bit of research just in deciding what kind of bird will fit best into my life and the lives of my family. Now I'm researching the A.G. and trying to decide between the CAG and the TAG. As well as trying to learn everything I can about these amazing feather people. As for me I am 39 with two children and a spouce. I am no longer in the work force so I have plenty of extra time on my hands. This fall the youngest of our children will start school and I will be home alone for a good part of the day. Leaving me plenty of one on one time with a feathered friend. Bry
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