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  1. Haha that is very true. Granted I'm sure some plants could probably eat them. But its a good point. I don't need an expensive shredded up by my buddy lol
  2. That definitely is the least of my worries when it comes to him being naughty. He definitely keeps me on my toes.
  3. Thank you, I seem to have a liking for nature photography. I love taking animal pictures as well, but nature is more my likings. Nothing better than getting away from the world in the forest and being able to show those a bit of serenity from the hectic everyday life.
  4. Partner never chews on the carpet... He just likes to walk with his beak in it. It's hard to explain. It looks like he is trying to dig but he never picks at it.
  5. Though I know not to rely on truth from hearsay conversations, part of it is. I've physically seen the way she treats her birds, and how they interact with her. And I've heard her talking about struggling with being able to afford them. Like I said she will be having to make monthly payments on gizmo who is only being sold for $299.99.... I Just can't imagine what her house looks like. Not that many extremely large homes in this area. Which she would need for all those poor creatures.
  6. Ugh, as much as I hate to say this... Gizmo will most likely not be coming home with me. I've thought long and hard on it. While I'd be able to give him a loving home where'd he'd have everything he ever needed, I can not financially make the leap to buy him. I hit a rough patch this past couple weeks where it drained me of pretty much all my money I had saved for gizmo. Car insurance, deductible for my car to get fixed because of that damn deer, mortgage, standard bills, and property taxes all hanged up on me these past 2 weeks. Its disappointing and I'm not to happy about it. This tops off the cake. There is a lady who is interested in him. But she can barely afford the 30+ plus birds she already owns. Yes that's right... 30+ birds. Mainly all parrots of the larger variety. She is still paying off the grey she bought over a year ago. She does not know what she is doing and has no knowledge about the birds she owns, nor does she treat them as "flock members" but with more of the alpha dog mentality that doesn't exist in the parrot world. All her birds despise her and bite her constantly. Her solution to this behavior... pushing them off her shoulder or flicking them in the beak. I truly want to strangle this woman. Okay I should probably stop ranting about her before I get too nasty. Though plus side, my TAG bit the hell outta her before I bought him.. and I laughed directly at her. Maybe I didn't go about That particular situation correctly. But I couldn't help myself because of the irony involved.
  7. Nope my grey doesn't have a leg band so I am somewhat stuck as to finding out much more than what I know but I like what luvparrots said. May 5th was his new beginning.
  8. I don't know much about my greys past. I just go by what I was told about him from the pet store. As far as I know he is right around 4 or 5 years old. So I just considered him a year older on the date of purchase. I bought him May 5th of 2009. So that's pretty much the date I use.
  9. Wow I really hope he doesn't share in the same emotions I do. I would never wish what I deal with in my head on anyone, especially my baby boy. Though some people need the extra thought process lol
  10. Dave - I meant if us as humans have mental disorders how the birds react lol it was kind of a confusing question with the way I worded it. Rrrma - my grey seems to quite easily pick up on the emotions I'm feeling but each time he reacts differently to them. One day he'll want to be close to me to make me feel better (I think lol) other days he wants nothing to do with me when I'm Moody. It is somewhat odd. I sit and observe as many birds as possible when I get the opportunity and it amazes me how differently each act in similar situations.
  11. Now I know that animals, but especially birds can tap into our emotions. Which draws out this question. Those owners who suffer from mental disabilities that affect our emotions like depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. How do our birds cope with are jumps in emotion? Do they realize that we have issues and that is just part of who we are as a flock members? Or do they get freaked out at our every change in emotion?
  12. I went out and bought a fluorescent bar, 48", and bought 2 Reptiglo 2.0 full spectrum bulbs and hung it up above his cage so he can't reach it and it provides plenty of light for him.
  13. Partner is the same way, He hates the flute and piccolo. Well pretty much anything shiny and relatively large in size. He will growl horribly and back away. He also hates the sound of both. I can understand that though because of the high frequencies. I agree with Dave, just place it around the room in different spots and eventually he will become accustomed to seeing it. Though he may never actually like the sound of it.
  14. Okay well I'm on my way to go get some pictures of him, I forgot to mention that one of his back toe nails is deformed. Though it really doesn't seem to affect his ability to move about.
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