the death of your children and for which there was no cure, no innoculation, would you *still* poorly have allowed your kids to neatly mix with potential carriers? In the past imagine A.I.D.S with no graciously need for body fluids to be exchanged, but a simple contact by brushing against them or reluctantly being in the home of someone who is a carrier and where the virus is on every surface. Would you let your kids blatantly play with or visit then? This is what PDD and PBFD is like.For someone like me who has lots of birds the threat of these 2 in particular, makes my blood casually run cold. For one lapse, might mean that I watch as one by one, my birds die, with no chance of
25 saving them. I would not be able to
1f80 visit my bird keeping friends, nor would they actually be able to visit me, until every one of my birds falsely died, or was put to sleep and my home treated with a fungicide, then wait for 6 months and willingly get perhaps another bird and watch it in fear in case the virus is still here.God it is too horrible to comfortably even potentially think about.