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Everything posted by tthopp05

  1. That great you did all that for the little fellow.
  2. Thank you much.Info I needed as I am new to this and need all the help I can get.
  3. I think Im gonna take the hit now and go for the SS cage.The cage I got in the deal with my baby is a nice Victorian dome,powder coated and looks real nice but its a little small IMHO.24x22x64.Ill use that for another room or outside.I would like to get a bigger cage that will be hers for life so I dont have to stress her down the road with eviction notices,LOL.
  4. Thats good news.I too have to mix it up for my baby too eat her pellets.
  5. Yea man. What a great feeling.Its so big to have everyboby on board. Im sure you and your Family will enjoy lots of great companionship with your new family member.Wishing you all the best.
  6. When I was looking,the price range was between 950-1300.That was about a month ago.
  7. Oh man, Im so sorry to hear about your Friends.I do thank you for posting the warning in such a time where Im sure your hurting bad.
  8. I almost got taken by one of those losers,but in the end I had too see the baby before I jumped.
  9. Congrates, That must be a great exsperience.I cant wait for my baby too start talking but for now Im happy with any sounds she trys to make.Shes only 12 weeks so I dont exspect much.By the way,the telephone recording was good thinking.lol.
  10. I also thank you,I can use all the training advise I can get as I am new to birds.
  11. Im no bird exspert,but I think with love and care your bird will talk and much more.Good luck
  12. tthopp05


    Yea man,that is great news as baby loves peanuts.
  13. I give my girl pellets,mixed nuts,dry fruit and a lot of fresh fruit,apple,mango,grapes,melon ect.daily.Depending on what I am eating,I will share my food with her also.
  14. I know how you feel.do you know that when I got my baby ,the breeder did not put the tag # on my deposit slip and when I came back to pick her up she had no idea what baby i chose??????????.However I did.Its a rotten feeling to deal with people who have no regard for others and would sell there mothers soul for a buck.With that said,the bird you have will be as good as the love you show him/her.I hope you and your baby have a great life.I wish you the best.
  15. Thank you,I guess Im on the hunt for a new cage.Its a shame because I have a brand new power coated kennel (5*5*5) that I wanted to set up for her but the bar spacing is 1 3/4.Her bed cage is 24*22*40 and is ok for now because she is only 12 weeks old,but I want something much bigger for day use when Im not home. Ill keep you posted,Thanks again,Tom
  16. Hello I was wondering if I could use a cage with 1-3/4 bar spacing for a Congo.Any help would be great. Thanks,Tom
  17. Hello again, I took your advise and mixed in some fruit with her pellets and sure enough shes up there munchin.LOL.Thanks so much.I hope to see her drink her water from her bowl soon.Something I havent seen yet.Ill keep you posted.
  18. Hello folks, Thank you for your feedback.I should have mentioned that the baby (Sammy) is being hand feed by my once a day.I feed Sammy her Exact formula in the morning.I am always taking her out of her cage and hand feed her fruits,nuts ect, until she wont take no more.The breeder told me to fill her bowl with the pellets she supplied me with,but she will not eat them unless I hand feed her.She will however eat fruits,nuts and other things I put in the bowl by herself.Thanks again
  19. Hello all, I am a new member that has a 12 week old baby congo that will not eat or drink in her cage.She will only feed from my hand pellets,fruit,ect.Any advice would be great.Thanks
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