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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. That's not punishment...
  2. Your strength is what is needed now, for Gray your family and yourself. Gray can feel and sense your emotions, let Gray feel the full impact of all your love, he will return it to you ten-fold. No one could have done more than you have, Gray and every one knows this. Be his light and shine for him now, he can feel your warmth and all our loves and prayers..
  3. This is good advice, Thanks Judy...
  4. If I may, use cool water for bathing, a little less often, Dave 007 knows of a product that works real good on most birds, you might want to PM him. The Vet call is Grey't,[Judy] process of elimination before trying to many over the counter products...
  5. How old is Gizmo? I would suggest to only let him play with your fingers for a second, please don't encourage him to regurgitate. Regurgitation is more than a sign of just affection,It's also a sign of choosing a mate. Jayd
  6. Greetings, If I may, you said she is drinking a lot, this and to much fruit can increase the amount of poop and lack of weight. To much fruit and liquid doesn't allow food to stay in there system long enough. What is your baby's diet? Drinking to much fluids are also a sign of many illness. Weigh your baby after the first big bomb each morning....DE-worm, See a vet.....Jayd
  7. Your baby is moving on to the blue skies over the rainbow. This is not your fault. What you have done is give the baby all the wonderful love and peace of a true companion. You must remember, not only will you be thinking of Grey, but Grey will be thinking of you so please make the thoughts good. Some angels are only put on the earth for a short time. You and your family must rejoice in the fact that you gave her so much of your hearts. Send out warm thoughts of what Grey has meant and still means to you. No one can ever take away this love that you have given and shared with your feathered friend. If she is not suffering, then let her spend this time with you. Keep her warm. If she has pain, then your other choice might be desirable. Touch her for me...and send her our love... Jayd
  8. The ways and whys we may never no, but there's always a reason....Your Grey is out there waiting for you........
  9. Sorry I forgot about the tail feathers. They really don't come into there final color till after the 1st molt. They don't always come in maroon, sometimes they are maroon with dark gray stripes,or gray with no maroon. Jayd
  10. Thank you and so true...With the Greys as the "Goth" of the bird world, the Amazons are the "Elixir".....
  11. This is so wonderful what you did, and also so sad. Maggie and I have re-homed many friends that we had taken in to rehabilitate, each time with sadness as we moved them on to there new home. If I may, one thing we learned is a "Sleep over" is one thing, but a permanent re-home is completely different. In most cases, it isn't wise to bring this fid back to there previous home, especially if other fids are involved, not the same as the "Sleep overs". It's like, "reopening a old wound", never allowed to heal. Your visits to your dad's is ok, just don't spend as much time with Zoe Ann as you did when she live with you. Each day we are learning just how much our fids remember, learning we must put there well being before everything else. We each must move on, a permanent separation is the wises move you can make for all involved, especially sully. Thank you Jayd
  12. Thank you. Please keep the heat on, 80 degrees + till some more feathers come in. I can only guess by the picture, Kenya looks around 5+ weeks old. Keep doing what your doing, your doing grey't. here's a picture of Spock at 6wk's old, he's a Congo pig...lol Jayd
  13. Ooohhh my gosh!!! I feel your pain. Salsa beats Joey and Spock into the bedroom before I have a chance to get up after Maggie opens the door. She lands on my head and nips the nape of my neck while saying "Step up, step up!". The 2 foot cord on my BP meter is now 2 pieces six inches long. With the cuff on my arm, Maggie has to hold the machine under my chin while I check my BP. When I am up, Salsa will fly over to my shoulder and reach down and rip off a button with a swift tug and then fly off saying "Salsa, what a good girl". Joey and Spock have nothing to do with Tango even though they are all loose and fly. (Tango still doesn't fly) Tango doesn't bother them either. Salsa is another story. With Tango wandering around on the outside of her large cage, Salsa will land on Tango's cage within biting distance. Tango will flair her topnotch and wings and with her beak open will lunge with dinner in her eyes at Salsa. Salsa will squawk and back-flap away from her. Salsa does this when Tango's not looking. Salsa also flies by and teases Tango. Payback is a b----h. Last night, Tango learned how to open the latch on her cage. About 4am, we heard Salsa squawking. Maggie ran out to the other room to look and there is Tango standing on the cage doing her bootie dance and shaking her head and Salsa is on the bottom of her cage squawking. There is now a padlock on Tango's cage. We keep a close eye on Salsa. Hope the terrible twos stop soon. Jayd (Dictated verbatim by Jay and typed by Maggie)
  14. Greetings and a wonderful welcome to the Grey Forum. I just read your thread and if I may; a few questions. How active is this little guy? Is he noisy or quiet and how alert is he? Suggestion: put a soft stringless towel under the paper towels. Make sure you keep him out of drafts and dampness. The light for warmth is a good idea and try to keep the room at a constant temperature. As far as feeding goes, they will usually stop when they are full and the crop should feel slightly spongy, not taut like a blown-up balloon. I feel it would be good to feed the baby one or two more feedings. I am sure that you have heard that they will cut out their feedings when they are ready. You can increase the amount you are feeding him also (remember the crop). Something I feel is very important is to feed them consistently every day, 24/7. His last feeding for the day should be 8 to 9 hours before his first feeding the following day. For example: 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm and 10pm. Make sure the consistency is thickish like ketchup or possibly a little thicker. Don't worry about water because the formula has more than enough water. The more water in the formula, the less amount of time the formula has a chance to stay in and be absorbed in his system. Keep water (change often) and a few Cheerios crushed pellets, in the cage during waking hours. There are a lot of "greyt" souls on this forum concerning this subject matter. Please keep us all updated and posted. We would love to see some photos. I am more than happy to give you any input I can. Jayd P.S. Let the little one have some space but give all the love, cuddling and talking you can especially each morning and before and after each meal and before putting to bed at night. Sit close and let the baby play with a finger, Cheerios or little foot toys. Talk to the baby with clear and concise words that you plan on using with this little bundle of love for life.
  15. I agree with Talon, Your are Janet and are exactly what this baby needs.
  16. Just browsing over a few of the posts and pictures of all your wonderful Zons is so heartwarming. I have just begun to read all that I have missed and I have missed some great stories and interactions of our great companions and their parrots. Yes, it is that time of year...spring time...and Amazons put the "H" in hormonal. It's even harder for those like Janet who has re-homed an Amazon like Louie and they are both trying to adapt to new surroundings and then to have the big "H" pop its head into the picture. A combination of these factors does increase aggressive behavior with some 'Zons. Salsa is experiencing her first bout with the big "H" so she is slightly aggressive one minute and forgiving the next. Remember that diet is a big component of the "H" factor. As opposed to a Grey, an Amazon needs a low-fat/high protein diet that contains more fruit and seeds then you would ever give to a Grey. Seeds, fruits and fresh veggies are the staple with a lesser portion of pellets and legumes replacing these pellets. Slices of orange, seeded grapes, blue-berries and orange and dark green leafy veggies on a daily basis and a good seed mix minus shelled peanuts are good. Give nuts as a treat. One almond, one-half cashew and one-half walnut make an excellent treat and good incentive. Make sure you keep your daylight hours to ten hours or less. No light misting baths but one heavy bath on a weekly to ten day basis, again to keep from over-stimulation. Zons are foragers and spend time by themselves foraging and shredding. Safe barks (like eucalyptus) and bird-safe hemp rope tied into knots with little pieces of wood intertwined makes great toys to keep them occupied and their minds on other things. Some Zons have hormonal periods twice a year...be prepared for this. It is wonderful to be back with all my old and hope-to-make new friends here on the forum. Please be patient with me while I read all your posts. (Luv u Janet) Thanks, Jayd
  17. Jayd

    changing name

    Greetings, It's always wonderful to hear of some one re-homing a Grey and is willing to pursue the task of renewal. Joey, one of our rescues, is just now coming out of the closet after being with us for around two years +. Depending on the type of conditions and the possibility of unintended or intended abuse, the advise you received of "Taking it easy" and "Going slow" is imperative. Let him move at his own pace and let him force himself on you. Heed all the advice that has been given... Concerning the name change; please wait awhile before pursuing that endeavor. With Joey, we didn't know his name and started calling him Jim (James Kirk) because our other Grey's name is called Spock. After three or four months, he turned to me one day and said quote "I'm Joe. Not Jim." Sometimes their name is their link to everything they trust because they know it is theirs and a constant in an changing world and new environment. I have found this to happen in many instances..not always...but depending on the willingness of the parrot. Sit back in a different room and listen to what he says to himself. A Grey does most of the talking when no one else is around. He will tell you of his past life, his fears, likes and dislikes. When we were not around, Joey would say things like "Are you going to feed me today?" or "I'm hungry" all of which related to his previous life. Let time work its wonders. If I might mention, the grey line in his red tail feathers sounds to me like it could be a stress line due to improper nutrition or stressful conditions in his previous home. The only way to sex a Grey with any kind of certainty is to have a DNA test. Try to make sure to give your new companion an almond a day because it has the highest content of calcium and EFA's (essential fatty acids) and natural or artificial UVB lighting daily. This is the only way a Grey gets Vitamin D3. Add lots of dark green leafy veggies to his diet and only small chunks of fruit a few times a week. Thank you and keep up with the greyt work. These greyt "Parronts" on the Grey Forum all have wonderful advice to give. Jayd
  18. I, so sorry, I wish I could have responded sooner, you've done wonderful. Peroxide is ok if you dilute it ten to one with your water, then flush it. Antibiotic Neosporin CREAM...is great to use, cream only.
  19. LOLLLLLLLL. Maggie's trying to teach Salsa, "Ava-Maria", Salsa just die's a quiet whistle so far to it. [First line only] We have no camera now.[sad] Thanks Jayd
  20. Louie and Salsa must be related....lol Thanks
  21. Jayd


    Bless you....................
  22. Thank you, each Zon, is some what a reflection of there owner. When they accept us in this trust/love relationship, there reactions do take on the feelings we've shared with them, some, more than others. Some years, the drive is much more stronger than others, and sometimes towards the end of the cycle, they can become more aggressive. Thank you. Jayd
  23. The world over, this is a special time, to some it’s a day of a new era, to most it’s a time to hope for peace. On this Grey Forum, were united by a common interest, our Grey companions, let’s look at this, our grey friends and how they represent this time of the year. To start, there color is grey, to represent every one, all man/woman kind, all nation’s, all creed’s and beliefs and all life styles. They’re tail is red; it is red to represent the blood that run through all of us, the life flow that binds us together. They come from a place that most say is the original birth place of man, did they come to teach us to show us that with time we will all become one again? No matter where they live they can speak the language of those who care for them, and there’s no limit to how many language’s they can learn, or what they can learn and teach all of us. On this grey’t forum, we all seek enlightenment in the care and handling of our feathered friends, and do not look at each other beyond this, is this what these grey beings are trying to train us to do? Can we do this in our everyday life? Yes, I know each and every one of you grey’t people can. Let there be peace on this wonderful earth, give thanks to each other and to what you believe in, we are one......
  24. Hi, Maggie here, Jayd's under the weather, he asked me to post: Stop feeding fruit, except 1 small piece a day, put 2 tsp sunflower seeds in a bowl in his cage a day in the afternoon, [same time each day]. Cook up some black-eyed peas, chickpeas, and brown rice and sugar snap peas,,,,,, put in a bowl and leave in cage for 2-3 hours, do this 2-3 times a day....Leave a seed bowl and a pellet bowl 24/7, try a colored fruit pellet. [Zupreem].. From Jayd, Thanks You, Maggie
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