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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Thank you all. We gave them their second feeding! It was great, they took it with little fuss,8cc's each...:laugh: they get on your chest and cuddle and in no time their eyes close We bought Spock 2 new toys and played and talked with him before and after feeding them...He flew over to them and beaked their tails and grumbled:laugh: No problem, were going to keep a close eye on Spock! Jayd and Maggie{Feel-good-000200B9}
  2. {Feel-good-00020069}It is our lucky day! We just adopted two 4 week old Sun Conure babies. They have never been hand-fed and we fed them for the first time today, 5 to 8 cc's each. Their little crops were puffy when they were done.... Their reaction to the syringe was iffy at first and they didn't head-bob but after a few tries they did lean their head back and swallowed. We will be feeding them four times a day until they get used to it and then three times a day after that. They weigh 116 and 125 grams respectively before eating. Their little crops were empty when we got started. Spock observed the whole procedure while I sat next to Jay and he nibbled on pellets. The pictures are going to be blurred because we were excited. Better pictures will be uploaded later... Maggie and Jay{Feel-good-00020114} P.S. We haven't named them yet....
  3. How old is Ana Grey? Spock flew late! Jayd:cheer:
  4. Thank you both. Spocks learned to fly fast now in our tiny space without over-shooting his landings, no complaints! He likes to do short controlled hops.Chair backs to chair backs cage to Tv etc. His latest is to "Growl" loudly when he flies fast! Gonna get a bong and atom... Thanks Jayd
  5. B) Spock did a flight today that amazed me, He was on the floor facing the wall about 10" away,(I'm sure other Cags have done this) he flew straight up 5 ft:whistle:did a 180,(no forward, side or back motion!)just rotated :blink: flew 3 ft and landed on his perch! {Emotions-00020070}jayd
  6. B) I don't know why I forgot,(duh) Hard boil a egg 20min's, cut it in half (LONG WAYS),shell and all! leave it in his cage no more than 1/2 hr, a couple times a week... Jayd:P
  7. {Feel-good-000200A2Thanks Helen, Hope your ok too;) Great job...
  8. Hi, haven't heard from you...everything ok? How did Cookie's lab test turn out? Has he put on any weight? Keep doing what your doing cause it's working....{Feel-good-00020114}
  9. Jayd

    Poor Conure

    Thank you all again, we do love all our fids. We have single birds, mated pairs we won't breed,(health) and some we do breed. We don't "Breed to sell", we have given away 6,and sold 4 this year. Our total cash sales this year is $180.00, We just love them.:cheer: with Buddy we use to have to hold a stick to change his cage and feed him, he bit hard! Then we would give him a broccoli stem, and he would leave us alone, now if I'm slow, he lets me change him Here's just a few photos! :lol: Bart and Lisa we have had for a while, his parents plucked him bad, the vet says he has too much scare tissue. His mate is Lisa they have been together for a year, they recently had 4 eggs,1 hatched into a beautiful boy!!! Jay
  10. {Feel-good-0002006E} You're going to like this one...this is Spock's afternoon snack time...and yes, he is a piglet....(he has a very high metabolism) at 16 wks old :laugh: Maggie
  11. A funny thing happened on the way to the bird room.....I was finishing up with the other fids and Jay was checking out the cages when we looked up to see Spock....enjoying himself immensely {Feel-good-0002006E} nibbling his way through the bananas on the counter. I moved two of the bananas to save them and he moved down and attacked the others....:ohmy: (not the best photo but we were laughing too hard to keep steady) He was mad {Feel-bad-0002006A}when we took them away...he's had enough bananas for a few days...{Feel-good-0002006E}I later caught him trying to finish off a plate full of butternut squash I just cooked up.:ohmy: On a more serious note, Spock has cut out his morning formula and half of his bed-time formula. He is holding his weight (it has been constant for three days now). He still eats his "smash" and fresh veggies and is eating more pellets and seeds. Maggie
  12. Jayd

    Poor Conure

    Thank you both so much... We have 41 fids now:woohoo: not counting eggs or new borns.. The cockatiels have there room, the conures have the family room, and Mr Spock as flock leader has the run of the house!(he's in the living room)The humidty in our home is balmy,it makes there feathers shine... It's so rewarding to see the shine on peoples face when you hand them that little bit of love.. We try to hand feed all the babys, the ones we can't we hold at least 5 times aday after 10 deays old. Whats fun it is to go into the cockatiels room and have them all try to lite on you at the same time:whistle: Some of the rescued are cage bound, we either sit with them awhile or hold them if they can be held...To be alike is always great! We'll post photos later. Jay
  13. Jayd

    Poor Conure

    As some of you might know Spock is our new baby, Maggie and I also rescue and raise cockatiels, and conures, and spendidas.We try to place our healthy birds into homes who have lots of love and little of anything else. We mostly except donations for our fids.:cheer: Buddy is a Chrimsom Headed conure, a pretty boy..he is paired with a Indian Ring neck keet (Bj)who is mostly plucked, they take such good care of each other... Buddy and Bj came from a home:sick: who used colorful quotes etc..Buddy uses profanity in strings and commands, last night he said "Wanna get some crack?" yet he turns around each morn and night and says"goodnight/goodmorning baby" and has a large selection of good words and sayings.... He bites bad and Bj yells at him when he doe's:P It takes two of us to clean and feed him, but he'll take treats from you between the bars of his cage.We flood them wit love, and some day we hope he'll realize were not his old caretakers...:cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/28 19:11
  14. It's always so good to read your posts and those that post to you:laugh: Question if I may, Is Ecko holding his weight? Thanks Jay and Maggie
  15. Your both young.. So much life together and good for each other...{Feel-good-000200BB} Jay
  16. :cheer:Cookie will never hate you... you have too much love for him!!!
  17. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-bad-00020063}What a predicament! Did the vet say whether you can give it with food like his oatmeal? How many cc's/millimeters? Are you using a syringe or spoon to give it to him? Smith's Supermarket, CVS and Walmart all sell a small eyedropper that might be easier than a spoon or syringe. Jay and Maggie{Feel-good-000200BB}
  18. {Feel-good-000200A2}See,you are doing good...You have been there for Cookie from the start!! and you'll always be there, He knows that...... Jay{Feel-good-000200BB}
  19. {Feel-good-00020069}THIS IS THE MOST FANTASTIC POST EVER!!!! Everyone is so happy, and so much good info, nothing bad, just all good, you can feel the warmth..... Jay{Feel-good-00020114}
  20. Double for what caitb says....:cheer: Keep doing the great job!
  21. B) That's a okay weight. Spock's active too...loves to play with the dog:laugh: We got his Aviator and we let him play with it and wear it for short periods until he quits picking at it... We have to wait until dusk or at sunrise before we can take him outside because it has been in the 120's outside :laugh: Jay and Maggie
  22. That's fantastic! I can imagine you are all bursting with pride and rightly so! How much does Echo weigh now? Spock only ate half of his formula this morning and then finished off with his smash. He does not like oatmeal or fruit much (same...licks them except blackberries)Spock and Echo are within one day of each other. Echo is such a pretty baby! I'm sure he is taking good care of his slave....{Feel-good-00020069}Jay and Maggie
  23. :blink: Sorry, it posted twice...:sick: Jay and Maggie
  24. Having trouble with my WIFI. 28cc's is great.. If you can't find Exact macaw or Zupreem-Plus try Zupreem regular and ad a half of tsp peanut butter.How do you know Cookie is a male? Females are smaller than males, Timneh smaller than Congos. Was a Dna test done? Your doing great..:cheer:Jay and Maggie .
  25. ;)Helen, your doing great, keep calm, Your both going to be ok... 28CC'S is great, you don't want to stretch his crop! If you can,t find Zupreem or Exact Macaw,put a little bit of peanut butter,I like half, I like Zupreem regular better than Exact..Petsmart carry it. try to feed Cookie around the same time each day. Are you sure Cookie is a BOY? Was a test(dna) done? Female Cag' are smaller than males...Timneh's are smaller than Congos... Were always here to try to help:cheer:Jay and Maggie
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