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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Your baby's are still young, this is normal,,,be careful about letting them bond, you might have to keep them separated longer. My opinion only...Jay d
  2. After spending a fortune or two, I'm finely having some luck with TOP's.....If you ever get TOP'S TREAT, try it, it's for humans also...lol, it's good, We bought a bag for us to...
  3. What wonderful baby's, thank you....
  4. Thank you, This Forum is a Grey't Place, Thank You to all the Members......
  5. Pellet's, A couple of the favorite brand's are Harrison's and Zupreem, I've just switched to TOP'S, ....
  6. Welcome and thank you, wonderful photo's and thanks for re=homing...Jayd
  7. Please do, can't wait........
  8. Welcome and thank you for Re-homing, so many birds are in need of our help..We love photo's... Jayd, Maggie, Spock, and the Flock
  9. Thank you, and sorry about your baby. It's so hard to answer medical questions, sometimes we can make suggestion, it's hard.Question? Did the vet advise you to give you baby probiotics since he getting antibiotics? you might wish to ask your vet about them. Very important.. When ever our fids are on antibiotics, we give them a little lowfat plain yogurt each day...... Search :probiotics for parrots on the web..This is only a suggestion....Jayd
  10. Thank you , I believe it's time it's time to end this matter and move along..Any updates on Onyx? Is he back in the Tank?[ brooder] Jayd
  11. Thank you so much, What a beauty.. If I may, this Thread will give you links to some of the most informative threads on the forum...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  12. Can you show us proof that the Good Doctor has endorsed any of this? ????
  13. Hi, and thank you, please keep us all informed, how old is Greycie? Photo's please....Jayd
  14. I'm sorry you feel this way, Your missing out of meeting a lot of Grey't people and their owners, their birds. Your always welcome here...Jayd NOTE: I believe this matter is finished.
  15. Remember, As human do, so do bird's, Most parrots come in Small, Medium and Large frames...Again as humans, some are more clumsy then others....LOL
  16. Welcome, Tell us, What's your Grey's Name? How many birds do you have? How Long?, Do you have any photo's of your Grey? Looking forward to your reply... Were here to help with your Grey....
  17. How wonderful, enjoy yourself......all of You......Jayd
  18. Please use solid toys that can be cleaned, no dye's etc...Thanks Jayd
  19. Thank You, well put.....Jayd
  20. Good suggestion, Possibly. if Diego happened to chew it, it could be un-safe.... Maybe just pot's and pans or something not inviting might be the best to start with...[get some rest,] Jayd
  21. :)Thank you. All you say, I'm sure could be more than true, I'm not helping a "lady", I'm offering help to a bird, the most I can hope for is maybe some one will heed my advice. I'm sorry I won't judge or condemn, it's not my way, no more would I judge or condemn you for what you have said of another. This wonderful forum is here to help all who ask, were here to learn, advise, trade thoughts. If anyone wish's to continue this subject, they can PM, you personally... So, why don't you make a thread about yourself and your fid's, we love pictures..... Thank you...Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock...
  22. were sorry, can't stop crying you dif so much for your baby jay
  23. :oAs you might know, none of our fids like pellets except one, Tango, [oh how hard we tried!], Also, we try to feed our fids, Organic. We’ve spent a lot of time working up diets for our different fid’s, all special in their own right, plus Spock’s High Carb’s balanced diet… For a short while now, we’ve added a new commercial Pellet and seed mix to all our fids diet, It’s all organic, preservative free, food, both the pellets and the seed’s. This food product is “Totally Organics‘” “TOP”. The products we’ve tried are: TOP Pellets , TOP All in One Seed Mix, TOP Napoleon's Seed Mix, [smaller birds] and TOP Tesoro Treats… Top Pellets, All natural, naturally preserved, no artificial preservatives, certified organic ingredients and cold pressed process so nothing is destroyed in the making of TOP Pellets… TOP All in One Seed Mix, TOP Napoleon's Seed Mix, [smaller birds] is also Certified Organic, and human grade. TOP Tesoro Treats, are human grade organic, and mineral rich. Ok, now what did our ruling fids think of the new addition to there diet? At first as expected with our picky pigs, skeptic! Ok Tango our ‘TOO, Liked the pellets from the start, he eat’s ½ top’s and ½ his regular pellets, loves the seed’s and really loves the Tesoro Treats, All our fids love the treat’s, no problem.. Ok, the Grey’s and the pellets,,, Spock, [1 ½ years old] no way!! No mater how we try them, we won’t give up.. Joey, [3 years old] will eat them as a snack, [Joe’s a rescue] he’s convert to the seed mix easily, [that’s great], So has Spock…Salsa, [1 ½ years old] no on the pellets, eats jus a few, but has switched to the seed’s [yea] Freddy, 19 year old ‘TOO, he accepted both the pellets and seed’s. Of the remaining 15 fid’s, all accepted the seed’s with 4 accepting pellets,,,, ]These are all older birds] Short Sprouting, 8-12 hours before feeding, almost 100% sprouted, only fresh live seeds will sprout!!! Only 4 birds didn’t like them…Really easy to do, soak the seeds before you go to bed [use proper sprouting techniques‘] and serve when you get up, what can I say…. Suggestion, visit their site to find out what’s in the food etc, quite impressive….We’ve added these products to our menu, they work for us… Thanks Jayd http://totallyorganics.com/categories.php
  24. Here's 4 of our babies, all grown now...
  25. Jayd

    Pitting Grapes

    Quote: Without fail, they first dig out the seeds and devour them with a look that lets you know they think they have found a food treasure! And they are right. Just ask the price of the newest and most expensive anti-oxidant at your health food store. Grape Seed Extract (or OPC, oligomeric procyanidins) is one of the most potent antioxidants known--fifty times as powerful as Vitamin E, according to some tests. This is a completely non-toxic material which has been used in Europe for forty years. In France, it is the foremost drug used to treat varicose veins. It also is used in Europe, and now here, to treat eye problems, arthritis, hay fever and other allergies, nosebleeds, and even Attention Deficit Disorder. According to Doane & Qualkinbush, authors of MY PARROT, MY FRIEND, feather plucking in parrots has been successfully treated with a similar anti-oxidant called Pycnogenol, pronounced pik-NOD-ja-nol, which is the same material as grapeseed extract, but taken from the bark of a French maritime pine tree. The anti-oxidant qualities of Pycnogenol and Grape Seed Extract are the same but Grape Seed Extract is less expensive. Not only the seeds of grapes are healing but the fruit itself also is a very versatile remedy. It has been used effectively in the treatment of herpes viruses and heart conditions, among others.Un-Quote:
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